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« zurückSeite 1029 für den Anfangsbuchstaben A im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Axialkugellager {n} axial ball bearing
Axialkugellager {n}thrust ball bearing
Axiallager {n} thrust bearing
Axiallager {n} axial bearing
Axiallänge {f}axial length <AL>
Axiallast {f} axial load
Axiallüfter {m} axial fan
Axial-Lüfter {m}axial fan
Axialmigration {f} axial migration
Axialorgan {n}axial organ
Axialpumpe {f} axial-flow pump
Axialpumpe {f}axial pump
Axial-Rillenkugellager {n}deep groove ball thrust bearing
Axialrotation {f} axial rotation
Axialscan {m}axial scan
Axialschub {m} axial thrust
Axialschübe {pl} axial thrusts
Axialskelett {n} axial skeleton [Skeleton axiale]
Axialspalt {m} axial gap
Axialspannung {f} axial stress
Axialspiel {n}axial play
Axialspiel {n} axial backlash
Axialspielbegrenzung {f}axial play limitation (device)
Axialsymmetrie {f}axial symmetry
axialsymmetrisch axisymmetrical
axialsymmetrisch axial-symmetric
axialsymmetrisch axially symmetric
Axialvektor {m}axial vector
Axialventilator {m}axial fan
Axialverdichter {m} axial compressor
Axialverlagerung {f} axial displacement
Axialverschiebung {f}axial displacement
Axialverschiebung {f} axial shift
Axialwinkel {m}axial angle
Axicon {n}axicon
Axilla {f}axilla
Axilladissektion {f} axillary dissection
axillar axillary
Axillarbehaarung {f} axillary hair
axilläre Dissektion {f}axillary dissection
axilläre Hyperhidrose {f}axillary hyperhidrosis <AH>
axilläre Lymphadenektomie {f} axillary lymph node dissection <ALND>
axilläre Lymphadenektomie {f} axillary lymphadenectomy
axilläre Lymphknoten {pl} axillary lymph nodes [Nodi lymphatici axillares, Nodi lymphoidei axillares]
axilläre Lymphknotendissektion {f} axillary lymph node dissection <ALND>
axilläre Lymphonodektomie {f} <ALN, ALNE>axillary lymphonodectomy
axillare Temperaturmessung {f} axillary temperature measurement
Axillarlinie {f}axillary line [Linea axillaris]
Axillarspross {m} axillary shoot
Axillartemperatur {f} [Achseltemperatur]axillary temperature
Axillarzelle {f} axillary cell
Axinit {m} [Mineralgruppe] axinite
Axinit-(Fe) {m} axinite-(Fe) [Ca2FeAl2BO3Si4O12(OH)]
Axinit-(Mg) {m}axinite-(Mg) [Ca2MgAl2BO3Si4O12(OH)]
Axinit-(Mn) {m} axinite-(Mn) [Ca2MnAl2BO3Si4O12(OH)]
Axino {n} axino
Axinomantie {f} axinomancy
Axiologie {f} axiology
axiologisch axiologically
Axiom {n}axiom
Axiom {n}postulate
Axiom {n} der Aussonderungaxiom of separation
Axiom {n} der Auswahlaxiom of choice <AC>
Axiom {n} der Bestimmtheit axiom of extensionality
Axiom {n} der Elementarmengen axiom of elementary sets
Axiom {n} der Potenzmenge axiom of the power set
Axiom {n} der Separation [selten] axiom of separation
Axiom {n} der Vereinigung axiom of (the) union
Axiom {n} des Unendlichen axiom of infinity
Axiom {n} von Archimedes [auch: archimedische Axiom]axiom of Archimedes [also: Archimedes' axiom]
Axiomatik {f}axiomatics
Axiomatik {f} der Mengenlehre axioms {pl} of set theory
axiomatisch axiomatic
axiomatische Geometrie {f} axiomatic geometry
axiomatische Mengenlehre {f}axiomatic set theory
axiomatische Ordnung {f}axiomatic order
axiomatisches System {n}axiomatic system
axiomatisches Verfahren {n} axiomatic method
axiomatisierbar axiomatizable
Axiomatisierbarkeit {f} axiomatizability
Axiomatisierung {f}axiomatisation [Br.]
Axiomatisierung {f} axiomatization
Axiome {pl} axioms
Axiome {pl} der Anordnungaxioms of order
Axiome {pl} der Inzidenz axioms of incidence
Axiome {pl} der Kongruenz axioms of congruence
Axiome {pl} der Parallelen axioms of parallels
Axiome {pl} der Stetigkeit axioms of continuity
Axiome {pl} von KolmogorowKolmogorov axioms
Axiomengruppe {f} group of axioms
Axiomenschema {n}axiom schema
Axiomensystem {n}axiomatic system
Axion {n} [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen]axion [hypothetical elementary particle]
axipetal axipetal
Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel] axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel] epistropheus <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [axis]
Axisfraktur {f} axis fracture
Axisfrakturen {pl} axis fractures
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