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English-German translation for: zivilisiertes Volk
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: zivilisiertes Volk

Translation 1 - 50 of 76  >>

NOUN   das zivilisierte Volk/ein zivilisiertes Volk | die zivilisierten Völker
civilized peoplezivilisiertes Volk {n}
Partial Matches
civilized countryzivilisiertes Land {n}
zool. colonyVolk {n}
nation [community of people]Volk {n}
people [nation, ethnic group]Volk {n}
populace [population]Volk {n} [Bevölkerung]
folk [people]Volk {n} [Leute]
the people {pl}das Volk {n}
pol. sociol. the public [populace]das Volk {n}
a peopleein Volk {n}
travelling people {pl}fahrendes Volk {n}
wandering people {pl}fahrendes Volk {n}
common herdgemeines Volk {n}
populacegemeines Volk {n}
the vulgargemeines Volk {n}
Germanic peoplegermanisches Volk {n}
Jewryjüdisches Volk {n}
small nationkleines Volk {n}
belligerent peoplekriegerisches Volk {n}
maritime peopleseefahrendes Volk {n}
suppressed people [nation, ethnic group]unterdrücktes Volk {n}
backward peopleunterentwickeltes Volk {n}
primitive peopleurwüchsiges Volk {n}
relig. people of GodVolk {n} Gottes
people {pl} of that ilkderlei Volk {n} [ugs.]
pol. oppressed peoplegeknechtetes Volk {n} [geh.]
commoners {pl} [Br.]gemeines Volk {n} [veraltet]
among the people {adv}im Volk / Volke
pol. elected by the people {adj} [postpos.]vom Volk gewählt
to stir the nationdas Volk bewegen
pol. to oppress the peopledas Volk niederhalten
to subdue a nationein Volk bezwingen
to address the nationzum Volk sprechen
the American people {pl}das amerikanische Volk {n}
bibl. relig. the chosen people {pl}das auserwählte Volk {n}
the German people {pl}das deutsche Volk {n}
commonalitydas gemeine Volk {n}
commonaltydas gemeine Volk {n}
ordinary people {pl}das gemeine Volk {n}
the common people {pl}das gemeine Volk {n}
the hoi polloidas gemeine Volk {n}
myth. the little people {pl} [Irish] [the leprechauns]das kleine Volk {n}
bibl. relig. the people {pl} of Israeldas Volk {n} Israel
hist. triune Russian nationdreieiniges russisches Volk {n}
bibl. God's chosen peopleGottes erwähltes Volk {n}
Irish travellers [Br.] [Pavees]irisches fahrendes Volk {n}
ethn. Carib peopleVolk {n} der Kariben
hist. pol. [People without Space]Volk {n} ohne Raum
seafaring peopleVolk {n} von Seefahrern
ethn. tribeVolk {n} [Stamm, kleines Volk]
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Ähnliche Begriffe
zivilisierte Gesellschaft
zivilisiertes Land
• zivilisiertes Volk
zivilisierte Welt

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