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« zurückSeite 698 für den Anfangsbuchstaben A im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
assistive Technologie {f} <AT> assistive technology <AT>
assistive Technologien {pl}assistive technologies [also university course: Assistive Technologies]
Assi-Toaster {m} [pej.] [Sonnenbank]tanning bed
A-S-Skala {f} [kurz für: Antisemitismusskala] A-S scale [short for: antisemitism scale]
asslig [Jugendsprache] [widerlich]disgusting
Assmanns Scheckenfalter {m}Assmann's fritillary [Melitaea britomartis] [butterfly]
Associate Degree {m} [akademischer Grad, der von verschiedenen Bildungseinrichtungen (Junior-, Community College etc.) nach Abschluss von 2 Jahren verliehen wird]associate degree [Am.]
associative Operation {f} [veraltete Rsv.]associative operation
Associé {m} [veraltet] [Teilhaber] associate
Assonanz {f}assonance
Assonanzen {pl} assonances
assortativ assortative
Assortativität {f} assortativity
assortierento assort
Assortiment {n} [veraltet] [Lager, Sortiment]assortment
Assoziation {f} association
Assoziation {f}connotation
Assoziationen {pl} associations
Assoziationen {pl}, die bei diesem Wort mitklingen associations contained in this word
Assoziationsabkommen {n}association agreement
Assoziationsanalyse {f}association analysis
Assoziationsbahn {f} association pathway
Assoziationsfaser {f}association fiber [Am.] [Neurofibra associationis]
Assoziationsfelder {pl}association areas
Assoziationsgesetz {n} law of association
Assoziationsgrad {m}degree of association
Assoziationskette {f} chain of associations
Assoziationsmuster {n} associational pattern
Assoziationsmuster {n}association pattern
Assoziationsmuster {pl} patterns of association
Assoziationsprinzipien {pl}principles of association
Assoziationspsychologie {f} associational psychology
Assoziationspsychologie {f} (psychology of) associationism
Assoziationsrat {m} association council
Assoziationsrate {f}association rate
Assoziationstest {m}association test
Assoziationstheorie {f}associationist theory
Assoziationstheorie {f} association theory
Assoziationsvermögen {n} power of association
Assoziationsversuch {m} association test
Assoziationsvertrag {m}association treaty
assoziativ associative
assoziativ associatively
Assoziativ {n} associative system [gruppoid]
assoziative Agnosie {f} associative agnosia <AA>
assoziative Algebra {f}associative algebra
assoziative Aphasie {f} associative aphasia
assoziative Operation {f}associative operation
assoziative Reihung {f} associative array
assoziativer Array {m} associative array
assoziatives Array {n}associative array
assoziatives Datenfeld {n}associative array
assoziatives Gedächtnis {n} associative memory
Assoziativgesetz {n} associative law
Assoziativgesetz {n} associative property
Assoziativgesetz {n} associative rule [associative law]
Assoziativität {f} associativity
Assoziativrelation {f} associative storage
Assoziativspeicher {m}associative memory
Assoziator {m} associator
assoziieren to associate
assoziiert associated
assoziierter Vertragspartner {m} associated contractor
assoziiertes Gebiet {n}associated territory
assoziiertes Land {n} associated country
assoziiertes Mitglied {n}associated member
assoziiertes Mitglied {n} associate member
assoziiertes Unternehmen {n}associated enterprise
assoziiertes Unternehmen {n}associate [associated company]
assoziiertes Unternehmen {n}associated company
Assoziierung {f} affiliation
Assoziierung {f}amalgamation
Assoziierung {f} association
Assoziierungsabkommen {n} association agreement
Assoziierungsabkommen {n} treaty of association
Assoziierungsmodalitäten {pl}arrangements for association
Assoziierungsprozess {m}association process
Assoziierungsvereinbarung {f} association agreement
Assoziierungsvertrag {m} amalgamation agreement
Assoziierungsvertrag {m}treaty of association
Assoziogramm {n} associogram
Assozionismus {m}associationism
Assuan {n}Aswan
Assuan-Hochdamm {m} Aswan High Dam
Assuan-Staudamm {m} Aswan Dam [also: Aswan High Dam]
Assumptionist {m} Assumptionist
Assumptionisten {pl} Assumptionists
Assumtion {f} Assumption
Assur {n} [Aššur] Assur [Aššur]
Assurbanipal {m}Ashurbanipal
Assyrer {m}Assyrian
Assyrerherrscher {m}Assyrian ruler
Assyrerin {f}Assyrian [female]
Assyrerkönig {m} Assyrian king
Assyrien {n}Assyria
Assyriologe {m}Assyriologist
Assyriologie {f}Assyriology
Assyriologin {f} Assyriologist [female]
« AsklAspeasphAsseAssiassiAssyAsteästhÄstiAstr »
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