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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: zur Nacht essen
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Dictionary English German: zur Nacht essen

Translation 1 - 50 of 2902  >>

VERB   zur Nacht essen | aß zur Nacht/zur Nacht aß | zur Nacht gegessen
to have supperzur Nacht essen [veraltend] [auch regional]
Partial Matches
gastr. to have supperzu Nacht essen
by night {adv}zur Nacht
med. pharm. nocte {adv} <noc>zur Nacht
to snack on sth.etw. zur Jause essen [österr.]
bot. night-blooming {adj}zur Nacht blühend
film F The Divorce of Lady X [Tim Whelan]Besuch zur Nacht
to consume [eat]essen
to dine [formal]essen
to grub [coll.]essen
to nosh [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]essen
to victual [archaic]essen
gastr. dinnerEssen {n}
eatingEssen {n}
geogr. EssenEssen {n}
foodEssen {n}
gastr. kai [coll.] [NZ]Essen {n}
mealEssen {n}
nosh [Br.] [coll.]Essen {n}
gastr. tack [food, fare] [rare]Essen {n}
to partake (of)essen [Mahlzeit]
at dinner {adv}beim Essen
to have (one's) supperAbendbrot essen
to have high tea [Br.] [to eat a light meal in the early evening, often including sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea]Abendbrot essen
to have one's evening mealAbendbrot essen
to dine outauswärts essen
to eat outauswärts essen
to bring up food [to vomit]Essen erbrechen
to drive somewhere to eatessen fahren
to eat outessen gehen
to go for a mealessen gehen
to go out for a mealessen gehen
gastr. to cook dinnerEssen kochen
to make (some) foodEssen machen
to prepare foodEssen zubereiten
to eat low-fat foodfettarm essen
to wine and dinefürstlich essen
to go without foodnichts essen
idiom to eat like a horseUnmengen essen
to eat masses [coll.]Unmengen essen
to eat on the hoof [coll.]unterwegs essen
to eat on the move [coll.]unterwegs essen
to eat on the run [coll.] [while traveling from place to place]unterwegs essen
psych. mindful eatingachtsames Essen {n}
burnt offering [hum.] [burnt food]angebranntes Essen {n}
reheated foodaufgewärmtes Essen {n}
elaborate dinnerausgefeiltes Essen {n}
FoodInd. Chinese foodchinesisches Essen {n}
gastr. Chinkie [Br.] [coll.]chinesisches Essen {n}
gastr. bland foodfades Essen {n}
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