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English-German translation for: worried
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Dictionary English German: worried

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
ADJ   worried | more worried | most worried
VERB  to worry | worried | worried ... 
SYNO   apprehensive | worried | disquieted ... 
worried {adj}
worried {adj} {past-p}
worried {adj} {past-p}
worried {adj}
ängstlich [besorgt]
worried {past-p} [troubled]
zugesetzt [gestört]
worried {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. worried
jd./etw. beunruhigte
worried {adj} {past-p}
worried {adj} {past-p}
worried {adj}
worried {past-p}
umgetrieben [keine Ruhe gelassen]
worried {adj}abgequält
worried {past-p}(sich) gesorgt
2 Words: Others
more worried {adj}besorgter
most worried {adj}besorgteste
2 Words: Verbs
to be worrieddeprimiert sein
to be worriedsich ärgern
to be worriedsich aufregen
to be worriedverunsichert sein
to be worriedin Sorge sein
to get worriedbeginnen, sichDat. Sorgen zu machen
3 Words: Others
worried by creditors {adj} [postpos.]von Gläubigern geplagt
3 Words: Verbs
to be very worriedsichDat. große Sorgen machen
to be worried about sth.um etw. bangen
to be worried by sth.etw.Akk. mit sichDat. herumschleppen [ugs.] [fig.]
to be worried shitless [vulg.]sich ins Hemd machen [ugs.] [fig.]
to be worried sickkrank vor Sorge sein
4 Words: Others
I am worried about ...Ich bin besorgt wegen ...
4 Words: Verbs
to have sb. worried to deathjdn. zu Tode ängstigen
5+ Words: Others
I was starting to get worried.Ich hab mir schon Sorgen gemacht.
I was worried something had happened to you.Ich hatte schon gedacht, Ihnen wäre etwas passiert.
I'm slightly worried about it.Das beunruhigt mich etwas.
I'm still worried about it.Es ist mir noch immer nicht wohl dabei.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be worried that one has missed the boat [idiom]Torschlusspanik haben [Redewendung]
to be worried that one has missed the boat [idiom]Torschlusspanik kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put on a worried expression [idiom]eine besorgte Miene aufsetzen [Redewendung]
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Q 2016-03-13: Aren't you worried about what might happen?
A 2016-01-28: His concerned/worried voice boomed/blared/bellowed/blasted out of the tele...
Q 2015-08-31: Worried about Losing Louisiana? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b066zkv7
A 2015-04-13: I was worried about what he would say.
Q 2014-09-28: the "worried well"
A 2012-12-19: I am just worried that everything will stay the same / nothing will change.
A 2012-09-04: I'm not worried at all.
Q 2012-09-04: I'm a bit worried.
A 2012-03-08: People in other places are worried about the future of the Eurozone should...
Q 2012-03-01: they are worried about how they will survive each day
A 2011-05-15: oder: I'm worried I might not be able to do it
A 2011-04-07: worried sick
A 2011-04-04: Is that right: I´m worried about the payment morale?
A 2011-01-26: I'm not too worried.
A 2010-06-18: You can say don't worry or don't be worried,
A 2010-05-17: I'm afraid - ich fürchte ; I'm concerned - ich bin betroffen ; I'm worried...
Q 2010-05-17: Unterschiede zu: concerned, afraid, worried, anxious
Q 2010-04-20: i'm starting to get worried...
A 2010-03-13: i am not worried but i care about you
A 2009-12-29: Although I fully understand Catesse's concern I am not worried about the m...

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