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English-German translation for: yellow!
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Dictionary English German: yellow

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ADJ   yellow | yellower | yellowest
NOUN   a yellow | yellows
yellow {adj}
yellow {adj} [coll.] [cowardly]
yellow {adj} [coll.]
yellow {adj}gehl [veraltet bzw. regional]
yellow {adj} [Am.] [pej.] [designating a person of black and white heritage][beleidigend für eine Person gemischt schwarzer und weißer Herkunft]
to yellow [paper, pages]
to yellowgelb werden
to yellow sth.etw.Akk. gilben [geh.]
to yellow sth.etw.Akk. gelb färben
to yellow sth.etw.Akk. gelb machen
Gelb {n}
journ. tabloids {pl} [tabloid press]Yellow Press {f}
comp. yellow [hex code #FFFF00]Neutralgelb {n} [Farbcode #FFFF00]
2 Words: Others
acidic yellow {adj}quietschgelb [ugs.]
brazen yellow {adj}gelb wie Messing
bright yellow {adj}hellgelb
bright yellow {adj}knallgelb
brilliant yellow {adj}brillantgelb
butter yellow {adj}buttergelb
canary-yellow {adj}kanariengelb
daffodil yellow {adj}narzissengelb
daffodile yellow {adj} [spv.] [rare]narzissengelb
dark yellow {adj}dunkelgelb
dark yellow {adj}ocker
deep yellow {adj}sattgelb
dull yellow {adj}mattgelb
golden yellow {adj}goldgelb
goldish yellow {adj}goldgelb
green-yellow {adj}grüngelb
He's yellow!Er hat Schiss!
honey yellow {adj}honiggelb
Indian yellow {adj}indischgelb
iris yellow {adj}irisgelb
lemon yellow {adj}zitronengelb
light yellow {adj}hellgelb
light yellow {adj}zartgelb
mimosa yellow {adj}mimosengelb
mustard (yellow) {adj}senffarben
mustard yellow {adj}senfgelb
orange-yellow {adj}orangegelb
pale yellow {adj}blassgelb
pale yellow {adj}fahlgelb
pale yellow {adj}hellgelb
pale yellow {adj}weißgelb
pale yellow {adj}zartgelb
quince yellow {adj}quittegelb
quince yellow {adj}quittengelb
rape yellow {adj}rapsgelb
reddish yellow {adj}rötlichgelb
rusty-yellow {adj}rostgelb
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A 2023-09-27: In the UK, paper usually turns yellow, not brown ;-)
A 2021-01-16: Yellow snow, illustration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tywAgI_lavw
A 2021-01-16: stay off the roads during amber and yellow snow warnings
A 2021-01-16: It looks like a warning at yellow level
Q 2021-01-16: "A yellow snow and ice warning has been issued for Saturday ... " (The Guardian)
A 2019-06-05: proudly wearing our stripped yellow-black vests
A 2017-11-27: During a real cold spell, icicles in all shades of yellow grace the pipes ...
Q 2016-03-25: green eyes from little yellow gods
Q 2016-01-05: calvi - yellow colour
A 2015-10-13: Yellow journalism.
A 2015-06-01: ? yellow jackets ?
A 2015-01-20: English understatement corresponds to German exaggeration - except for the...
A 2014-11-08: Lookee here - a small yellow sun never seen before in this Forum
A 2014-07-12: When hygiene was not yet as strictly observed, such pools tended to assume...
A 2013-11-19: Rapsgelb, Ockergelb (?) = Earth Yellow
Q 2013-11-19: Yellow earth
A 2013-07-13: yellow refuse sack
A 2013-07-12: yellow bags are used in care homes for all the pads ...... (Scotland) (E...
A 2013-07-12: yellow refuse sack
A 2013-07-12: Yellow bags aren't used in the UK for recycling, as far as I know.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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