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English-German translation for: wrapped
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Dictionary English German: wrapped

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
ADJ   wrapped | more wrapped | most wrapped
VERB  to wrap | wrapped | wrapped ... 
SYNO   cloaked | clothed | draped ... 
wrapped {adj} {past-p}
sth. wrappedetw. hüllte ein
wrapped {adj} {past-p}eingehüllt
2 Words: Others
gastr. bacon-wrapped {adj}im Speckmantel [nachgestellt]
cellophane-wrapped {adj}zellophaniert [in Zellophan verpackt]
individually wrapped {adj}einzeln verpackt
leather-wrapped {adj}lederummantelt
plastic-wrapped {adj}in Plastik eingepackt
plastic-wrapped {adj}in Plastik verpackt
shrink-wrapped {adj} {past-p}eingeschweißt
shrink-wrapped {adj} {past-p}in Schrumpffolie verpackt
sth. wrapped roundetw. umwickelte
when sth. wrappedals etw. einhüllte
wrapped (up) {adj} {past-p}eingewickelt
wrapped in {adj} {past-p}eingehüllt
wrapped round (sth.) {adj} {past-p}umwickelt
wrapped up {adj} {past-p}eingehüllt
wrapped up {past-p}verwickelt
wrapped up {adj} {past-p} [engaged]beschäftigt [seine Zeit jdm./etw. gewidmet]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. wrapped candy [Am.]Wickelbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
cloth. wrapped coat [less common for: wrap coat]Wickelmantel {m}
electr. wrapped connectionWickelverbindung {f}
wrapped connectiongesteckter Kontakt {m}
wrapped connectiongewickelter Kontakt {m}
3 Words: Others
decoratively wrapped upin Geschenkpapier
well wrapped up {adj} [coll.]dick eingepackt [ugs.]
wrapped in allegory {adj} [postpos.]allegorisch verkleidet
gastr. wrapped in bacon {adj} [postpos.]im Speckmantel [nachgestellt]
wrapped in cellophane {adj} {past-p} [also: Cellophane®]zellophaniert [in Zellophan verpackt]
wrapped in flames {adj} [postpos.]in Flammen gehüllt
wrapped in mystery {adj} [postpos.]geheimnisumhüllt
wrapped in mystery {adj} [postpos.]in geheimnisvolles Dunkel gehüllt
wrapped in silence {adv} [idiom]in Schweigen gehüllt [Redewendung]
wrapped up (in) {adj} {past-p} [devoted]ergeben [zugetan]
3 Words: Verbs
to be wrapped in sth.in etw.Akk. gehüllt sein
to be wrapped in sth.von etw. umwoben sein
idiom to get sth. wrapped up [coll.]etw. eingetütet bekommen [ugs.] [zum Abschluss bringen]
3 Words: Nouns
wrapped bead wireumwickelter Wulstdraht {m}
wrapped up truthverhüllte Wahrheit {f}
4 Words: Others
wrapped up in business {adj} [postpos.]vom Geschäft völlig in Anspruch genommen
wrapped up in duties {adj} [postpos.]von Pflichten völlig in Anspruch genommen
wrapped up in work {adj} [postpos.]mit Arbeit völlig zugedeckt
4 Words: Verbs
to be wrapped in thoughtin Gedanken versunken sein
to be wrapped up in sth. [fig.]in etw.Dat. aufgehen [seine Erfüllung finden]
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. individually wrapped cheese slicesKäse-Scheibletten {pl}
5+ Words: Others
bibl. quote And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger. [King James Bible]Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn und wickelte ihn in Windeln und legte ihn in eine Krippe. [Luther]
wrapped in / with / by clouds {adj}wolkenverhangen
wrapped up in an affairin eine Angelegenheit verwickelt
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be totally wrapped up in sth. [work, activity]mit etw.Dat. ganz und gar beschäftigt sein
to be wrapped up in an intriguein eine Intrige verwickelt sein
to get wrapped up in a discussionsich in eine Diskussion verstricken
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A 2022-10-19: Mind you, +try+ is also a noun. +sunfun+ wrapped up its meaning.
A 2017-09-13: drinking alcohol in public from a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag isn'...
A 2014-02-28: Formal - in which a piece of chewing gum had probably once been wrapped.
Q 2011-11-05: Handbuch für Baumaschine - "Thermo shield" und "soft wrapped" unbekannt
A 2011-10-07: Could it be "wrapped in bacon"?
A 2011-07-21: Look at some of the other possibilities for http://www.dict.cc/?s=wrapped+up
Q 2011-07-21: "Sometimes I get too wrapped up in my car"
A 2011-06-10: Folierung - shrink wrapped
Q 2010-11-16: wrapped in this context/to blow the lid
Q 2010-11-03: directors wrapped early - funny expression, did I translate it correctly?
A 2010-01-20: typo / misspelling: tie-wrapped
Q 2010-01-20: ty-wrapped
A 2010-01-05: We're going soft, are we? Konstantin Paustovsky had to sleep on the floor ...
A 2009-08-07: give me a *p*: wrapped :-)
A 2009-04-29: Allan and Catesse wrapped into one: Don't operate the machine beyond its c...
A 2009-03-16: Small packages just means small sizes, whatever it is doesn't have to be w...
A 2009-02-13: wrapped in;
A 2009-02-09: wrapped in each other's arms.
A 2008-08-02: I think the cat has it wrapped up succinctly....
Q 2008-07-26: wrapped around their fingers

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• wrapped
wrapped bead wire
wrapped candy
wrapped coat
wrapped connection
wrapped in
wrapped in allegory
wrapped in bacon
wrapped in cellophane
wrapped in flames
wrapped in mystery

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