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Baumstrunk {m} butt
Baumstrunk {m} [Baumstumpf] tree stump
Baumstudie {f} study of a tree
Bäumstuhl {m} [Textiltechnik] beaming frame
Baumstumpf {m} tree stump
Baumstumpf {m}stub [tree stub]
Baumstumpf {m}stock [of a tree]
Baumstumpf {m} stump
Baumstumpf {m} [in Flüssen]snag
Baumstumpf {m} [mit Wurzelschösslingen]stool
Baumstumpf {m} [Stumpf des Baumes] stub of the tree
Baumstumpf {m} [Stumpf eines Baumes] stub of a tree
Baumstümpfe {pl} tree stumps
Baumstumpfzieher {m} (tree) stump extractor
Baumsturz {m}fallen tree
Baumsturz {m} deadfall [Am.] [fallen tree]
Baumstütze {f} tree prop
Baumtabak {m} tree tobacco [Nicotiana glauca]
Baumtabak {m}wild tobacco [Nicotiana glauca]
Baumtabak {m} glaucous-leaf tobacco [Nicotiana glauca]
Baumtabak {m} tobacco bush [Nicotiana glauca]
Baumtomate {f}tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: Cyphomandra betacea]
Baumtomate {f}tamarillo [Solanum betaceum, syn.: Cyphomandra betacea]
Baumtomate {f}yellow tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtomate {f} Dutch eggplant [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtomatenstrauch {m} yellow tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtomatenstrauch {m}tamarillo [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtomatenstrauch {m}tree tomato [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtomatenstrauch {m}Dutch eggplant [Solanum betaceum, syn.: S. crassifolium, Cyphomandra betacea, C. crassicaulis, C. crassifolia]
Baumtopologie {f}tree topology
Baumtoppnant {f} boom lift
Baumtoppnant {f} topping lift
Baumtransport {m}tree transport
Baum-Trichterwinde / Baumtrichterwinde {f} tree morning glory [Ipomoea arborescens]
Baumtropf {m} snow-in-the-mountain [Aegopodium podagraria]
Baumtropf {m}goutweed [Aegopodium podagraria]
Baumtropf {m} bishop's weed [Aegopodium podagraria]
Baumtropf {m}herb gerard [Aegopodium podagraria]
Baumtropf {m}ground elder [Aegopodium podagraria]
Baumüberhang {m} overhanging branches {pl}
Baumuhme {f} [veraltet] [Meierin] [female supervisor of servants at an estate]
Baumüllcontainer {m} construction dumpster [Am.]
Baumuntersuchung {f}tree examination
Baumuster {n} type of construction
Baumuster {n} [Modell] model
Baumusterprüfung {f}type examination
Baumusterprüfung {f} type approval test
Baumusterzulassung {f} type approval
Baumvegetation {f}tree vegetation
Baumverhau {m}abatis
Baumverjüngung {f} rejuvenation of trees
Baumvipern {pl} (African) bush vipers [genus Atheris]
Baumvipern {pl}tree vipers [genus Atheris]
Baumvipern {pl}hairy bush vipers [genus Atheris]
Baumwachs {n} grafting wax
Baumwachstum {n} tree growth
Baumwanze {f} [Insekt]shield bug
Baumwanzen {pl}stink bugs [family Pentatomidae]
Baumwart {m} tree warden
Baumweißling {m} [auch: Baum-Weißling] black-veined white [Aporia crataegi]
Baum-Welch-Algorithmus {m} Baum-Welch algorithm
Baumwipfel {m} treetop
Baumwipfelpfad {m} canopy pathway
Baumwisterie {f}tree wisteria [Bolusanthus speciosus]
Baumwisterie {f} Rhodesian wisteria tree [Bolusanthus speciosus]
Baumwisterie {f} wild wisteria [Bolusanthus speciosus]
Baum-Wolfsmilch {f}tree spurge [Euphorbia dendroides]
Baum-Wolfsmilch {f} woody spurge [Euphorbia dendroides]
Baumwoll- cotton [attr.]
Baumwollabfall {m} cotton waste
Baumwollabfallspinnerei {f} [Verfahren] cotton waste spinning
Baumwollabfallweberei {f} [Fabrik] cotton weaving mill
baumwollähnlich cottony
Baumwollaken {n} [alt] cotton sheet
Baumwollanbau {m} cotton growing
Baumwollanbau {m} [Baumwollgewinnung] cotton production
Baumwollanbaufläche {f} cotton-growing area
Baumwollanbaugebiet {n} cotton belt / Cotton Belt
Baumwollanzug {m} cotton suit
baumwollarmierter Schlauch {m} cotton-braided hose
baumwollarmierter Schlauch {m}cotton-braid hose
Baumwollballen {m} cotton bale
Baumwollballenpresse {f} cotton baling press
Baumwollbaum {m} (pink) shavingbrush / shaving-brush / shaving brush tree [Pseudobombax ellipticum, syn.: Bombax ellipticum, Pachira fastuosa]
Baumwollbausch {m} cotton wool dabber
Baumwollbekleidung {f} cotton clothing
Baumwollbetttuch {n} cotton sheet
Baumwollbettwäsche {f}cotton bed linen
Baumwollbettwäsche {f}cotton bedding
Baumwollbeutel {m}cotton bag
Baumwollbeutel {m} [Tragetasche]cotton carrier bag
Baumwoll-BH {m}cotton bra
Baumwollblattroller {m}cotton leafroller / leaf roller [Syllepte derogata, syn.: S. multilinealis, Harilatodes derogata, Notarcha derogata, Phalaena derogata]
Baumwollbluse {f}cotton blouse
Baumwollbörse {f} cotton exchange
Baumwollbuntspinnerei {f} [Verfahren] spinning of colored cotton yarn [Am.]
Baumwollbüschel {n}cotton tuft
Baumwolldichtung {f}cotton packing
« BaumBaumBaumBaumBaumBaumBaumBaumBaumBaupBaus »
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