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Dictionary English German: written

Translation 1 - 50 of 209  >>

English German
ADJ   written | more written | most written
VERB  to write | wrote | written/[archaic] writ ... 
SYNO   scripted | written
written {adj}
written {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
badly written {adj} {past-p}schlecht geschrieben
better-written {adj} [attr.]besser geschrieben
closely written {adj} [of words on a page]engbeschrieben
manually written {adj}handschriftlich
nicely writtennett geschrieben
non-written {adj}nichtschriftlich [auch: nicht-schriftlich]
non-written {adj}schriftlos
powerfully written {adj}mitreißend geschrieben
comp. self-written {adj} {past-p}selbstgeschrieben
user-written {adj}benutzergeschrieben
well-written {adj}gut geschrieben
written back {past-p}zurückgeschrieben
written byverfasst von
written down {adj} {past-p}angeschrieben
written down {adj} {past-p}niedergeschrieben
written off {past-p}abgebucht
written off {adj} {past-p}abgeschrieben
written off {adj} {past-p}totgesagt [fig.]
written-out {adj} {past-p}ausgeschrieben [in voller Länge geschrieben; ausgefüllt (Scheck etc.)]
2 Words: Nouns
law (written) complaintBeschwerdeschrift {f}
(written) confirmationBescheinigung {f}
(written) defence [Br.]Verteidigungsschrift {f}
(written) noteMitschrift {f}
(written) notesMitschriften {pl}
date writtenSchreibdatum {n}
written acknowledgementschriftliche Bestätigung {f}
law written acknowledgmentschriftliches Anerkenntnis {n}
written adviceschriftliche Benachrichtigung {f}
written agreementschriftliche Übereinkunft {f}
written agreementschriftliche Vereinbarung {f}
written agreementschriftliche Zusicherung {f}
written agreementschriftliche Zustimmung {f}
written agreementschriftlicher Vertrag {m}
law written agreementschriftliches Einvernehmen {n}
written apologyschriftliche Entschuldigung {f}
written applicationschriftliche Bewerbung {f}
law written approvalschriftliche Zustimmung {f}
written authorityschriftliche Vollmacht {f}
written characterDienstzeugnis {n}
written communicationTextkommunikation {f}
written communicationschriftliche Kommunikation {f}
written complaintBeschwerdebrief {m}
written complaintschriftliche Beschwerde {f}
written confirmationschriftliche Bestätigung {f}
written consentschriftliche Einverständniserklärung {f}
written consentschriftliche Einwilligung {f}
written consentschriftliche Genehmigung {f}
written consentschriftliche Zustimmung {f}
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A 2023-04-03: Many compounds can be written all three ways in English.
A 2022-01-18: It's troublesome to translate because it's poorly written.
A 2021-07-02: RedRufus had also written +claim for+ so that bit seemed to be settled.
A 2021-05-22: For the time when the hymn was written, 'in thy father's faith' might work
A 2021-02-28: That's what I have finally written. Thanks to all!
A 2020-12-29: Incidentally, at the LSE Popper's +Open Society and its Enemies+ was known...
A 2020-10-10: GDPR is an EU regulation and written out is the General Data Protection Re...
A 2020-06-13: The notes aren't written down, it's usually something like a group feedbac...
A 2019-09-26: This Agreement shall not be binding unless signed by both parties. \ Contr...
A 2019-07-24: written statement
A 2019-04-06: That was only an example, Sasso'! Of course you can black out anything you...
A 2019-03-23: The last quote was written by a superb stylist. Nothing more elegant than ...
A 2019-01-07: In British English, yes, but "Trump" is normally written in lowercase in t...
A 2018-10-27: The English source is very poorly written
A 2018-08-15: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=k2J0W7XaO430kwWcyIGwAQ&q=%22the+time+th...
A 2018-08-15: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=M2J0W7fYOMf6kwWPtpXgCQ&q=%22the+time+th...
Q 2018-08-15: Which of these sentences is written correctly?
A 2017-12-19: I translated what LIB had written — without interpretation, interpolation ...
A 2017-10-27: No, same rules for written / formal German
A 2017-05-29: Two entries or one? -- a "practice rule" but not a GL !!! -- written befo...

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