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Dictionary English German: young

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ADJ   young | younger | youngest
NOUN1   a young | young
NOUN2   - | the young
SYNO   Cy Young | Danton True Young | Young ... 
young {adj}
young {adj}
klein [jung]
young {adj}
young {adj}
young {adj} [e.g. animal, bird, cattle, plant, voter]Jung- [z. B. Tier, Vogel, Vieh, Pflanze, Wähler]
Jugendliche {pl}
the young {pl} [young people]
Junge {pl} [junge Menschen]
zool. young
Jungtier {n}
zool. young
Junges {n}
young'un [coll.]
Kind {n}
zool. young {pl} [young animals]
Jungtiere {pl}
young'uns [coll.]Kinder {pl}
2 Words: Others
geol. geologically young {adj}erdgeschichtlich jung
quite young {adj}ganz jung
very young {adj}blutjung
when young {adv}in der Jugend
young girl's {adj} [attr.] [book, charm, dress etc.]Jungmädchen- [-buch, -charme, -kleid etc.]
hist. philos. Young Hegelian {adj}junghegelianisch
geol. young volcanic {adj}jungvulkanisch
young-like {adj} [rare]jugendlich
2 Words: Verbs
to die youngjung sterben
to dress youngsich jugendlich kleiden
zool. to have youngjungen
to retire youngsich jung zur Ruhe setzen
to stay youngsichDat. seine Jugendlichkeit bewahren
2 Words: Nouns
(young) boyJüngelchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
orn. (young) chickenKüken {n}
orn. (young) chickensKüken {pl}
(young) greenhorn [Am.] [coll.]junger Springer {m} [ugs.] [junger, unerfahrener Mensch]
(young) greenhorn [Am.] [coll.]junger Spritzer {m} [junger, unerfahrener Mensch]
(young) greenhorn [Am.] [coll.]junger Spund {m} [ugs.] [junger, unerfahrener Mensch]
(young) lad [coll.]Bubi {m} [ugs.]
(young) ladsBubis {pl}
(young) madcapSpringinsfeld {m}
orn. zool. altricial youngPlatzhocker {m}
math. apportionment paradox [Balinski and Young's contribution]Unmöglichkeitssatz {m} von Balinski und Young
biol. live younglebende Junge {pl}
geogr. Mount YoungMount Young {m}
staying youngJungbleiben {n}
young academicsjunge Akademiker {pl}
film theatre young actorJungschauspieler {m}
theatre young actor [after finishing his training]Eleve {m}
film theatre young actressJungschauspielerin {f}
theatre young actress [after finishing her training]Elevin {f} [geh.]
young adultsjunge Heranwachsende {pl}
young ageJugend {f} [geringes / jugendliches Alter]
young agegeringes Alter {n}
zool. young animalJungtier {n}
dance young ballerinaBallettmädchen {n}
brew young beer [rare]Jungbier {n}
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A 2024-01-05: when dealing with / handling youths / young people (of sb. of a differen...
A 2022-04-15: cheated on by a young lover
A 2021-10-15: Speaking as a young person living in the German speaking world, I’ve never...
A 2020-01-13: … young … men who are supposed/expected to explain …
A 2019-05-04: Possibly the job description covered a young trainee ship steward
A 2018-11-15: dict-Fund: +insolent self assurance of children or very young people+ (!)
Q 2017-12-30: gorgeous young Abu dhabi escorts0558695524
Q 2016-12-14: Master as an English honorific for boys and young men.
A 2016-11-17: These young folk!
A 2016-11-05: FOR young people
A 2015-11-23: Ah, the young people of today...
A 2015-09-16: Snakes I do not feel comfortable with — but whether walking or on the bike...
Q 2015-02-20: young hopeful
Q 2015-02-06: number of ridiculously over-qualified young people
Q 2015-01-17: Want to feel young again?
Q 2015-01-05: there’s a certain cool-factor with young staff
A 2014-12-29: When I was a young boy, in the '30s, bedbugs were a part of everyday life.
A 2014-10-15: Oh yes, I'm aware of the BE/AusE meanings of pussy, but I think I was too ...
A 2014-07-08: Well, finally it pays off to have been young in the 1960s: Im Sofa kleben ...
A 2014-01-10: Whereas the classic combination at parties when I was young was cheese and...

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