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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: es
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: es

it {pron}
es [Nominativ] [hier: auf eine weibliche Person bezogen, z. B.: es (das Mädchen, Fräulein etc.) weinte bitterlich]
she {pron}
es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine männliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Kerlchen, Büblein etc.)]
him {pron} [direct object]
es [Akkusativ] [hier: auf eine weibliche Person bezogen, z. B.: Ich liebe es (das Mädchen, Fräulein etc.)]
her {pron} [direct object]
Es {n}
Einsteinium {n} <Es>
einsteinium <Es>chem.
Elektronenstrahl {m} <ES>
electronic beam <EB>comp.electr.phys.
Elementarstream {m} <ES>
elementary stream <ES>comp.RadioTV
Endsystem {n} <ES>
end system <ES>comp.
Es {n} <E♭> [Ton]
E flat <E♭>mus.
Evidenzstärke {f} <ES> [auch: Evidenz-Stärke]
strength of evidence <SOE, SoE>med.QM
es bedarf etw.Gen. [einiger Mühe, einer Erklärung etc.]
sth. is called for [e.g. effort, explanations]
Es brennt!
There's a fire!
Es dämmert. [Abend]
Dusk is falling.
Es dämmert. [Morgen]
Dawn is breaking.
Es eilt!
It's urgent!
Es ergab ...
It resulted in ...
es ergeht jdm.
sb. fares
es erging jdm.
sb. fared
Es erklingt ...
We hear ...
Es existiere ...
Let there exist ...math.
Es folgt ...
Up next, ...RadioTV
Next up, ...RadioTV
Es funktioniert.
It works.
It is working.
Es gebe ...
Let there exist ...math.
Es geht.
It works.
Es gewittert.
It's storming.
It's thundering.
es gibt
there're [contraction of there are]
es gibt [existiert, ist vorhanden]
there's [there is]
Es gibt ...
There is ...
There are ...
Es giebt ... [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Es gibt]
[There is ... ]
[There are ... ]
Es gießt. [ugs.]
It's raining hard.meteo.
Es hagelt.
It is hailing.meteo.
Es hagelte etw. [Vorwürfe, Schimpfworte, Beschwerden, auch Frösche, Kugeln, Bomben etc.]
There was a shower of sth. [accusations, invectives, complaints, but also of frogs, bullets, bombs, etc.]idiom
es hat
it's [it has]
es hat [südd., schweiz.: es gibt]
there is / are
es hatte
it'd [it had]
es heißt
they say
Es heißt ...
(The) word is that ...
Es heißt ... [in Quellen, Verlautbarungen]
It is stated that...journ.
Es heißt ... [wird gesagt]
It is maintained that...
Es herbstelt.
There's a touch of autumn.
There's a touch of fall. [Am.]
Es herbstet. [geh.]
Autumn is coming / approaching.
Es herbstet. [Verb: herbsten]
Autumn is nigh. [literary]
Es herrscht ...
There is ...
Es herrschte ... [Frieden, Freude, Not etc.]
There was ... [existed, prevailed, e.g. peace, joy, poverty etc.]
es ist
it's [it is]
Es kostet ...
It's ... [It costs ...]
Es kübelt. [ugs.] [schüttet]
It's raining cats and dogs. [coll.]
Es lenzt. [dichterisch]
Spring is coming.
Es lenzt. [poet.] [ugs. hum.]
Spring is approaching.
es lischt [veraltend]
it's going out [fire]
es läutet
the bell rings
Es nachtet. [schweiz.] [sonst dichter.]
Night is falling.
Es nervt!
That sux! [coll.] [spv.]
Es plästert. [regional]
It's pouring.meteo.
Es pressiert. [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
It's urgent.
Es regnet.
It is raining.
It's raining.meteo.
Es reicht!
That's enough!
Enough already! [Am.] [coll.]
Es rumste. [ugs.]
There was a bang.
Es sank.
It sank.
Es schifft. [ugs.] [salopp] [es regnet heftig]
It's pouring (with rain).
Es schloßt. [regional]
It's hailing.meteo.
Es schmerzt.
It hurts.
Es schneit.
It's snowing.meteo.
Es schüttet. [Regen]
It's tipping (it) down. [Br.]idiom
Es schüttet. [ugs.]
It's pouring down.meteo.
It's pouring (with rain).idiommeteo.
It is pelting down. [rain]idiommeteo.
es selbst
itself {pron}
Es sind ...
There are ...
Es sprüht.
It is spitting (with rain).meteo.
Es stimmt.
It's true.
Es stürmt.
It's blowing a gale.meteo.
There is a storm blowing.meteo.
Es tröpfelt.
It is spitting.meteo.
It's spotting. [esp. Br.] [coll.] [it's raining slightly]idiommeteo.
Es weihnachtet.
Christmas is coming.
Christmas is approaching.
Es windet.
It's windy.meteo.
es wird
it'll [it will / shall]
'twill [archaic, poet.] [it will]
es würde
it'd [it would]
Es zieht.
It's drafty. [Am.]
It's draughty. [Br.]
There is a draft. [Am.]
There is a draught. [Br.]
jd. schaffte es
sb. made it
jd./etw. bringt es [ugs.] [zustande bringen, können, schaffen]
sb./sth. cuts the mustard [coll.] [idiom] [come up to expectations; reach the required standard]
jdm. fehlte (es)
sb. lacked
jdm. gelang es
sb. succeeded
jdm. glückte es
sb. lucked (out) [coll.]
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