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« zurückSeite 116 für den Anfangsbuchstaben B im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Baustellenausfahrt {f}construction site exit
Baustellenausfahrt {f}works exit [Br.] [building site exit]
Baustellenbaracke {f}(building) site hut
Baustellenbegehung {f}job-site inspection
Baustellenbereich {m} construction zone
Baustellenbesichtigung {f} building site visit
Baustellenbeton {m} on-site-mixed concrete
Baustellenbeton {m} site-mixed concrete
Baustellenbetrieb {m} construction site operation
Baustellenbüro {n} site office
Baustelleneinfahrt {f} (construction) site entrance
Baustelleneinfahrt {f}works access [Br.] [construction site access]
Baustelleneinrichtung {f}building site facilities
Baustellenestrich {m} in-situ screed
Baustellenestrich {m}on-site screed
Baustellenfahrzeug {n} construction (site) vehicle
Baustellenfahrzeuge frei [Schild]Construction vehicles only
Baustellenkegel {m} witches hat [coll.:construction cone]
Baustellenklo {n} [ugs.] [mobile Toilettenkabine] portable toilet
Baustellenklo {n} [ugs.] [mobile Toilettenkabine] porta potty [Am.]
Baustellenleiter {m} construction (site) manager
Baustellenleuchte {f} construction site luminaire
Baustellenmontage {f} site assembly
Baustellenpersonal {n} building site personnel
Baustellenpumpe {f} contractors' pump
Baustellenpumpe {f} building site pump
Baustellenschild {n} construction-site sign
Baustellensicherheit {f} construction site safety
Baustellensilo {m} {n}construction site silo
Baustellenstraße {f} (construction) site road
Baustellenstraße {f}temporary road
Baustellentür {f}construction site protection door
Baustellenverkehr {m} construction traffic
Baustellenverordnung {f} <BaustellV> Construction Site Ordinance
Baustellenverordnung {f} <BaustellV> Construction (Design and Management) regulations {pl} <CDM> [Br.]
Baustellenzaun {m}(building) site fence
Baustil {m} architectural style
Baustil {m} architecture
Baustil {m}construction style
Baustil {m} building style
Baustile {pl} architectural styles
Baustillstandszeit {f} standstill at the construction site
Baustoff {m} building material
Baustoff {m} nutrient
Baustoff {m}material
Baustoff {m}construction material
Baustoff {m} engineering material
Baustoffbetrieb {m} construction supply business
Baustoffe {pl} building materials
Baustoffe {pl} construction materials
Baustoffeigenschaften {pl}building material properties
Baustoffeigenschaften {pl} properties of building materials
Baustoffhändler {m} builder's merchant
Baustoffhandlung {f} building supplies store
Baustoffindustrie {f} building materials industry
Baustoffingenieurwesen {n} building materials engineering (science)
Baustoffklasse {f}building material class
Baustoffkunde {f} building materials science
Baustofflehre {f}construction material practice
Baustofflieferant {m}building materials supplier
Baustoffprüfer {m}construction material tester
Baustoffprüferin {f} construction material tester [female]
Baustoffprüfung {f} building materials testing
Baustofftechnik {f} building materials technology
Baustoffversorgung {f} building materials supply
Baustop {m} [alt] building freeze
Baustopp {m} suspension of building work
Baustopp {m} building halt
Baustopp {m}building freeze
Baustopp {m}construction freeze
Baustopp {m} [als Zeitraum, bes. in Palästina] freeze period [esp. in Palestine]
Baustrahler {m} (construction site) flood lamp
Baustraße {f}construction road
Baustraße {f}temporary road [typically for new road construction or repair]
Baustrom {m}site power supply
Baustrom {m} [power consumed on a construction site]
Baustruktur {f}building structure
Baustruktur {f} [Struktur des Gebäudes]structure of the building
Baustruktur {f} [Struktur eines Gebäudes] structure of a building
Baustufe {f} construction stage
Baustufe {f}construction phase
Baustufe {f}building phase
Bausubstanz {f}structure
Bausubstanz {f} building stock
Bausumme {f} building sum
Bausumme {f} (heavy) construction sum
Bausünde {f} [ugs.]architectural aberration [eyesore]
Bausünde {f} [ugs.] architectural eyesore
Bausünde {f} [ugs.]eyesore
Bausünde {f} [ugs.]architectural monstrosity [eyesore]
B-Auswahl {f}second-string side
Bautafel {f} construction sign
Bautagebuch {n}site diary
Bautagebuch {n} construction log [site diary]
Bautagebuch {n}site journal [site diary, construction log, company log]
Bautastein {m} [in Skandinavien] memorial stone [scandinavian menhir]
Bautätigkeit {f} activity in the building line
Bautätigkeit {f} building
Bautätigkeit {f}building activity
Bautätigkeit {f} construction activity
« BaumBaumBaumBaupBausBausBautBauuBauzbayebeab »
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