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English-German translation for: wouldn't
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Dictionary English German: wouldn't

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sb. wouldn'tjd. würde nicht
2 Words: Others
[you] wouldn't like[du] möchtest nicht
Normally sb./sth. wouldn't.Normalerweise nicht.
You wouldn't've ... [coll.] [You would not have]Sie hätten / wären nicht ...
3 Words: Others
He wouldn't listen.Er wollte nicht hören.
I wouldn't know.Keine Ahnung.
I wouldn't mind.Es würde mir nichts ausmachen.
It wouldn't matter.Es wäre egal.
Wouldn't you agree?Meinen Sie nicht auch? [formelle Anrede]
You wouldn't dare!Du wirst dich schwer hüten!
4 Words: Others
..., wouldn't you say?..., würden Sie nicht auch sagen? [formelle Anrede]
He wouldn't be surprised.Wundern täte es ihn nicht. [ugs.]
I wouldn't be surprised.Es würde mich nicht überraschen.
I wouldn't say no.Ich würde nicht nein sagen. [ugs.]
I wouldn't say so.Das würde ich nicht sagen.
idiom I wouldn't sweat it. [sl.]Ich würde mir darüber keine Gedanken machen.
idiom I wouldn't sweat it. [sl.]Ich würde mir darüber keine Sorgen machen.
It wouldn't involve you.Du hättest nichts damit zu tun.
like you wouldn't believe [coll.]ohne Ende
idiom sb. wouldn't hurt a flyjd. tut keiner Fliege was zuleide
automot. tech. The engine wouldn't start.Der Motor wollte nicht anspringen.
idiom Wouldn't you know it.Das war klar.
idiom Wouldn't you know it.Das musste ja so kommen.
5+ Words: Others
(If I were) Given the chance, I wouldn't hesitate.Wenn ich die Möglichkeit hätte, würde ich nicht zögern.
A glass of wine wouldn't go amiss.Ein Glas Wein wäre nicht verkehrt.
Actually, I wouldn't mind (at all).Ich wäre gar nicht abgeneigt. [ugs.]
Arsenal still wouldn't have scored.Arsenal hätte trotzdem nicht getroffen.
He probably wouldn't like it.Er hätte wahrscheinlich was dagegen. [ugs.]
He wouldn't give it house room. [Br.] [idiom]Er nähme es nicht geschenkt. [Redewendung]
idiom He wouldn't harm a fly.Er könnte keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tun.
idiom He wouldn't hurt a fly.Er könnte keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tun.
I was thinking, if you wouldn't mind ...Ich dachte, wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht ...
I wouldn't (go so far as to) say that, but ...Das würde ich nicht (unbedingt) sagen, aber ...
I wouldn't be caught dead there! [fig.]Da möchte ich nicht abgemalt sein! [ugs.] [regional] [Redewendung]
I wouldn't be seen dead in a place like that. [idiom]Keine zehn Pferde würden mich an solch einen Ort bringen. [Redewendung]
I wouldn't be seen dead in that dress.So ein Kleid würde ich nie im Leben anziehen.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher.
I wouldn't bet on it.Da würde ich nicht drauf wetten. [ugs.]
I wouldn't bet on it.Ich würde keine Wette darauf eingehen. [selten]
I wouldn't bet on it.Ich würde nicht darauf wetten.
I wouldn't dream of doing sth.Es würde mir nicht im Traum einfallen, etw. zu tun.
I wouldn't dream of doing sth.Ich würde nicht im Traum daran denken, etw. zu tun
idiom I wouldn't dream of it.Ich denke nicht im Traum daran.
I wouldn't dream of such a thing!Das würde ich mir nie träumen lassen!
I wouldn't go out with him for a million dollars. [idiom]Ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehen. [Redewendung]
I wouldn't go so far as to say that.So weit würde ich nicht gehen.
I wouldn't go that far. [also fig.]So weit würde ich nicht gehen. [auch fig.]
idiom I wouldn't go there for all the tea in China.Da würden mich keine zehn Pferde hinbringen.
I wouldn't go this far. [also fig.]Ich würde so weit nicht gehen. [auch fig.]
I wouldn't go to the stake for it. [idiom]Ich würde mich dafür nicht kreuzigen lassen. [Redewendung]
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Q 2024-05-25: He wouldn't give it a house-room. ??
A 2023-07-01: it's an expression of mild surprise: "you wouldn't have thought so but he ...
A 2023-04-18: I wouldn't claim that everyone means it this way, but for me a plain donut...
A 2023-03-18: As a member of the younger generation, I might refer to a beanie as a hat,...
A 2023-03-11: Nobody applies salt to a road (heavily) covered with snow. It simply would...
A 2022-07-20: No, I wouldn't use it, at least not there. Would go with present perfect.
A 2020-12-21: Vielleicht eine Konstruktion mit "I wouldn't mind (if)..." ?
A 2020-12-07: Incidentally, wouldn't the 'machine' be inordinately clever, nay steeped i...
Q 2020-06-22: you wouldn't know
A 2019-12-08: I wouldn't capitalise it, but it looks like Dwight would.
A 2019-07-12: "If you wouldn't mind" ~ if you were willing not to mind; "if you would be...
A 2019-04-16: I wouldn't assume it is dyed red, it is just as likely to be a natural 'red'.
A 2019-01-09: no, she wouldn't be giving anybody anything indeed ...
A 2018-08-28: to turn out: You wouldn't turn a dog out in this (type of) weather
A 2018-08-16: you wouldn't
A 2018-07-23: you wouldn't know him / none you'd know
Q 2018-02-25: won't oder wouldn't
A 2018-02-15: (After all,) there wouldn't be a law against my saying so / that, would it?
A 2018-01-30: Petting in German is a noun, not a verb. So the EN "petting a dog" wouldn'...
A 2017-10-31: I wouldn't be surprised, if our member romy will be able to help.

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