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English-German translation for: wounded
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Dictionary English German: wounded

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VERB  to wound | wounded | wounded ... 
SYNO   maimed | wounded | hurt
wounded {adj} {past-p}
wounded {adj} {past-p}
angeschlagen [getroffen, verwundet]
wounded {adj} {past-p} [shot]
wounded {pl} [used indefinitely]
Verwundete {pl}
the wounded {pl} [used collectively]die Verwundeten {pl}
2 Words: Others
badly wounded {adj}gefährlich verletzt
badly wounded {adj}schwer verwundet
dangerously wounded {adj}schwer verwundet
fatally wounded {adj}tödlich verwundet
fatally wounded {adj} [by an arrow, bullet etc.]tödlich getroffen
grievously wounded {adj} {past-p}schwer verwundet
lethally wounded {adj}tödlich getroffen
hunting mortally wounded {adj}waidwund [alt] [auch fig.]
hunting mortally wounded {adj}weidwund [auch fig.]
mortally wounded {adj}tödlich verletzt
mortally wounded {adj} {past-p}tödlich verwundet
slightly wounded {adj}leicht verwundet
2 Words: Verbs
to be woundedverletzt sein
to be woundedverwundet sein
2 Words: Nouns
walking woundedgehfähige Verwundete {pl}
war woundedKriegsverletzte {pl}
wounded feelingsverletzte Gefühle {pl}
wounded honour [Br.]gekränkte Ehre {f}
wounded honour [Br.]verletzte Ehre {f}
wounded manVerwundeter {m}
wounded personBlessierter {m} [veraltet] [Verwundeter]
wounded personVerwundeter {m}
wounded pridegekränkter Stolz {m}
wounded soul [person]Seelenkrüppel {m} [ugs.] [derb]
wounded vanityverletzte Eitelkeit {f}
wounded womanVerwundete {f}
3 Words: Others
after being wounded {adv}nach (der) Verwundung
mil. wounded in action {adj} <WIA> [postpos.]im Kampfeinsatz verwundet
3 Words: Nouns
dead and woundedTote und Verwundete
law med. mil. self-inflicted wounded <SIW>Selbstverstümmler {m}
the war-woundeddie Kriegsversehrten {pl}
hist. Wounded Knee Massacre [1890]Massaker {n} von Wounded Knee [auch: Wounded-Knee-Massaker]
4 Words: Nouns
mil. transport of the woundedVerwundetentransport {m}
mil. transportation of wounded soldiersVerwundetentransport {m}
5+ Words: Others
The wounded were dispersed among hospitals.Die Verwundeten wurden auf Krankenhäuser verteilt.
5+ Words: Verbs
to act out of wounded prideaus verletztem Stolz handeln
to be wounded in the legam Bein verwundet sein
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. losses in killed and woundedVerluste {pl} an Toten und Verwundeten
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. relig. F O Sacred Head, Now WoundedO Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
mus. relig. F O Sacred Head, Sore WoundedO Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
film F The Wounded Man [Patrice Chéreau]Der verführte Mann - L'Homme blessé
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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A 2016-09-26: Cf. +civilian dead+ and +military casualties+ or +injured civilians+ and +...
A 2012-03-12: Wounded animal.
Q 2012-03-11: to lick my wounded ego
A 2009-08-02: i would still think that somebody got shot AT, if the person was "merely" ...
A 2009-08-01: wounded
A 2009-06-26: wounded pride or injured pride
Q 2009-06-26: verletzter Stolz = wounded honour?
A 2007-04-02: Wild: wounded (or shot) in the belly
A 2005-10-20: charge like a wounded bull
Q 2004-04-05: wounded isolated feelings??

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