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« zurückSeite 362 für den Anfangsbuchstaben F im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Form {f} conformation [shape, arrangement]
Form {f} cast [container, shape, appearance]
Form {f} [Art, Modus] mode [form]
Form {f} [Art, Unterart] strain
Form {f} [Gestalt, Umriss] shape
Form {f} [Gestalt]figure [form, shape]
Form {f} [Gestaltung, Kondition] form
Form {f} [Gießform] mold [Am.] [casting mold]
Form {f} [Gießform]mould [Br.]
Form {f} [Schema, Struktur, Grundmuster] pattern
Form {f} [Taxonomie]forma <f.> [taxonomy] [e.g. in Mus musculus f. domestica]
Form {f} der Anrede form of address
Form {f} der Banküberweisungtype of bank transfer
Form {f} der Benachrichtigung form of advice
Form {f} der Kreditgewährung form of loan extension
Form {f} des Bewegungsverlaufsmovement pattern
Form {f} des Indusiums indusium shape
Form {f} eines Bootsshape of a boat
Form {f} eines Dokuments form of a document
Form {f} eines Hockeyschlägershockey stick shape
Form {f} eines Hutsshape of a hat
Form {f} eines Schiffs shape of a ship
Form {f} und Inhalt form and content
Form annehmento assume shape
Form annehmen to jell
Form annehmen to gel [of an idea, plan]
Form folgt Funktion. <FFF>Form follows function. <FFF>
Form gebento incarnate [make real]
form- und fristgerecht within the period stipulated
form- und fristgerecht in due form and time [postpos.]
Form und Inhaltthe form and the substance
Form- und Lagetoleranzen {pl} geometric tolerances
Form- und Lagetoleranzen {pl} geometric dimensioning and tolerancing <GD&T>
[Form der temporären Körpergestaltung des Venushügels] vajazzling [coll.]
Formabfall {m}dip in form
Formabilität {f} formability
Formabweichung {f}form deviation
Formabweichung {f} geometrical error
Formabweichung {f} shape deviation
Formabweichung {f}form error
Formabweichung {f} rolling circle error of form
Formabweichung {f} geometrical deviation
Formabweichungen {pl}geometrical error
formal formal
formal falschinvalid [formally wrong]
formal gesehen formally
formal gültig formally valid
formal und inhaltlichin form and content
Formalanalyse {f} formal analysis
Formaldehyd {m} {n} formaldehyde [CH2O, HCHO]
Formaldehyd {m} {n} methanal [CH2O, HCHO]
formaldehydarm low-formaldehyde [attr.]
formaldehydarmof / with low formaldehyde content [postpos.]
Formaldehydbildung {f}formaldehyde formation
formaldehydfrei formaldehyde-free
Formaldehydlösung {f} formaldehyde solution
Formaldelikt {n} [Schweiz, Österreich] formal offense [Am.]
Formaldienst {m} drill and ceremony
Formaldistinktion {f} formal distinction
formale Analyse {f} formal analysis [concerning form]
formale Anerkennung {f}formal recognition
formale Grammatik {f} formal grammar
formale Gruppe {f} formal group
formale Logik {f} symbolic logic
formale Logik {f} formal logic
formale Logik {f} mathematical logic
formale Schulung {f} formal training
formale Spezifikation {f} <FS> formal specification <FS>
formale Sprache {f} formal language
Formale und transzendentale Logik [Edmund Husserl] Formal and Transcendental Logic
formale Verifikation {f}formal verification
formaler Fehler {m}formal error
formaler Fehler {m} lack of form
formaler Fehler {m} procedural error
formaler Gegenwert {m} nominal consideration
formaler Kontext {m} formal context
formalerer Prozess {m}more formal process
formales Beschreibungsverfahren {n} formal description method
formales Lehren {n}formal teaching
formales Review {n} [z. B. eine Inspektion] formal review [e.g. an inspection]
formales Schließen {n} [Folgern] formal reasoning
formales System {n} formal system
Formalgenetik {f} formal genetics [treated as sg.]
Formalheit {f} [selten] [Förmlichkeit] formality
Formalia {pl} [geh.] [Formalien] formalities
Formalie {f} [Formalität, Formsache]formality [technicality]
Formalie {f} [Formalität, Formsache] technicality [formality]
Formalien {pl} formalities
Formalin {n}formalin
Formalin ® {n} formol
formalisierento formalise [Br.]
formalisieren to formalize
formalisierend formalising [Br.]
formalisierend formalizing
formalisiertformalised [Br.]
formalisiert formalized
Formalisierung {f} formalization
Formalisierung {f}formalisation [Br.]
Formalismus {m} formalism
« FördFordFördFordForeFormFormformFormFormförm »
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