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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: Kosten
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: Kosten

to cost
to savor [Am.]gastr.
to degust
etw.Akk. kosten [Essen: probieren]
to taste sth.
kosten [beim Kochen]
to samplegastr.
etw.Akk. kosten [Zeit]
to take sth. [time]
etw.Akk. kosten [schmecken]
to savour sth. [Br.]
to delibate sth. [obs.] [rare] [taste]
jdn. etw. kosten [Geld]
to run sb. sth. [Am.] [to cost money]
jdn. etw. kosten [Job, Freundschaft]
to lose sb. sth. [job, friendship]
etw.Akk. kosten [einen bestimmten Preis haben]
to be priced at sth.
Kosten {pl}
expense {sg}
cost {sg}
expenditure {sg}
Kosten {n}
auf jds. Kosten
at sb.'s cost {adv}
at sb.'s charge {adv}
at sb.'s expense {adv}
at the expense of sb. {adv}
auf Kosten
at cost {adv}
auf Kosten etw.Gen.
at the cost of sth. {adv}
Kosten eingeschlossen
including expenses
Kosten sparend
cost-saving {adj}
ohne Kosten
no expenses to be incurred
zu jds. Kosten
at sb.'s expense {adv}
Geld kosten
to cost money
jdm. Kosten verursachen
to put sb. to expense
jdn. Mühe kosten
to cost sb. an effort
jds. Kosten begleichen
to pay sb.'s expenses
to defray sb.'s expenses
Kosten abgelten
to cover costs [pay for costs]
Kosten abschätzen
to tax costs
to estimate costs
Kosten abwälzen
to pass costs along
Kosten auffangen
to absorb costs
Kosten aufteilen
to distribute the share of costs
Kosten begleichen
to meet costs
to defray costs
Kosten bestreiten
to meet costs
Kosten decken
to break evenfin.
to defray costsfin.
Kosten drücken
to hold down costs
Kosten einsparen
to save expenses
Kosten ersparen
to save expenses
Kosten kürzen
to cut costs
Kosten mindern
to curtail expenses
Kosten produzieren
to produce costsecon.
Kosten senken
to axe costs
to cut costs
Kosten sparen
to save costs
Kosten streichen
to strip out costs
Kosten teilen
to share expenses
Kosten tragen
to bear costs
to defray costs
Kosten umgehen
to eliminate costs
Kosten umlegen
to apportion
to allocate costs
to allocate expenses
to apportion expenses
Kosten veranschlagen
to estimate costs
Kosten verursachen
to occasion costs
Kosten übernehmen
to absorb costs
Unsummen kosten
to cost an arm and a leg [coll.] [idiom]
viel kosten
to cost a lot
to cost a packet [esp. Br.] [coll.]
wenig kosten
to cost little money
weniger kosten
to cost less money
Zinsen kosten
to carry interestfin.
Zivilopfer kosten
to cost civilian lives
abhängige Kosten {pl}
contingent expenses
abschreibbare Kosten {pl}
depreciable cost {sg}fin.
absetzbare Kosten {pl}
allowable expenses
abzugsfähige Kosten {pl}
deductible costsfin.
alle Kosten {pl}
any costs
the full cost {sg}
any costs that may arise
allgemeine Kosten {pl}
general expenses
anfallende Kosten {pl}
costs incurred
angefallene Kosten {pl}
costs incurred
incurred costs
accrued expenses
expenses incurred
incurred cost {sg}
accrued costsacc.
angestrebte Kosten {pl}
target cost {sg}
anteilige Kosten {pl}
prorated costs
attributable costs
aufgelaufene Kosten {pl}
accrued costs
costs incurred
accrual {sg} of costs
accrued expenditure {sg}fin.
ausufernde Kosten {pl}
escalating costs
berechnete Kosten {pl}
charges forward
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