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English-German translation for: yard exercise
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: yard exercise

Translation 1 - 50 of 525  >>

NOUN   a yard exercise | yard exercises
agr. exercise yardLaufhof {m}
yard exerciseHofgang {m}
Partial Matches
sports six-yard box [Br.] [coll.] <6-yard box> [football / soccer]Torraum {m} [Fußball]
med. blood pressure during exercise <BP during exercise>Blutdruck {m} unter Belastung
med. MedTech. exercise electrocardiogram <exercise EKG, exercise ECG>Belastungselektrokardiogramm {n} <Belastungs-EKG>
yardHof {m} [Platz]
naut. yardRah {f}
naut. yardRahe {f}
hist. naut. yardSegelstange {f} [Rah]
hort. yard [Am.]Garten {m} [vor dem Haus]
agr. yard [corral]Gatter {n} [Gehege]
theatre yard [pit]Hofraum {m} [Parterre im Shakespeare-Theater]
unit yard <yd>Yard {n} [= 91,44 cm]
back-yard {adj}Hinterhof-
back yardHinterhof {m}
mil. barrack yardKasernenhof {m}
ind. brick yardZiegelei {f}
ind. brick-yardZiegelei {f}
naut. buoy yardTonnenhof {m}
archi. castle yardBurghof {m}
castle yardSchlosshof {m}
chicken yardHühnerauslauf {m}
agr. chicken yardHühnerhof {m}
church yardFriedhof {m}
rail classification yardRangierbahnhof {m} <Rbf>
coal yardKohlenhof {m}
coal yardKohlenlagerplatz {m}
coal yardKohlenplatz {m} [veraltet]
court yardVorhof {m}
unit cubic yardKubikyard {n}
dirt yardungepflasterter Hof {m}
rail engine yardLokhof {m}
factory yardWerkshof {m}
fold yardPferch {m}
rail freight yardGüterbahnhof {m}
hort. front yardVorgarten {m}
front yardVorhof {m}
inner yardInnenhof {m}
junk yardSchrottplatz {m}
log yardHolzplatz {m}
unit megalithic yardmegalithisches Yard {n}
mil. naut. navy yardMarinewerft {f}
play yardLaufstall {m} [für Babys, Kleinkinder]
play yardSpielplatz {m}
agr. poultry yardGeflügelhof {m}
prison yardGefängnishof {m}
rail railway yardBahnbetriebswerk {n} [Deutsche Bahn]
rail railway yardBetriebshof {m} [Deutsche Bahn]
rail railway yardBetriebswerk {n} <Bw> [Deutsche Bahn]
rail railway yardDepot {n} [Züge]
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