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Ampfersandrasen-Glasflügler {m} fiery clearwing [Pyropteron chrysidiforme, syn.: P. chrysidiformis, Bembecia chrysidiformis] [moth]
Ampfer-Spanner {m} blood-vein [Timandra comae]
Ampferspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] blood vein (moth) [Timandra griseata]
Ampferspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]blood-vein (moth) [Timandra griseata]
Ampfer-Wurzelbohrer {m} [Nachtfalter] orange swift (moth) [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina]
Ampfer-Wurzelbohrer / Ampferwurzelbohrer {m} orange moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina] [orange swift]
Ampfer-Wurzelbohrer / Ampferwurzelbohrer {m}wood swift moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina]
Ampfer-Wurzelbohrer / Ampferwurzelbohrer {m}wood ghost moth [Triodia sylvina, syn.: Hepialus sylvina, H. sylvinus, Noctua sylvina, Phalaena sylvina]
Ampfer-Zwergminierfalter {m} sorrel pigmy [Enteucha acetosae, syn.: Johanssonia acetosae, Nepticula acetosae, Stigmella acetosae]
Ampfer-Zwergminierfalter {m} pigmy sorrel moth [Enteucha acetosae, syn.: Johanssonia acetosae, Nepticula acetosae, Stigmella acetosae]
Amphetamin {n} amphetamine
Amphetamin {n} jugs [Am.]
Amphetamin {n}crank [sl.]
Amphetaminderivat {n} amphetamine derivative
Amphetamine {pl} amphetamines
Amphetamineinnahme {f} amphetamine intake
Amphetaminepidemie {f}amphetamine epidemic
Amphetaminkonsum {m}consumption of amphetamine
Amphetaminpsychose {f} amphetamine psychosis
Amphetaminsulfat {n} amphetamine sulfate [Am.]
Amphetaminsulfat {n} amphetamine sulphate [Br.]
amphiadriatisch / amphi-adriatisch amphi-Adriatic
Amphiaraos {m} Amphiaraus
Amphiaraos {m} Amphiaraos
Amphiarthrose {f} amphiarthrosis
amphiatlantisch [auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks vorkommend] amphi-atlantic
Amphibie {f}amphibian
Amphibien- amphibious
Amphibien {pl} amphibians
Amphibienart {f}amphibian species
Amphibienarten {pl} amphibian species {pl}
Amphibienei {n} amphibian egg
Amphibienembryo {m} amphibian embryo
Amphibienfahrzeug {n} amphibious craft
Amphibienfahrzeug {n}amphibious vehicle
Amphibienfahrzeug {n} duck [vehicle] [Am.]
Amphibienfahrzeug {n}amphibian vehicle
[Amphibienfahrzeug für Ausflüge von Touristen] duck boat [also: Duck boat] [coll.] [amphibious tour bus]
Amphibienfamilie {f} amphibian family
Amphibienflugzeug {n}amphibious aircraft
Amphibienflugzeug {n} amphibian
Amphibienforschung {f} [auch: Amphibien-Forschung] amphibian research
Amphibienhaut {f}amphibian skin
Amphibienhelikopter {m} amphibian helicopter
Amphibienherz {n} amphibian heart
Amphibienhubschrauber {m}amphibian helicopter
Amphibienlarve {f} amphibian larva
Amphibienlunge {f} amphibian lung
Amphibiom {n} amphibiome
Amphibiont {m}amphibiont
amphibisch amphibian
amphibisch amphibiously
amphibische Aufklärung {f} amphibious reconnaissance
amphibische Landung {f} amphibious landing
amphibische Operation {f} amphibious operation
amphibische Pflanze {f} amphibious plant
amphibische Truppen {pl}amphibious troops
amphibischer Angriff {m}amphibious assault
amphibischer Aufklärungspanzer {m}amphibious reconnaissance tank
amphibischer Kampfverband {m} landing force
Amphibischer Schleimfisch {m}Montagu's blenny [Coryphoblennius galerita, syn.: Blennius galerita]
amphibischer Verband {m}amphibious group
amphibisches Angriffsschiff {n}amphibious assault ship
amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug {n} <APE> amphibious engineer reconnaissance vehicle <AERV>
Amphibium {n}amphibian
Amphiblastula {f} amphiblastula
Amphibol {m} [Mineralgruppe] amphibole
Amphibolasbestfaser {f} amphibole asbestos fiber [Am.]
Amphibolgneis {m} amphibolic gneiss
Amphibolgneis {m} amphibole gneiss
Amphibolgruppe {f}amphibole group
amphibolisch [geh. bzw. fachspr.]amphibolic
amphibolisch [geh.] [zweideutig, doppelsinnig]double-barrelled [Br.] [ambiguous]
Amphibolismus {m} amphibolism
Amphibolit {m} amphibolite
Amphibolitisierung {f}amphibolitization
Amphibolschiefer {m} amphibole schist
Amphibrachys {m} [Versfuß] amphibrach
amphicoel amphicoelous
amphicöl amphicoelous
Amphidiorthose {f}amphidiorthosis
Amphidromie {f}amphidromy
amphidromischer Punkt {m} [Gezeiten] amphidromic point [tides]
Amphigastrium {n} amphigastrium
amphikrine Zellen {pl} amphicrine cells
Amphiktyonie {f} amphictyony
Amphiktyonie {f}Amphictyonic League [amphictyony]
Amphilochos {m}Amphilochus
Amphimacer {m} [Versfuß] amphimacer
amphimiktisch amphimictic
Amphimixis {f} amphimixis
Amphion {m}Amphion
Amphioxus {m} [veraltet für: Gattung Branchiostoma]amphioxus [dated for: genus Branchiostoma]
amphipathisch amphipathic
amphipazifisch amphi-Pacific
amphiphil amphiphilic
Amphiphil {n}amphiphile
amphiphile Teilchen {pl}amphiphilic particles
« AmmeAmmoAmöbAmorAmpeAmpfAmphampuAmstamtlamtl »
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