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Dictionary English German: yeast

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>

English German
NOUN1   yeast | -
NOUN2   a yeast | yeasts
VERB  to yeast | yeasted | yeasted ... 
SYNO   barm | yeast
gastr. yeast {adj} [attr.]
oenol. yeast
Hefe {f}
gastr. yeast
Backhefe {f}
gastr. yeast
Germ {m} [südd.] [österr. auch {f}]
yeast [spume, foam]
Schaum {m}
brew yeast
Bierhefe {f}
gastr. yeast
Gest {m} {f} [nordd.]
2 Words: Others
gastr. yeast free {adj}hefefrei
brew yeast-clouded {adj} [beer]hefetrüb
2 Words: Verbs
brew to pitch yeastHefe anstellen
gastr. to proof yeastHefe gehen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
oenol. (fine) yeastFeinhefe {f}
gastr. (yeast) spongeHefestück {n} [Vorteig]
brew ale yeastBierhefe {f}
gastr. baker's yeastBäckerhefe {f}
gastr. baker's yeastBackhefe {f}
brew beer yeastBierhefe {f}
brew beer yeastBrauhefe {f}
bottom yeastBodenhefe {f}
bottom yeastUnterhefe {f}
brew brewer's yeastBrauhefe {f}
brew brewer's yeast [Saccharomyces cerevisiae]Bierhefe {f}
brew brewery yeastBrauhefe {f}
brew brewing yeastBrauhefe {f}
clean yeastsaubere Hefe {f}
compressed yeastPresshefe {f}
gastr. dried yeastTrockenhefe {f}
gastr. dried yeastgetrocknete Hefe {f}
gastr. dry yeastTrockenhefe {f}
fodder yeastFutterhefe {f}
gastr. fresh yeastFrischhefe {f}
gastr. instant yeastInstanthefe {f} [besondere Form der Trockenhefe]
FoodInd. kahm yeastKahmhefe {f}
gastr. liquid yeastFlüssighefe {f}
oenol. natural yeastSpontanhefe {f}
FoodInd. nutritional yeastNährhefe {f}
brew pitching yeastAnstellhefe {f}
brew pitching yeastStellhefe {f}
FoodInd. oenol. seed yeastMutterhefe {f}
oenol. selected yeastReinzuchthefe {f}
spent yeastÜberschusshefe {f}
oenol. wine yeastWeinhefe {f}
gastr. yeast beverageHefegetränk {n}
gastr. yeast breadHefebrot {n}
gastr. yeast cakeHefekuchen {m}
yeast cake [baked in a casserole]Reindling {m} [österr.] [regional] [auch: Reinling] [in einer Rein gebackener Hefekuchen]
gastr. yeast cubeHefewürfel {m}
biol. yeast cultureHefekultur {f}
med. mycol. yeast diseaseHefepilzerkrankung {f}
gastr. yeast doughGermteig {m} [österr.] [südd.]
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A 2019-03-27: Confirming Llllllama: Würze anstellen > add yeast to the wort
A 2014-05-04: yeast braided bread
Q 2014-05-04: yeast braid?
A 2012-05-19: yeast braid
A 2012-03-22: Virgin Yeast of Beer = Reinzuchtbierhefe
Q 2012-03-21: Virgin yeast of beer
A 2010-05-28: NB we don't often say yeast dough
A 2010-01-23: Morality is the yeast in the bread dough of kitsch
Q 2009-10-13: to advance to yeast and other bacterial infections
A 2009-02-24: Well, a Krapfen is a yeast dough dumpling, deep-fried in oil and tradition...
A 2008-10-30: Why? Hefeweizen, e.g. is cloudy, because the yeast is still floating aroun...
A 2008-10-04: yeast / moisture
A 2008-10-04: The yeast cube contains up to 70% moisture. This is OK. Dried yeast has a ...
A 2008-08-12: yeast fermenter
A 2008-08-09: How does the yeast get into the cube?
A 2008-08-09: yeast cube
A 2008-08-03: Andechs (and they are supposed to know) call it "prime yeast"
A 2008-08-03: It's "yeast primer", actually:
A 2008-08-03: So maybe "primer yeast" is a possible translation
A 2007-12-05: Dumplings are close but not the same - they are made without yeast

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