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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: Grau
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: Grau

grey {adj} [esp. Br.]
gray {adj} [Am.]
grau [trüb] [Himmel]
drab {adj} [sky]
grau [trostlos]
gloomy {adj}
grau [z. B. Gesicht]
ashen {adj}
grau [trübe (Himmel oder Tag)]
dull {adj} [gloomy, grey (sky or day)]meteo.
grau [achromatisch]
hueless {adj} [achromatic]
Grau {n}
gray [Am.]
grey [esp. Br.]
Grau {n} [auch fig.]
grayness [Am.] [color, also fig.]
greyness [esp. Br.] [colour, also fig.]
Grau {n} [fig.]
drabness [of life]
bläulich grau
bluish gray {adj} [Am.] [also: bluish-gray]
bluish grey {adj} [esp. Br.] [also: bluish-grey]
bräunlich-grau [auch: bräunlichgrau]
brownish-grey {adj} [Br.]
gelb-grau <ge/gr> [Farbcode]
yellow/grey {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau geblendet [z. B. Schaltfläche]
greyed out {adj} {past-p} [Br.]comp.
grayed out {adj} {past-p} [Am.]comp.
grau gestreift
grey-striped {adj} [Br.]
gray-striped {adj} [Am.]
grau hinterlegt
highlighted in gray {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]comp.print
highlighted in grey {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]comp.print
grau hinterlegt [Texte, Felder, Tabellen]
shaded in grey {adj} {past-p} [Br.]comp.
shaded in gray {adj} {past-p} [Am.]comp.
grau meliert
graying {adj} [Am.]
greying {adj} [Br.]
flecked with gray {adj} [Am.]
flecked with grey {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]
grau meliert [Haar]
pepper and salt {adj}
grau unterlegt
highlighted in grey {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]comp.print
highlighted in gray {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]comp.print
grau unterlegt [z. B. Schaltfläche]
grayed out {adj} {past-p} [Am.]comp.
greyed out {adj} {past-p} [Br.]comp.
grau werdend
greying {adj} {pres-p} [Br.]
graying {adj} {pres-p} [Am.]
grau-blau <gr/bl> [Farbcode]
grey/blue {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau-braun <gr/br> [Farbcode]
grey/brown {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau-grün <gr/gn> [Farbcode]
grey/green {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau-rosa <gr/rs> [Farbcode]
grey/pink {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau-rot <gr/rt> [Farbcode]
grey/red {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
grau-schwarz <gr/sw> [Farbcode]
grey/black {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
metallic grey {adj} [Br.]
metallic gray {adj} [Am.]
rötlich grau
roan {adj} [horses, cattle]
weiß-grau <ws/gr> [Farbcode]
white/grey {adj} [Br.] [color code]electr.
etw. grau machen
to grey sth. [Br.]
grau werden
to turn gray [Am.]
to turn grey [Br.]
Französisch-Grau {n} [grauer Farbton]
French grey [Br.]art
French gray [Am.]art
periaquäduktales Grau {n}
periaqueductal gray <PAG> [Am.] [Griseum centrale, Substantia grisea periaqueductalis, Substantia grisea centralis]biol.
periaqueductal grey <PAG> [Br.] [Griseum centrale, Substantia grisea periaqueductalis, Substantia grisea centralis]biol.
grau in grau
grey and drab {adj} [Br.]
Grau-zu-Grau- <GTG> [Reaktionszeit bei LC/TFT]
grey-to-grey {adj} [Br.] <GTG> [response time]tech.telecom.
in Grau gewandet [geh.] [veraltet]
gray-clad {adj} [Am.]cloth.
bedrückend grau in grau
oppressively drab and grey {adj} [Br.]
Bei Nacht sind alle Katzen grau.
All cats are grey by night. [Br.]proverb
Der Abend rot, der Morgen grau bringt das schönste Tagesblau.
An evening red and a morning grey will set the traveller on his way.proverb
graulich-gelb bis graulich-braun oder bräunlich-grau
putty {adj} [greyish-yellow to greyish-brown or brownish-grey]
Ihr schwarzes Haar war grau meliert.
Her black hair was tinged with grey. [Br.]
In der Nacht sind alle Katzen grau.
At night all cats are grey. [Br.]proverb
All cats are grey by night. [Br.]proverb
All cats are grey in the dark. [Br.]proverb
Nachts sind alle Katzen grau.
All cats are grey by night. [Br.]proverb
All cats are gray at night. [Am.]proverb
All cats are grey at night. [Br.]proverb
All cats are gray in the dark. [Am.]proverb
All cats are grey in the dark. [Br.]proverb
All colors will agree in the dark. [Am.]proverb
alles grau in grau sehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to look on the black side [fig.]
to see the gloomy side of things [fig.]
Grau auf weißer Weste
Pale Gray for Guilt [John D. MacDonald]lit.F
(Niedrige) Grau-Aster {f}
Michaelmas daisy [Aster sedifolius subsp. canus, also A. canus]bot.T
Arktische Grau-Weide / Grauweide {f}
grey willow [Br.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]bot.T
gray willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]bot.T
Arctic grey willow [Br.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]bot.T
Arctic gray willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]bot.T
grayleaf / gray-leaf willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]bot.T
Grau-Birke {f}
fire birch [Betula populifolia]bot.T
white birch [Betula populifolia]bot.T
poplar birch [Betula populifolia]bot.T
poverty birch [Betula populifolia]bot.T
old field birch [Betula populifolia]bot.T
gray birch [Am.] [Betula populifolia]bot.T
grey birch [Br.] [Betula populifolia]bot.T
Grau-Distelschwanzschlüpfer {m}
mouse-colored thistletail [Schizoeaca griseomurina] [Am.]orn.T
mouse-coloured thistletail [Schizoeaca griseomurina] [Br.]orn.T
Grau-Nackenband-Giftnatter {f}
brown-headed snake [Furina tristis]zool.T
grey-naped snake [Br.] [Furina tristis]zool.T
Grau-Pappel / Graupappel {f}
grey poplar [Br.] [Populus canescens, syn.: Populus x canescens]bot.T
gray poplar [Am.] [Populus canescens, syn.: Populus x canescens]bot.T
Grau-Segge {f}
silvery sedge [Carex canescens]bot.T
Grau-Simse {f}
European meadow rush [Juncus inflexus, syn.: J. acutissimus, J. glaucescens, J. glaucus, J. pallidus, J. tenax]zool.T
hard rush [Juncus inflexus, syn.: J. acutissimus, J. glaucescens, J. glaucus, J. pallidus, J. tenax]bot.T
blue rush [Juncus inflexus, syn.: J. acutissimus, J. glaucescens, J. glaucus, J. pallidus, J. tenax]bot.T
incurved rush [Juncus inflexus, syn.: J. acutissimus, J. glaucescens, J. glaucus, J. pallidus, J. tenax]bot.T
sea-green rush [Juncus inflexus, syn.: J. acutissimus, J. glaucescens, J. glaucus, J. pallidus, J. tenax]bot.T
Grau-Tanne {f}
white fir [Abies concolor]bot.T
Grau-Tanne / Grautanne {f}
balsam fir [Abies concolor, syn.: Picea concolor]bot.T
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