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Emodi-Rhabarber / Emodirhabarber {m} red-veined pie plant [Rheum australe, syn.: R. emodi]
E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] Young's modulus <E>
E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul]E-modulus <E>
E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] elastic modulus <E>
E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] [Materialkennwert aus der Werkstofftechnik]modulus of elasticity <E> [less commonly: Y]
Emoji {n} [Bildschriftzeichen] emoji
e-Moll {n} <e, Em> E minor <e, Em>
Emolliens {n}emollient
Emollientia {pl}emollients
Emollientien {pl} emollients
Emolument {n} [veraltet]emolument
Emoticon {n} emoticon
Emotion {f}emotion
Emotion {f} affect
emotional emotional
emotional emotionally
emotional feverish
emotional [mit der Tendenz zum körperlichen Ausdruck von Gefühlen] touchy-feely [coll.] [often pej.]
emotional [Thema etc.] emotive
emotional aufgeladen emotionally charged
emotional distanziertemotionally detached
emotional gefärbt sentimental [emotionally tinted or biased]
emotional gestörtemotionally maladjusted
emotional instabilemotionally instable
emotional instabile Persönlichkeitsstörung {f}emotionally unstable personality disorder
emotional instabile Persönlichkeitsstörung {f} <EIPS> borderline personality disorder <BPD>
emotional verbunden emotionally attached
emotional verbundenemotionally connected
emotional verwandte Lebendspende {f}emotionally related donation
(emotional) gefestigt [ausgeglichen] centered [emotionally stable and secure] [Am.]
emotionale Abstumpfung {f}blunted affect
emotionale Ansteckung {f} emotional contagion
emotionale Aufladung {f} emotional charge
emotionale Aufwühlung {f}emotional turmoil
emotionale Belastung {f}emotional drain
emotionale Betäubung {f}emotional numbing
emotionale Beweisführung {f}emotional reasoning
emotionale Erpressung {f}emotional blackmail
emotionale Erregung {f}emotional arousal
emotionale Erstarrung {f} emotional numbing
emotionale Intelligenz {f} <EI> emotional intelligence <EI>
emotionale Kompetenz {f}emotional competence
emotionale Leere {f}emotional void
emotionale Störung {f}emotional disorder
emotionale Taubheit {f}psychic numbing
emotionale Taubheit {f}emotional numbing
emotionale Unterstützung {f} emotional support
emotionale Verbundenheit {f} (mit jdm./etw.) emotional attachment (to sb./sth.)
emotionale Verletzlichkeit {f} [emotionale Verletzbarkeit] emotional vulnerability
(emotionale) Abstumpfung {f}restricted affect [affective flattening]
emotionalermore emotional
emotionaler Ballast {m}emotional baggage
emotionaler Mittelpunkt {m} [z. B. der Familie]emotional hub [e.g. of a family]
emotionaler Schockzustand {m} emotional state of shock
emotionales Kapital {n} benefit on an emotional level
emotionales Schlussfolgern {n} emotional reasoning
emotionales Verkaufsargument {n} emotional sales argument
emotionalisieren to emotionalize
emotionalisieren to emotionalise [Br.]
Emotionalität {f}emotiveness
Emotionalität {f}emotionality
Emotionalität {f}emotionalism
emotionalstemost emotional
emotionell emotional
Emotionen {pl}emotions
Emotions Anonymous {pl} <EA>Emotions Anonymous <EA>
emotionsarm lacking in emotion [postpos.]
emotionsfrei emotionless
emotionsgeladen loaded with emotion [postpos.]
emotionsgeladencharged with emotion [postpos.]
emotionsgeladen emotionally laden
emotionsgeladenemotionally charged
Emotionsgeladenheit {f} charge [emotional]
Emotionskontrolle {f} emotional control
Emotionskontrolle {f}control of emotions
Emotionskontrolle {f} emotion control
Emotionslähmung {f}emotional stupor
emotionslos unemotional
emotionslos unemotionally
emotionslos free of emotion [postpos.]
emotionslosclinical [dispassionate]
emotionslos emotionless
emotionslos bland [without showing emotion]
emotionslos deadpan
emotionslos emotionlessly
emotionslos cold-eyed [fig.]
Emotionslosigkeit {f}lack of emotion
Emotionsmodell {n} model of emotion
emotionsorientiertes Coping {n} emotion-oriented coping <EOC>
Emotionspsychologie {f}psychology of emotion
Emotionspsychologie {f} emotion psychology
Emotionsregulation {f} emotion regulation
Emotionsregulation {f}emotional regulation
Emotionsregulation {f}regulation of emotion
emotionsregulierendes Coping {n}emotion-regulating coping
Emotions-Stroop-Test {m} emotional Stroop test
Emotionsstupor {m} emotional stupor
Emotionsverarbeitung {f} processing of emotion [brain activity]
emotiv emotive
Emotivismus {m} emotivism
« E-MaEmbrEmesEmisEmisEmodEmotEmpfEmpfEmpfempf »
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