| English | German |  |
| – |
 | comm. x-stage order process | x-stufiger Bestellprozess {m} |  |
Partial Matches |
 | comm. comp. QM lead-to-order process <LTO process> | Lead-to-Order-Prozess {m} |  |
 | tech. process stage | Prozessstufe {f} |  |
 | engin. process stage | Verfahrensabschnitt {m} |  |
 | tech. process stage | Verfahrensstufe {f} |  |
 | downstream process stage | nachgeschaltete Verfahrensstufe {f} |  |
 | phys. two-stage process | Zwei-Phasen-Prozess {m} |  |
 | two-stage process | Zweistufenprozess {m} |  |
 | upstream process stage | vorgeschaltete Verfahrensstufe {f} |  |
 | engin. process stage [ANSI/ISA-88, IEC 61512] | Prozessabschnitt {m} [DIN EN 61512] |  |
 | comm. order process | Bestellvorgang {m} |  |
 | comm. to process an order | eine Bestellung bearbeiten |  |
 | law civil process order | Zivilprozessordnung {f} <ZPO> |  |
 | MedTech. X-ray image intensifier <X-ray I.I., X-ray II> | Röntgenbildverstärker {m} <RBV> |  |
 | film F X / The Man With The X-Ray Eyes [Roger Corman] | Der Mann mit den Röntgenaugen |  |
 | idiom mil. X for X-Ray [NATO phonetic alphabet] | X wie X-Ray [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] |  |
 | idiom X as in X-ray [esp. Am.] | X wie Xanthippe |  |
 | idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xanthippe |  |
 | idiom X for Xmas / X-ray | X wie Xaver [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | hist. sociol. Generation X <Gen X> | Generation {f} X <Gen X> |  |
 | stocks immediate or cancel order <IOC order> [also: accept order] | IOC-Order {f} |  |
 | stocks all-or-none order <AON order> | AON-Order {f} |  |
 | stocks fill-or-kill order <FOK order> | FOK-Order {f} |  |
 | comm. material order bill of materials <order BOM> | Auftragsstückliste {f} |  |
 | QM process-oriented quality management <PQM, process-oriented QM> | prozessorientiertes Qualitätsmanagement {n} <PQM, prozessorientiertes QM> |  |
 | phys. X boson <X> | X-Boson {n} <X> |  |
 | stage-by-stage {adj} | etappenweise |  |
 | QM continual improvement process <CIP, CI process> | kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess {m} <KVP> |  |
 | ind. basic oxygen steelmaking process <BOS process> | Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren {n} <LD-Verfahren> |  |
 | math. f-prime of x <f'(x)> | f-Strich von x <f'(x)> |  |
 | phys. proton capture process <p-process> | Protonenanlagerungsprozess {m} <p-Prozess> |  |
 | QM quality management process <QM process> | Qualitätsmanagementprozess {m} <QM-Prozess> |  |
 | chem. med. pharm. first-order (elimination) kinetics [treated as sg.] <1st order (elimination) kinetics> | Eliminationskinetik {f} erster Ordnung <Eliminationskinetik 1. Ordnung> |  |
 | electr. first-order lag element <1st order lag element, P-T1 element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} erster Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 1. Ordnung, P-T1-Glied> |  |
 | electr. second-order lag element <2nd order lag element, P-T2 element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} zweiter Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 2. Ordnung, P-T2-Glied> |  |
 | chem. med. pharm. zero-order (elimination) kinetics [treated as sg.] <0-order (elimination) kinetics> | Eliminationskinetik {f} nullter Ordnung <Eliminationskinetik 0. Ordnung> |  |
 | order identification <order ID> | Auftragskennung {f} |  |
 | order identifier <order ID> | Auftragskennung {f} |  |
 | electr. first-order (time) delay element <1st order (time) delay element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} erster Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 1. Ordnung> |  |
 | MedTech. X-ray image intensifier tube <X-ray I.I. tube, XRII tube> | Röntgenbildverstärkerröhre {f} <RBV-Röhre> |  |
 | comp. econ. process software <process SW> | Prozess-Software {f} <Prozess-SW> |  |
 | comp. econ. process software <process SW> | Prozesssoftware {f} <Prozess-SW> |  |
 | engin. tech. gas-to-liquid process <GtL, GTL process> [gas to liquids] | GtL-Verfahren {n} [Gas to Liquids] |  |
 | math. f of x <f(x)> | f von x <f(x)> |  |
 | phys. Umklapp process <U-process, u-process> | Umklappprozess {m} <U-Prozess> |  |
 | to stage | veranstalten |  |
 | theatre stage | Bühne {f} |  |
 | stage | Durchgang {m} [Phase, Abschnitt einer Arbeit, eines Experiments] |  |
 | stage | Gestell {n} |  |
 | stage | Plattform {f} |  |
English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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