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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: Also
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: Also

also [folglich]
therefore {adv}
so {adv} {conj}
Also ...
Well, ...
also [jedenfalls]
anyway {adv}
also [somit, folgendermaßen]
thus {adv}
Also, ... ?
Now, ... ?
and so {adv} {conj}
also [erklärend, zusammenfassend]
that is {adv}
Also, ...
Well now, ...
Also bitte! [rügend]
Now really!
also doch
after all {adv}
Also gut.
OK then.
Very well.
All right.
All right, then.
Also schön.
All right.
also sprach [bibl., literar.]
thus spake [archaic]
Also wirklich!
Honestly! [annoyed]
Also wirklich! [ugs.]
I ask you! [coll.]idiom
Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Da haben wir's ja!]
There we are. [exclamation of satisfaction]
Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!]
There we go. [expression of satisfaction]idiom
You see? [meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction]idiom
nun also
now then
Warum also ...?
Why, this being the case, ...?
Äh, also, ...
Um, well, ...
..., wenn also ...
..., in other words, if ...
Also gut, meinetwegen! [ugs.]
Fair enough!
Also sag mal ...
So tell me ...
Also schieß los! [ugs.]
So shoot! [coll.]
Bis morgen also.
Until tomorrow, then.
Dies also sind ...
These, then, are ...
Ja, also eigentlich ...
Well, actually ...
Also dann, auf Wiedersehen.
Well, bye then.
Also, was ist Sache?
So, what's it to be?
Also, wie siehts aus? [ugs.] [auch: Also, wie sieht's aus?]
So, what's the what? [coll.]
Also, wo waren wir?
Now, where were we?
Da bist du also!
There you are!
Hier wohnst du also.
So, that's your crib. [coll.] [Am.]
Sie kam also doch?
Then she did come after all?
Also gab es doch ein Labor.
So there "was" a laboratory.
Also, das nenn ich mal 'ne Überraschung. [ugs.]
Now, this is an unexpected pleasure.
Also, ich fress einen Besen, wenn ...
Smack my ass and call me Sally, if ... [vulg.] [Am.]
Why, stick me in a dress and call me Sally, if ...idiom
Also, was haben wir hier?
So what have we got here?
Also? Wer steht zu mir?
Now? Who's with me?
Daher weht (also) der Wind! [Redewendung]
So that's the way the wind is blowing! [idiom]
Dann hast du also doch noch hierher gefunden?
So you made it (here) after all, then?
Das also war des Pudels Kern! [Johann W. v. Goethe]
So this, then, was the kernel of the brute!quote
Das heißt also im Umkehrschluss: ...
The converse argument then says: ...
Das ist also ..., ja?
So this is ... ?
Das war es jetzt also. [Redewendung]
So that was that. [idiom]
Du hast es also doch geschafft!
So you made it after all!
Er hat es also doch vergessen.
So he forgot it after all.
Es spricht also alles dafür, dass ...
There is, therefore, every indication that ...
Ich denke, also bin ich.
I think, therefore I am. [Cogito, ergo sum.]philos.
Ich kann also davon ausgehen, dass ... ?
So I can take it (that) ... ?
Sieh mal einer an, geräucherter Lachs (also)!
Smoked salmon, indeed!
Was schlagen Sie also vor? [formelle Anrede]
So what are you suggesting?
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt [J. S. Bach, BWV 68]
God so loved the worldmus.F
Also sprach Zarathustra [Friedrich Nietzsche]
Thus Spoke Zarathustralit.philos.F
Ich raube, also bin ich: die Eddie-Coffin-Story
The Thought Gang [Tibor Fischer]lit.F
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