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English-German translation for: year
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Dictionary English German: year

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NOUN   a year | years
SYNO   class | year | twelvemonth | yr
unit year <a, y, yr>
Jahr {n} <a, y>
year [particular year: academic, liturgical, etc.]
Jahrgang {m}
Jahreszahl {f}
[New Year's Eve custom of telling fortunes by the shapes made by molten lead dropped into cold water]
Bleigießen {n}
yearJahrzahl {f} [schweiz.] [Jahreszahl]
2 Words: Others
-year-old {adj} [attr.]-jährig [Alter]
a year {adv}jährlich
all year {adv}das ganze Jahr (über)
all-year {adj} [attr.]ganzjährig
each year {adv}jährlich
eight-year {adj} [attr.]achtjährig <8-jährig> [z. B. Weltreise, Gefängnisstrafe]
every year {adv}alljährlich
every year {adv}jährlich <jhrl., jährl.>
every year {adv}jedes Jahr
every year {adv}alle Jahre wieder
every year {adv}Jahr für Jahr
five-year {adj} [attr.]fünfjährig <5-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.]
four-year {adj} [attr.]vierjährig <4-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.]
half-year {adj} [attr.]sechsmonatig
hundred-year {adj} [attr.]hundertjährig
inter-year {adj}jahrgangsübergreifend
last year {adv} {noun}letztes Jahr {n}
last year {noun} {adv}vergangenes Jahr {n}
last year {adv}im letzten Jahr
last year {adj} [Am.]altbacken
last year {adj} [Am.]altmodisch
last year {adj} [Am.]überholt
last year's {adj} [attr.]letztjährig
multi-year {adj} [attr.]für mehrere Jahre [nachgestellt]
multi-year {adj} [attr.] [spv.] [multiyear]mehrjährig
next year's {adj} [attr.]nächstjährig
acad. publ. no year {adv} <n.y.> [of publication]ohne Jahr <o. J.>
one-year {adj} [attr.]einjährig
per year {adv}jährlich <jhrl.> [pro Jahr]
per year {adv}pro anno <p. a.> [veraltet] [jährlich]
per year {adv}pro Jahr
previous year's {adj} [attr.]vorjährig
ten-year {adj} [attr.]zehnjährig <10-jährig> [Expedition, Haftstrafe etc.]
this year {adv}heuer [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
this year {adv} {noun}dieses Jahr {n}
admin. econ. this year {adv}huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig]
this year's {adj}diesjährig
admin. econ. this year's {adj}huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig]
this year's {adj} [attr.]heurig [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
three-year {adj} [attr.]dreijährig <3-jährig> [Ausbildung, Gefängnisstrafe, Umbau etc.]
two-year {adj} [attr.]zweijährig <2-jährig> [Ausbildung, Haftstrafe etc.]
year-long {adj}ein Jahr lang
year-round {adj}Ganzjahres-
year-round {adj}ganzjährig
year-round {adv}das ganze Jahr über
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A 2024-01-03: Have a good New Year!
Q 2024-01-02: fine jump to the new year
Q 2023-12-31: Happy New Year!!!
A 2023-06-08: I recommend the earlier Gruffalo books (for approximately 2 to 6 year olds)
A 2023-01-02: +legal secretary+ defined; they make between 20 and 45 grand a year ...
Q 2022-08-22: The funniest jokes at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival :
A 2022-02-01: next year, the following year
Q 2021-11-30: masting year
Q 2021-08-23: fiscal year
A 2020-12-06: Package holidays are protected, as lots of people have found out this year ;-)
Q 2020-12-01: Unprecedented Year
A 2020-08-06: to party into (e.g. the small hours, the New Year)
A 2020-01-15: You asked the same question last year ;-) #910141
A 2019-12-02: Öfter auch +We have had a successful year+ — wobei die Grammatik das unmit...
A 2019-07-24: Yeah, 13- to 17-year-old boys will go off with this addition, I guess. ;-)
A 2019-07-22: gigajoules (GJ) per year ?
A 2019-03-10: Noch einmal: https://www.yourquote.in/alege-habeebullah-he40/quotes/days-r...
Q 2019-03-10: https://www.yourquote.in/alege-habeebullah-he40/quotes/days-running-fast-t...
A 2019-01-25: Please enter another word for +Lostag > prognostic day for the weather of ...
A 2019-01-16: next year (2020)

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