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« zurückSeite 35 für den Anfangsbuchstaben B im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
ballfertig [Fußballspieler] skilled on the ball [postpos.] [soccer player]
Ballfertigkeit {f} skill on the ball
Ballfertigkeit {f}ball skills {pl}
ballführender Spieler {m}ball carrier
Ballführer {m}ball carrier
Ballführung {f} ball control
Ballgeflüster The Duke's Desire [June Calvin]
Ballgefühl {n} hand-eye coordination [in playing ball games]
Ballgefühl {n} feel for the ball
Ballgesellschaft {f} ball society [collective attendees of a formal ball]
Ball-Gletscher {m}Ball Glacier
Ballhaus {n} real-tennis court [indoors]
Ballhaus {n} tennis court [indoors]
Ballhaus {n}Jeu de paume court [indoors]
Ballhaus {n} [für Bälle] ballroom building
Ballhausplatz {m} [österr. Bundeskanzleramt] Ballhausplatz [Austrian Federal Chancellery]
Ballhausschwur {m}Tennis Court Oath
Ballhupe {f}bulb horn
ballig spherical
ballig crowned
Balligkeit {f} convexity
Balligkeit {f} [Maschinen] camber
Balligkeit {f} [Zahnrad]crowing [gear]
Ballina {n}Ballina [Irish: Béal an Átha] [County Mayo, Republic of Ireland]
Balliranoit {m}balliranoite [(Na,K)6Ca2(Si6Al6O24)Cl2(CO3)]
Ballismus {m} ballism
Ballista {f} [Rsv.] ballista
Balliste {f} ballista
Ballisten {pl} ballistae
Ballistik {f}ballistics {pl} [treated as sg.]
Ballistiker {m} ballistician
ballistisch ballistically
ballistisch ballistical
ballistische Bombe {f} gravity bomb
ballistische Bombe {f} ballistic bomb
ballistische Daten {pl}ballistic data
ballistische Kurve {f} ballistic path
ballistische Rakete {f}ballistic missile
ballistische Schutzweste {f} interceptor body armor [Am.] <IBA>
ballistische Schutzweste {f} ballistic vest
(ballistische) Kurzstreckenrakete {f} short-range ballistic missile <SRBM>
(ballistische) Langstreckenrakete {f}long-range ballistic missile <LRBM>
(ballistische) Mittelstreckenrakete {f} medium-range ballistic missile <MRBM>
ballistischer Flugkörper {m} ballistic missile
ballistischer Mittelstreckenflugkörper {m}intermediate-range ballistic missile <IRBM>
ballistischer Schutzschild {m}ballistic shield
ballistisches Pendel {n} ballistic pendulum
ballistisches Trauma {n} ballistic trauma
Ballistit {n} [rauchschwaches Schießpulver]ballistite [smokeless gunpowder]
Ballistochorie {f} [Ballochorie]ballistochory [ballochory]
Ballistokardiografie {f} <BKG> ballistocardiography <BCG>
Ballistokardiogramm {n} <BKG> ballistocardiogram <BCG>
Ballistokardiograph {m} ballistocardiograph
Ballistokardiographie {f} <BKG> ballistocardiography <BCG>
Ballistokonidie {f} ballistoconidium
Ballistophobie {f} ballistophobia
Ballistospore {f}ballistospore
Balljunge {m}ball boy
Balljunge {m}ball kid [UEFA term]
Ballkind {n} ballboy [also: ball boy, ball-boy] [football / soccer / tennis]
Ballkissen {n}wobble cushion
Ballkissen {n} [mit Noppenoberfläche] balance cushion [spike cushion]
Ballkleid {n} ball dress
Ballkleid {n} ball gown [also: ballgown]
Ballkleid-BH {m} [BH mit tief angesetztem Rückenteil]backless bra
Ballkleider {pl} ball dresses
Ballknebel {m} ball gag
Ballkönigin {f}belle of the ball
Ballkönigin {f}prom queen [Am.] [Can.]
Ballkontakt {m}touch of the ball
Ballkontakt {m} contact with the ball [the act of touching the ball]
Ballkontrolle {f} ball control
Ballkünstler {m}artist with the ball [football]
Ballmädchen {n} ball girl
Ballmädchen {n} ballgirl
Ballmanweber {m}Gola malimbe [Malimbus ballmanni]
Ballmanweber {m} Tai malimbe [Malimbus ballmanni]
Ballmanweber {m}Ballmann's malimbe [Malimbus ballmanni]
Ballmanweber {m} malia babbler [Malia grata]
Ballmanweber {m}Celebes babbler [Malia grata]
Ballmanweber {m} Celebes malia [Malia grata]
Ballmanweber {m}malia [Malia grata]
Ballmarker {m} [Golfspiel] [auch: Ball Marker]ball marker [golf]
Ballmitnahme {f} [Fußball] first-touch control [football / soccer]
Ballnacht {f}ball night
Ballnetz {n} ball carry net
Ballochorie {f} explosive seed dispersal [ballochory]
Ballochorie {f} [Samenverbreitung durch Schleudern (Springkraut)] ballochory [seed dispersal by explosive hurling, as done by touch-me-nots]
Ballon {m} balloon
Ballon {m} [schweiz.]glass of wine
Ballonangioplastik {f}balloon angioplasty <BA>
Ballonanker {m}balloon anchor
Ballonanker {m} balloon grapnel
Ballonatrioseptostomie {f}balloon atrioseptostomy [Rashkind maneuver]
Ballonatrioseptostomie {f} nach Rashkind <BAS nach Rashkind>Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy <Rashkind BAS>
Ballonaufstieg {m} balloon ascent
Ballonaufstieg {m} [Aufstieg des Ballons]ascent of the balloon
« BalhBalkBalkBallBallballBallBallBalsBaltBamb »
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