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English-German translation for: worth
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Dictionary English German: worth

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ADJ   worth | more worth | most worth
VERB  to worth | worth/worthed | worth, worthed,/worthen ... 
SYNO   Charles Frederick Worth | Worth ... 
worth {adj}
worth {prep} [pred.] [having a value of]
über [im Wert von]
worth {adj}im Wert von
worth {prep} [pred.] [having a value of]über einen Wert von
Wert {m}
Geltung {f} [Wert]
Werth {m} [veraltet für: Wert]
2 Words: Others
billions worth {adj} [losses]milliardenschwer [Verluste]
not worth {adj}unwert
worth admiring {adj} [postpos.]bewundernswert
worth avoiding {adj} [postpos.]vermeidenswert
worth buying {adj} [postpos.]preiswert
worth buying {adj} [postpos.]den Kauf wert [nur prädikativ]
worth collecting {adj} [postpos.]sammelwürdig
worth consideration {adj} [postpos.]eine Überlegung wert [nur prädikativ]
worth consideration {adj} [postpos.]einer Überlegung wert [nur prädikativ]
worth considering {adj} [postpos.]erwägenswert
worth considering {adj} [postpos.]überlegenswert
worth considering {adj} [postpos.]die Berücksichtigung wert [nur prädikativ]
worth considering {adj} [postpos.] [offer]prüfenswert
worth copying {adj} [postpos.]nachahmenswert
worth desiring {adj} [postpos.]begehrenswert
worth doing {adj} [postpos.]lohnend
worth emphasising {adj} [Br.] [postpos.]hervorhebenswert
worth emphasizing {adj} [postpos.]hervorhebenswert
worth emulating {adj} [postpos.]nachahmenswert
worth examining {adj} [postpos.]prüfenswert
worth exploring {adj} [postpos.]erkundenswert
worth having {adj} [postpos.]besitzenswert
worth hearing {adj} [postpos.]hörenswert
worth honouring {adj} [Br.] [postpos.]ehrenwert
worth imitating {adj} [postpos.]nachahmungswert
worth investing {adj}die Anlage wert
worth knowing {adj} [postpos.]wissenswert
worth learning {adj} [postpos.]lernenswert
worth little {adj} [postpos.]wenig wert [nur prädikativ]
worth living {adj} [postpos.]lebenswert
worth mentioning {adj} [postpos.]erwähnenswert
worth mentioning {adj} [postpos.]nennenswert
mining worth mining {adj} [postpos.]abbauwürdig
worth nothing {adj} [postpos.]nichts wert [nur prädikativ]
worth noting {adj} [postpos.]beachtenswert
worth noting {adj} [postpos.]bemerkenswert
worth noting {adj} [postpos.]erwähnenswert
worth observing {adj} [postpos.]befolgenswert
worth preserving {adj} [postpos.]erhaltenswert
worth protecting {adj} [postpos.]schützenswert
worth reading {adj} [postpos.]lesenswert
worth remarking {adj}bemerkenswert
worth reporting {adj} [postpos.]berichtenswert
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A 2024-03-28: Drunk is too obvious. Nothing worth writing about.
A 2023-06-20: Worth noticing: +fanny+ in AE and BE anatomically close but not at all the...
A 2023-03-29: +Geschichtle+ might well be worth an entry if you also include, for instan...
A 2022-10-01: Worth mentioning? https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-the...
A 2022-01-12: Machine translation and paywall. Daypass could be worth it.
Q 2021-07-11: The juice is worth the squeeze
A 2020-12-31: Genuine friendships are worth their weight in gold, relationships worth me...
A 2020-12-31: True friends are worth their weight in gold, relationships worth mere tuppence.
A 2020-12-30: True friends are worth their weight in gold.
A 2020-03-12: So perhaps (b) taken from +WordNet+ is worth entering into dict.cc
A 2019-04-30: It seems the translation you are grappling with is worth nothing
A 2019-04-02: Beg to differ (for all it's worth)
Q 2019-03-26: Kann man hier 'worth your pastime' sagen? Danke!
A 2019-03-04: The commercial minus sign looks different in English though: ⁒ Perhaps wo...
A 2019-03-01: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=Kyp5XL-nGuKjrgS4yoTIAQ&q=%22net+...
A 2019-02-11: For what it may be worth ...
A 2018-09-06: I can only give you my 2 cents worth.
Q 2018-09-06: Ten Cents Worth
A 2018-07-17: Not worth it
Q 2018-05-26: Are these two alternate spellings worth an entry? They google quite well.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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