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English-German translation for: youth
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Dictionary English German: youth

Translation 1 - 50 of 352  >>

English German
NOUN1   a youth | youths
NOUN2   youth | -
SYNO   young | youth | juvenility ... 
youth {adj} [attr.]
youth [period or condition; also fig.]
Jugend {f} [Lebensabschnitt oder Zustand; auch fig.]
youth1 [person]
Jugendlicher {m}
youth [female]
Heranwachsende {f}
youth [female]
Jugendliche {f}
youth [persons]
Jugendliche {pl}
youth1 [person]
Heranwachsender {m}
Jugendzeit {f}
youth [person]
Jüngling {m} [veraltet]
youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people]Jugend {f} [junge Leute]
youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people](die) Jungschen {pl} [regional] [ugs.]
youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people]junges Volk {n} [die jungen Leute]
youth1 [young man]junger Mann {m}
2 Words: Others
youth-focused {adj}jugendfokussiert
2 Words: Verbs
TrVocab. to youth-hostel [coll.]in Jugendherbergen übernachten
2 Words: Nouns
travel (youth) hosteler [Am.]Herbergsgast {m}
travel (youth) hosteller [Br.]Herbergsgast {m}
callow youthMilchbart {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
callow youthRotznase {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [unreifer junger Mensch]
callow youthunreifer Jugendlicher {m}
conceited youthaufgeblasener Jugendlicher {m}
sociol. disaffected youthNullbockgeneration {f}
eternal youthewige Jugend {f}
hist. Hitler Youth <HJ>Hitlerjugend {f} <HJ>
immigrant youth [persons]jugendliche Einwanderer {pl}
sociol. immigrant youth [persons]Jugendliche {pl} mit Migrationshintergrund
island's youthInseljugend {f}
misspent youthvergeudete Jugend {f}
model youth [female]Vorzeigejugendliche {f}
model youth [young man]Vorzeigejugendlicher {m} [ugs.]
geogr. sociol. mountain youth [collectively]Bergjugend {f}
sociol. organised youth [Br.]Verbandsjugend {f}
sociol. organized youthVerbandsjugend {f}
pol. party youthParteijugend {f}
sociol. passionless youthNullbockgeneration {f}
rash youthunbesonnene Jugend {f}
agr. sociol. rural youthLandjugend {f}
hist. pol. state youth [official youth organisation in totalitarian states]Staatsjugend {f}
today's youthdie heutige Jugend {f}
sociol. unmotivated youthNullbockgeneration {f}
hist. pol. Viking Youth [Neo-Nazi organisation in Germany]Wikingjugend {f} [Neonaziorganisation]
village youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people]Dorfjugend {f}
hist. pol. Wiking Youth [Neo-Nazi organisation in Germany]Wikingjugend {f} [Neonaziorganisation]
wild youthstürmische Jugend {f}
wild youthwilde Jugend {f}
educ. youth adviserJugendreferent {m}
educ. sociol. youth aidJugendhilfe {f}
hist. Youth AliyahJugendalija {f}
youth associationJugendvereinigung {f}
lit. publ. youth bookJugendbuch {n}
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A 2023-06-02: Or in a Harlem youth's beloved triple negative: "He don't give no shit abo...
A 2022-08-29: sweet innocence of youth
A 2019-02-01: I assumed it was a general statement about 'the youth of today', not two p...
A 2017-09-07: UK +youth education officer+
A 2016-05-11: It's used in a tongue-in-cheek manner for any youth trip.
Q 2015-01-14: Does Vita Youth really work?
A 2014-10-29: +camp+ ist Allgemeinenglisch. There's +to get gay with sb+ and there's +t...
A 2014-02-14: A series of youth/children's competitions/races? ...skiing competitions/ra...
A 2014-02-14: maybe: series of youth championships
A 2013-12-21: youth holiday camp
A 2013-09-14: Also possible: youth arts mentor
A 2013-06-18: Socialist Youth Group
A 2013-03-09: Sport: National Youth Games
A 2012-11-22: funding project "Youth Culture Development Scheme"
A 2012-11-22: dann also: youth culture-promotion project
A 2012-11-22: youth culture promotion project
Q 2012-08-05: youth authority
Q 2012-07-13: What is the 2012 proper and idiomatic response when accosted by a drunk yo...
A 2012-01-03: But they don't seem to be reserved for youth or scouts or backpackers
A 2012-01-03: ? scout camp, backpackers accommodation, youth hostel ?

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• Youth
youth adviser
Youth Advisory Board
youth aid
Youth Aliyah
youth and old age
youth association
youth book
youth book award

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