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dyspeptisches Koma {n} dyspeptic coma
Dysphagia lusoria {f} [Schluckstörung] Arkin's disease [Dysphagia lusoria; syn.: Bayford-Autenrieth dysphagia]
Dysphagie {f}dysphagia
Dysphagie {f} difficulty in swallowing
dysphagisch dysphagic
Dysphasie {f} dysphasia
Dysphemie {f}dysphemia [esp. stammering or stuttering]
Dysphemismus {m}dysphemism
Dysphonemie {f}dysphemia
Dysphonie {f} dysphonia
Dysphorie {f}dysphoria
Dysphorie {f}anxiety
dysphotisch dysphotic
dysphotische Zone {f}dysphotic zone
Dysphrasie {f}dysphrasia
Dysplasia cleidocranialis {f} <DCC> cleidocranial dysplasia <CCD>
Dysplasie {f} dysplasia
Dysplasie {f}abnormality of development
dysplastisch dysplastic
Dyspnoe {f} dyspnoea [Br.]
Dyspnoe {f}dyspnea [Am.]
Dyspnoe {f} [fachspr.] laboured breathing [Br.]
Dyspnoe {f} im Liegenorthopnea [Am.]
Dyspnoe {f} im Liegen orthopnoea [Br.]
Dyspnoe {f} im Sitzen [Sitz-Dyspnoe, Sitzdyspnoe] platypnea [Am.]
Dyspnoe {f} im Sitzen [Sitz-Dyspnoe, Sitzdyspnoe] platypnoea [Br.]
Dyspnoe {f} in Ruhe [Atemnot in Ruhe]dyspnea at rest [Am.]
Dyspnoe {f} in Ruhe [Atemnot in Ruhe] dyspnoea at rest [Br.]
Dysponesis {f} dysponesis
Dyspraxie {f}dyspraxia
Dyspraxie {f} developmental coordination disorder <DCD> [dyspraxia]
Dyspraxie {f} developmental motor coordination disorder [dyspraxia]
Dysprosium {n} <Dy>dysprosium <Dy>
Dysprosiumatom {n}dysprosium atom
Dysprosiumdichlorid {n}dysprosium dichloride [DyCl2]
Dysprosium(II)-chlorid {n} dysprosium(II) chloride [DyCl2]
Dysprosium(III)-bromid {n} dysprosium(III) bromide [DyBr3]
Dysprosium(III)-chlorid {n} dysprosium(III) chloride [DyCl3]
Dysprosium(III)-fluorid {n} dysprosium(III) fluoride [DyF3]
Dysprosium(III)-nitrat {n}dysprosium(III) nitrate [Dy(NO3)3]
Dysprosium(III)-selenid {n} dysprosium(III) selenide [Dy2Se3]
Dysprosium(III)-sulfat {n} dysprosium(III) sulfate [Am.] [Dy2(SO4)3]
Dysprosiumisotop {n} [auch: Dysprosium-Isotop] dysprosium isotope
Dysprosiumnitrat {n} dysprosium nitrate [Dy(NO3)3]
Dysprosium-Orthoferrit {m} dysprosium orthoferrite [DyFeO3]
Dysprosiumoxid {n}dysprosium oxide
Dysprosiumtribromid {n}dysprosium tribromide [DyBr3]
Dysprosiumtrichlorid {n} dysprosium trichloride [DyCl3]
Dysprosiumtrifluorid {n} dysprosium trifluoride [DyF3]
Dysprosiumtrinitrat {n} dysprosium trinitrate [Dy(NO3)3]
Dysprosodie {f} dysprosody
Dysproteinämie {f} dysproteinaemia [Br.]
Dysproteinämie {f}dysproteinemia [Am.]
Dysraphie {f}dysraphia
Dysraphie-Syndrom {n} dysraphic syndrome
Dysraphismus {m} dysraphism
Dysregulation {f}dysregulation
Dysregulierung {f}dysregulation
Dysrhythmie {f} [Rhythmusstörung, z. B. des Herzens]dysrhythmia
Dyssomnie {f}dyssomnia
Dysspermie {f}dysspermia
Dysstress {m} distress
Dyssynergie {f} dyssynergia
Dyssynergie {f} dyssynergy
dystelektatisch dystelectatic
Dysteleologie {f} dysteleology
Dysthymie {f} dysthymia
dysthymische Störung {f} dysthymic disorder
Dystokie {f} dystocia
Dystokie {f} dystokia [spv.]
dyston dystonic
dystoner Tremor {m} <DT> dystonic tremor <DT>
Dystonie {f} dystonia
Dystonie {f}muscle disorders
dystoper Hoden {m} dystopic testis [less frequent than: undescended testis]
dystoper Hoden {m} [ICD-10]undescended testis [ICD-10]
Dystopie {f}heterotopia
Dystopie {f} [Antiutopie]dystopia
Dystopiker {m} dystopian
dystopisch [Gegenteil von utopisch]dystopian [relating to a dystopia]
dystopisch [Gegenteil von utopisch] dystopic
Dystos-See {m} Lake Dystos
Dystrobrevin {n}dystrobrevin
Dystroglycan {n}dystroglycan
Dystroglykan {n}dystroglycan
Dystroglykan-Komplex {m}dystroglycan complex
dystroph dystrophic
Dystrophia {f} dystrophy
Dystrophia {f}growth failure in tissue
Dystrophia adiposogenitalis {f}adiposogenital dystrophy
Dystrophie {f} dystrophia
Dystrophie {f}growth failure in tissue
Dystrophie {f} dystrophy
Dystrophin {n} dystrophin
Dysurie {f} dysuria
Dysurie {f}painful urination
Dysvitaminose {f} dysvitaminosis
Dyszephalie {f}dyscephaly
Dyszoospermie {f} dyszoospermia
« DüstdutzDynadynaDyscdyspdysze{n}ebenEbenEben »
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