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Bruttobezug {m} gross salary / pay
Brutto-Cashflow {m}gross cash flow
Bruttoeinkommen {n}gross income
Bruttoeinkünfte {pl}gross earnings
Bruttoeinnahmen {pl} gross earnings
Bruttoeinnahmen {pl}gross receipts
Bruttoeinnahmen {pl}gross revenue {sg}
Bruttoeinnahmen {pl} aus Lieferungengross sales
Bruttoenergieverbrauch {m}gross energy consumption
Bruttoentgelt {n} gross pay
Bruttoergebnis {n} vom Umsatz gross profit on sales
Bruttoertrag {m}gross profit
Bruttoertrag {m}gross proceeds {pl}
Bruttoertrag {m} gross yield
Bruttoertrag {m} gross return
Bruttoformel {f}molecular formula
Bruttogehalt {n} gross salary
Bruttogehalt {n}gross wage
Bruttogehalt {n} gross pay
Bruttogeschoßfläche {f} <BGF> [österr.] [südd.] [sonst: alt] gross floor area <GFA>
Brutto-Geschossfläche {f}gross floor area
Bruttogeschossfläche {f} <BGF> gross floor area <GFA>
Bruttogewicht {n} gross weight <gr.wt.>
Bruttogewichte {pl} gross weights
Bruttogewinn {m} gross profit
Bruttogewinn {m} total profit
Bruttogewinn {m}contribution margin
Bruttogewinn {m} top-line profit
Bruttogewinnmarge {f}gross profit margin
Bruttogewinnspanne {f} gross (profit) margin
Bruttogrundfläche {f} <BGF> gross floor area <GFA>
Brutto-Grundfläche {f} <BGF> [gemäß DIN 277] gross floor area <GFA>
Bruttohandelsspanne {f} gross margin
Bruttoinlandprodukt {n} [bes. schweiz.] <BIP> gross domestic product <GDP>
Bruttoinlandprodukt {n} pro Kopf [bes. schweiz.]GDP per capita
Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n} <BIP> gross domestic product <GDP>
Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n} <BIP>national output [gross domestic product]
Bruttoinlandsprodukt {n} pro KopfGDP per capita
Bruttoinventarwert {m} <BIW> gross asset value <GAV>
Bruttoinvestition {f} gross investment
Bruttojahresarbeitsentgelt {n}annual gross pay
Bruttokaltmiete {f} [rent including maintenance but excluding heating]
Bruttokaltmiete {f} <BKM>gross cold rent
Bruttokapazität {f} gross capacity
Bruttokapitalbildung {f} gross capital formation
Bruttokontaktsumme {f} <GRP>gross rating points {pl} <GRPs>
Bruttoliefermanagement {n}gross delivery management
Bruttolohn {m}gross wages {pl}
Bruttolohn {m} gross salary
Bruttolohn {m} gross wage
Bruttomarge {f} gross margin
Bruttomasse {f}gross weight
Bruttomasse {f}gross mass
Bruttomethode {f} gross method
Bruttomiete {f} gross rent
Bruttonationaleinkommen {n} <BNE>gross national product <GNP>
Bruttonationaleinkommen {n} <BNE>gross national income <GNI>
Bruttonationalglück {n} <BNG> gross national happiness <GNH>
Bruttophotosynthese {f} [auch: Brutto-Photosynthese]gross photosynthesis
Bruttoprämie {f} gross premium
Bruttopreis {m} gross price
Bruttoprimärproduktion {f} <GPP>gross primary production <GPP>
Brutto-Primärproduktivität {f}gross primary productivity <GPP>
Bruttoproduktion {f}gross output
Bruttoraumgehalt {m} [Bruttoraumzahl] gross tonnage <GT>
Brutto-Rauminhalt {m} <BRI> [Volumen eines Gebäudes]gross building volume <GBV>
Bruttoraumzahl {f} <BRZ> gross tonnage <GT>
Bruttoreaktion {f} brutto reaction
Bruttoreaktion {f}gross reaction
Bruttoregistertonnage {f} <BRT> gross register tonnage <GRT>
Bruttoregistertonne {f} gross ton
Bruttoregistertonne {f} <BRT>gross register ton <GRT>
Bruttoregistertonnen {pl}tons submerged displacement
Bruttoregistertonnen {pl} <BRT> gross register tons <GRT>
Bruttorendite {f} gross yield
Bruttoreproduktionsziffer / Brutto-Reproduktionsziffer {f} gross reproduction rate <GRR>
Bruttoschuldenstand {m} gross debt
Bruttosozialprodukt {n} <BSP> [veraltet] [noch ugs.] gross national product <GNP>
Bruttosozialprodukt {n} <BSP> [veraltet] [noch ugs.] [Bruttonationaleinkommen] national product [gross national product]
Bruttospanne {f} [Handels-, Gewinnspanne]gross margin
Brutto-Startgewicht {n} gross take off weight <GTOW>
Brutto-Stichprobe {f}initial sample [before nonresponse and exclusion of ineligibles]
Bruttostromverbrauch {m}gross electricity consumption
Bruttosumme {f} gross total
Bruttotonne {f}gross ton [1016.05 kg]
Bruttotonne {f} gross tonne [in metric tons]
Bruttoumsatz {m}gross turnover
Bruttoumsatz {m} gross sales {pl}
Bruttoumsatz {m}gross revenue
Bruttoverdienst {m}gross income
Bruttoverdienst {m}gross profit
Bruttoverdienst {m} gross earnings {pl}
Bruttoverdienste {pl}gross profits
Bruttoverkaufspreis {m} gross selling price
Bruttoverlust {m}gross loss
Bruttovermögen {n} gross assets {pl}
Bruttovermögenswerte {pl}gross assets
Bruttoverschuldung {f}gross debt
Bruttovolkseinkommen {n} <BVE> gross national income <GNI>
Bruttowarmmiete {f} [Bruttokaltmiete + Heizkosten] gross warm rent [gross cold rent + heating costs]
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