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English-German translation for: worse
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Dictionary English German: worse

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>

English German
ADJ   bad | worse/[nonstandard] badder | worst/[nonstandard] baddest
SYNO   worse | worsened
worse {adj} {adv}
worse {adj} {adv}
worse {adj} {adv}
worse {adj} [sicker]
2 Words: Others
getting worse {adj} {pres-p}verschärfend
making worseverschlimmernd
sb./sth. made worsejd./etw. verschlimmerte
sb./sth. makes worsejd./etw. verschlimmert
sth. gets worseetw. verschärft sich
sth. got worseetw. verschärfte sich
Worse luck!Leider!
worse off {adj}in einer misslicheren Lage
worse-dispositioned {adj}schlechtergestellt
worse-rated {adj}schlechtergestuft
worse-rated {adj}schlechter eingestuft
2 Words: Verbs
to get worsesich verschärfen
to get worsesich verschlechtern
to get worsesich verschlimmern
to make sth. worseetw.Akk. verschlimmern
to make sth. worseetw.Akk. noch ärger machen
3 Words: Others
a deal worseviel schlechter
a sight worse {adj} {adv} [coll.] [regional] [considerably worse]wesentlich schlechter
all the worseumso schlimmer
Could be worse.Halb so schlimm.
Could be worse.So la la. [ugs.] [Antwort auf "Wie geht's? / Wie war's?"]
worse and worse {adj} {adv}immer schlechter
worse and worse {adj} {adv} [e.g. a situation getting worse and worse]immer schlimmer
3 Words: Verbs
to be worse offschlimmer dran sein
to begin even worse [a day, a month etc.]sich noch schlimmer anlassen [ugs.] [ein Tag, ein Monat, etc.]
to make matters worseeine Sache schlimmer machen
to make sth. even worseetw. noch schlimmer machen
3 Words: Nouns
far worse adversaryweit schlimmerer Gegner {m}
something much worseetwas viel Schlimmeres {n}
audio worse / poorer earschlechteres Ohr {n}
4 Words: Others
a good deal worse {adv}viel schlechter
and what is worseund was schlimmer ist
but what was worsewas jedoch schlimmer war
Could have been worse.So la la. [ugs.] [Antwort auf "Wie geht's? / Wie war's?"]
from bad to worse {adv} [idiom]immer schlechter
It could be worse.Das ist kein Beinbruch. [fig.]
It gets even worse.Es kommt noch dicker. [Redewendung]
idiom It sucked worse than ... [Am.]Es war schlimmer als ...
so much the worseumso schlimmer
the worse for drink {adj} [Br.]betrunken
Things are getting worse.Die Lage wird schlimmer.
to make matters worse {adv} [idiom]zu allem Übel [Redewendung] [obendrein]
to make matters worse {adv} [idiom]zu allem Unglück [Redewendung] [obendrein]
idiom to make things worse {adv}um es noch schlimmer zu machen
Worse still for sb., ...Schlimmer noch war für jdn., dass ...
worse than initially thought {adj}schlimmer als ursprünglich angenommen
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A 2024-03-11: The raisins did not make it worse, but could not salvage it.
A 2023-09-28: bad English, worse than bad, wrong English
Q 2021-01-03: the more you speak, the worse it becomes
A 2020-01-18: A warning for something worse to come.
A 2018-10-24: Vielleicht auch: worse things happen at sea?
Q 2017-06-27: Anybody any the worse for it? WashPost: +Massive cyberattack hits Europe w...
A 2017-04-20: His voting records are even worse. He/she doesn't seem to care.
A 2016-12-27: Even worse.
Q 2016-12-04: warre = war, worse, something else?
A 2016-11-21: Corgi and Bess have weathered worse storms
Q 2016-08-15: got constantly worse ?
A 2016-06-18: Even worse: Auto-correction.
A 2016-06-06: If in doubt, f*** Bruxelles ;-) Nothing can be worse than that ;-)
A 2016-05-12: Absonderung - discharge (even worse)
A 2015-10-10: "much, much worse than anywhere else in the world"
A 2015-07-06: Even worse
A 2015-06-01: it could be worse....
A 2015-01-20: Ubiquitous +Skype+ is even worse than +WhatsApp+
A 2014-08-05: L hurt T no worse than T hurt L
A 2014-07-09: worse - most badly / worst

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• worse
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