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Autodrom {n} [österr.] bumper car
Autoeinstellplatz {m}carport
Autoelektrik {f} car's electrics
Autoelektriker {m} [ugs.] [Kraftfahrzeugelektriker]car electrician
Autoemanzipation {f} self-emancipation
Autoencoder {m}autoencoder
Autoentführung {f} carjacking
Autoentwickler {m} automotive developer
Autoerotik {f} autoerotism
Autoerotik {f}auto-eroticism
autoerotischer Selbsttötungsunfall {m}autoerotic fatality
autoerotischer Unfall {m}autoerotic accident
Autoerotismus {m}autoerotism
Autoerotismus {m} autoeroticism
Autoersatzteile {pl}car spare parts
Autoerwerb {m}acquisition of a car
Autoette {m} {n} autoette [Am.]
Autoexperte {m} automotive expert
Autoexperte {m}car expert
Autofabrik {f}car factory
Autofabrik {f} automobile factory [esp. Am.]
Autofabrik {f} automobile plant [esp. Am.]
Autofabrikant {m} car manufacturer
Autofähre {f} car ferry
Autofähre {f}auto ferry [Am.]
Autofähre {f} vehicle ferry
Autofahren {n}motoring
Autofahren {n}driving a car
Autofahren {n} car driving
Autofahren {n} unter Alkoholeinflussdrink-driving [Br.]
Autofahren {n} unter Alkoholeinfluss drunk driving [esp. Am.]
Autofahren {n} während man abgelenkt ist driving while distracted <DWD>
Autofähren {pl} car ferries
Autofahrende {pl} [seltener für: Autofahrer] car drivers
Autofahrer {m} motorist
Autofahrer {m} driver [of a car]
Autofahrer {m}car driver
Autofahrer {m} autoist [Am.] [dated]
Autofahrer {m}, der Fahrerflucht begeht hit-and-run driver [car driver]
Autofahrer {pl} drivers [of cars]
Autofahrerbräune {f} [ugs.]driver's tan [coll.]
Autofahrerhandschuh {m}motorist glove [Br.]
Autofahrerhandschuh {m}driver glove
Autofahrerhandschuhe {pl}motorist gloves [Br.]
Autofahrerhandschuhe {pl} driver gloves
Autofahrerin {f}car driver [female]
Autofahrerin {f}motorist [female]
Autofahrspur {f} car lane [as opposed to one reserved for cyclists]
Autofahrstuhl {m}car elevator [Am.]
Autofahrt {f}(car) drive
Autofahrt {f} car ride
Autofahrt {f} car trip
Autofahrt {f} [lange Fahrt mit dem Auto] road trip [long car drive]
Autofanatiker {m} car maniac [coll.]
Autofarbe {f} [Farbmittel] car paint
Autofarbe {f} [Farbton]color of the car [Am.]
Autofarbe {f} [Farbton]colour of the car [Br.]
Autofellatio {f}autofellatio
Autofenster {n}car window
Auto-Fettsucht {f} [fig.] car obesity [fig.]
Autofeuerzeug {n} car (cigarette) lighter
Autofiktion {f} autofiction
autofiktional autofictional
Autofirma {f} [ugs.]car company
Autofluoreszenz {f} autofluorescence
Autofluoreszenz-Endoskopie <AFE> {f} [auch: Autofluoreszenzendoskopie]autofluorescence endoscopy <AFE>
Autofokus {m} autofocus
Autofokus-Kamera {f}autofocus camera
Autofotografie {f} autophotography
Autofreak {m} [ugs.] petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [fan of fast cars]
Autofreak {m} [ugs.]motorhead [Am.] [sl.]
Autofreak {m} [ugs.]automobile enthusiast [esp. Am.]
Autofreak {m} [ugs.]car buff
Autofreak {m} [ugs.] car freak [coll.]
Autofreak {m} [ugs.]car geek [esp. Am.] [coll.]
autofrei car-free
autofreie Städte {pl}carfree cities
autofreier Sonntag {m}carless Sunday
Autofriedhof {m} [ugs.] car cemetery [coll.]
Autofriedhof {m} [ugs.]car dump
Autofriedhof {m} [ugs.] breaker's (yard) [Br.]
Autofriedhof {m} [ugs.]junkyard [Am.] [car dump]
Autofußmatte {f} car floor mat
Autofußmatte {f}car mat [car floor mat]
Autofußmatten {pl}car floor mats
autogam autogamously
Autogamie {f} autogamy
Autogas {n}liquefied petroleum gas <LPG>
Autogas {n} liquified petroleum gas <LPG> [spv.]
Autogas {n} <LPG>Liquefied Petroleum Gas <LPG>
autogen autogenous
autogen autogenic
autogene Drainage {f} <AD>autogenic drainage
autogene Mühle {f}autogenous mill
autogene Zahntransplantation {f} autogenous tooth transplantation
autogene Zahntransplantation {f} tooth autotransplantation
autogenes Brennschneiden {n} oxy-fuel cutting
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