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English-German translation for: yet
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Dictionary English German: yet

Translation 1 - 50 of 132  >>

English German
SYNO   as yet | heretofore | hitherto ... 
yet {adv} [up to now]
yet {adv} [even]
yet {adv} [however]
yet {adv} [still]
yet {adv} [however]
yet {adv} [already]
yet {adv} [up to now or until some other specific time]
yet {adv} [but]
yet {adv}
yet {adv}
nichtsdestotrotz [ugs.] [hum.]
yet {adv}schon noch
yet {adv} [thus far]bis jetzt
2 Words: Others
and yet {adv}dabei [und doch]
as yet {adv}bisher
as yet {adv}bislang
as yet {adv}noch
as yet {adv}bis jetzt
as yet {adv}bis zur Stunde
better yet, ...besser noch, ...
but yet {adv}nichtsdestoweniger
but yetaber dennoch
just yet {adv}jetzt schon
not yet {adv}noch nicht
nothing yetnoch nichts
yet again {adv}einmal mehr
yet again {adv}schon wieder
yet again {adv}wieder einmal
yet again {adv}wieder mal [ugs.]
yet again {adv}zum wiederholten Male
yet anothernoch einer
yet anothernoch ein weiterer
yet harder {adj} {adv}noch härter
yet still {adv}trotzdem noch
yet stillund doch (noch)
3 Words: Others
and yet othersund andere wiederum
as of yet {adv}bisher
as of yet {adv}bislang
as of yet {adv}bis jetzt
not (as) yet {adv}bisher (noch) nicht
Internet not seen yet <NSY>noch nicht gesehen
not yet accepted {adj}noch nicht akzeptiert
comm. not yet available {adj} [usually postpos.]noch nicht lieferbar
not yet awhileso bald nicht
not yet due {adj} [postpos.] [debts, bill, payment, etc.]noch nicht fällig [Schulden, Rechnung, Zahlung etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
med. not-yet-living [the unborn]ungeborenes Leben {n}
yet another acronym <YAA>wieder eine neue Abkürzung {f}
4 Words: Others
again and yet again {adv}immer und immer wieder
another and yet anothernoch einer und noch einer
Are we there yet?Sind wir schon da?
Are we there, yet?Sind wir bald da?
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A 2024-02-07: not yet broken in
A 2023-11-24: 1657– 1837– Highly relevant! Pity. As yet there is no cure for copy an...
A 2023-07-15: Yes, matter of interpretation. Reminds me of 'Et tu Brute?' 'Naw, I ain't ...
A 2023-03-30: And yet again you post no source for your claim of the motive. Typical. Li...
A 2021-07-26: not (yet) discussed / reconciled with other political bodies ; a green paper
A 2021-05-13: Yet more LINX
Q 2021-02-07: "not quite yet"
A 2021-01-05: > 20:50 --- The idea of popular majesty has hardly caught on yet, has it?
A 2020-07-04: Dictionaries treat +amiable+ and +cordial+ as synonyms. Yet they carry dif...
A 2019-11-14: I don't think mobbing is used in English like that (yet).
Q 2019-10-31: List of all EN words not yet in dict.cc
Q 2019-10-27: List of all DE words not yet in dict.cc
A 2019-04-30: This has not yet established itself among commonly misinterpreted words; b...
Q 2019-02-05: It isn't too late yet for me to go. — Noch ist es Zeit, dass ich gehe.
Q 2019-01-18: It isn't too late yet for me to go. — Noch ist es Zeit, dass ich gehe.
Q 2019-01-05: "It isn't too late yet for me to go."
A 2019-01-04: yet
A 2019-01-03: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/yet
A 2019-01-03: yet
Q 2019-01-03: yet

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