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English-German translation for: wrong
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Dictionary English German: wrong

Translation 1 - 50 of 424  >>

English German
ADJ   wrong | more wrong/wronger | most wrong/wrongest
NOUN   a wrong | wrongs
VERB  to wrong | wronged | wronged ... 
SYNO   incorrect | wrong | improper | wrong ... 
wrong {adj} {adv}
falsch [verkehrt] [auch: unrecht, ungerecht, unfair]
wrong {adj}
verkehrt [ugs.] [falsch]
wrong {adj}
wrong {adj} [erroneous]
abwegig [irrig]
wrong {adj}
wrong {adj}
wrong {adj}nicht richtig
to wrong sb. [discriminate against]
jdn. benachteiligen
to wrong sb.
jdm. schaden [unrecht tun]
to wrong sb.jdm. unrecht tun
to wrong sb.jdn. ungerecht behandeln
to wrong sb.jdm. (ein) Unrecht tun
to wrong sb.jdm. ein Leid antun
Unrecht {n}
wrong [injustice]
Unbill {f} [geh.]
Schuld {f} [Unrecht]
Tort {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
2 Words: Others
absolutely wrong {adj}völlig falsch
all wrong {adj}ganz falsch
all wrong {adj} [pred.]völlig falsch [präd.]
altogether wrong {adj}gänzlich falsch
completely wrong {adj}grundfalsch
completely wrong {adj}ganz falsch
completely wrong {adj}voll daneben [ugs.] [nur prädikativ]
completely wrong {adj}völlig daneben [ugs.] [unpassend, falsch]
completely wrong {adj}völlig falsch
dead wrong {adj} [coll.]stockfalsch [ugs.]
flat wrong {adj}schlichtweg falsch
going wrong {pres-p}schiefgehend [ugs.]
gone wrong {past-p}schiefgegangen
gone wrong {past-p}schiefgelaufen [ugs.]
grammatically wrong {adj}grammatikalisch falsch
markedly wrong {adj} {adv}ausgesprochen falsch
plain wrong {adj} {adv}schlichtweg falsch
quite wrong {adj}ganz falsch
quite wrong {adj}völlig falsch
sb. typed wrongjd. vertippte
sb. types wrongjd. vertippt sich
totally wrong {adj}grottenfalsch [ugs.] [salopp]
totally wrong {adj}grundfalsch
totally wrong {adj}völlig falsch
utterly wrong {adj}grundfalsch
What's wrong?Was ist los?
What's wrong?Was ist denn passiert?
What's wrong?Wo liegt das Problem?
What's wrong?Was / Wo ist das Problem?
Wrong (guess).Falsch (geraten).
wrong-headed {adj} [obstinate]starrköpfig
2 Words: Verbs
to aim wrongfalsch zielen
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A 2024-10-10: +sausages+ for +hostages+ — the wrong word simply followed by the right one
A 2024-10-04: aphoenix, your comment is pointless, and as usual wrong.
A 2024-09-27: "suspicion" usually implies s.th. forbidden, wrong, guilty etc.
A 2024-07-31: seems wrong to me too, but ...
A 2024-02-06: gekrümmt -- wrong
A 2024-02-01: [WRONG for: ...] bzw. [FALSCH für: ...] nur auf einer Seite möglich
Q 2023-11-25: This Honey entry seems wrong to me, but I am not sure.
Q 2023-11-17: Intimsphäre – multiple wrong entries
A 2023-10-20: “they” is a wrong, and stupid, duck. All these gender neutral, gender obs...
A 2023-09-28: bad English, worse than bad, wrong English
A 2023-07-02: "So ist es immer gewesen sein." is wrong.
A 2023-04-02: That sounded very grammatically wrong to me until I realized BE treats tea...
A 2023-03-11: ... and please do drop a line to +Alison, a literacy specialist+ to tell h...
A 2023-02-25: wrong comments by cameron-coombe
A 2022-11-24: So sorry, wrong link
A 2022-08-12: So sorry, wrong thread
A 2022-06-20: That's it, Lllama! My guess was wrong.
A 2022-04-02: Sorry, wrong thread
A 2021-12-30: @Zucci1 (20:09): You are completely wrong with all of your objections.
A 2021-12-08: The me – wrong

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