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gratinierento gratiné
gratiniert au gratin [postpos.]
gratiniertgratiné [postpos.]
gratiniertgratinée [postpos.]
Gratiola aurea {f} [eine nordamerikanische Gnadenkraut-Art] golden hedgehyssop / hedge hyssop [Gratiola aurea] [goldenpert]
Gratis- freebie [coll.]
gratisat no charge
gratis for nothing
gratisfree [of charge]
gratis free of cost
gratis gratuitous [free of charge]
gratiswithout charge
gratis buckshee [Br.] [coll.]
gratis free of charge <FOC>
gratis cost-free
Gratis-comp [Am.] [coll.] [complimentary]
Gratis- buckshee [Br.] [coll.]
gratis gratis
gratisfor free
gratis costless
gratis [Freikarte, Freiexemplar etc.]complimentary [free of charge]
(gratis) dazugeben to throw in [as a free extra]
Gratisabo {n} [ugs.]complimentary subscription
Gratisabonnement {n}complimentary subscription
Gratisaktie {f} bonus share
Gratisaktie {f} capital bonus
Gratisaktien {pl} bonus shares
Gratisangebot {n} free deal
Gratisangebot {n} free offer
Gratisangebot {n} incentive offer
Gratisanzeige {f}free advertisement
Gratisarbeitskraft {f}free labor [Am.] [unpayed]
Gratisbeigabe {f}give-away
Gratisbeilage {f}free supplement
Gratisblatt {n} [Gratiszeitung]giveaway paper [free paper]
Gratisblätter {pl}free newspapers
Gratisexemplar {n}free copy
Gratisexemplar {n} presentation copy
Gratisexemplar {n}specimen copy
Gratisexemplar {n} complimentary copy
Gratisexemplare {pl} free copies
Gratisgabe {f} [als Produkt- oder Firmenwerbung]swag [esp. Am.] [free merchandise distributed as part of the promotion of a product, company, etc.]
Gratisgeschenk {n} freebie [coll.]
Gratiskarte {f} [Freikarte zu einer Veranstaltung usw.] free ticket
Gratiskarte {f} [Freikarte zu einer Veranstaltung usw.] complimentary ticket
Gratiskonzert {n} free concert
Gratismasken {pl}free masks
Gratismedien {pl} free media
Gratis-Mitgliedschaft {f} im Fitnessstudio free gym membership
Gratismuster {n} free sample
Gratisnutzung {f} no-cost usage
Gratisparkplätze {pl} free parking {sg}
Gratisprobe {f} free sample
Gratisproben verteilen to distribute free samples [to hand out]
Gratisprodukt {n} [bes. als Werbegeschenk] schwag [coll.] [chiefly Am.] [free merchandise]
Gratistest {m}free test [cost-free]
Gratisticket {n} [auch: Gratis-Ticket] free ticket
Gratisübersetzung {f} free translation
Gratisurlaub {m}bonus leave
Gratiszeitschrift {f} giveaway magazine
Gratiszeitung {f} free daily (newspaper)
Gratiszeitung {f} giveaway newspaper
Gratiszeitungen {pl} free papers
Gratiszustellung {f}free delivery
Gratlinse {f} [Gletscher-Tragant] Arctic milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus frigidus, syn.: A. alpinus, Phaca frigida, P. ochreata, Tragacantha frigida]
Gratlinse {f} [Gletscher-Tragant]pallid milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus frigidus, syn.: A. alpinus, Phaca frigida, P. ochreata, Tragacantha frigida]
Gratlinse {f} [Gletscher-Tragant] yellow Alpine milkvetch / milk vetch [Astragalus frigidus, syn.: A. alpinus, Phaca frigida, P. ochreata, Tragacantha frigida]
Gratonit {m}gratonite [Pb9As4S15]
Grätschbeine {pl}spraddle legs
Grätsche {f}straddle
Grätsche {f} slide tackle [Am.]
Grätsche {f} sliding tackle [Br.]
grätschento tackle [make a sliding tackle]
grätschen to straddle
grätschend straddling
Grätscher {pl} [Ferkel] splay leg piglets
Grätschsprung {m}spread eagle jump [skiing]
Grätschsprung {m} straddle vault
Grätschstellung {f}straddle position
Gratsparren {m} hip rafter
Gratsparren {m}angle rafter
Grattage {f}grattage
Grattarolait {m}grattarolaite [Fe3 [O3|PO4]]
Gratuität {f}gratuity [gratuitousness]
Gratulant {m} congratulator
Gratulant {m}congratulant
Gratulant {m}felicitator
Gratulant {m}well-wisher
Gratulation {f} congratulation
Gratulation {f} congrats [coll.] [congratulations]
Gratulation {f} (zu)congratulations {pl} (on)
Gratulation! Congratulations!
Gratulationskuss {m}congratulatory kiss
Gratulationsrede {f} congratulatory speech
Gratuliere! Congrats! [coll.] [congratulations]
Gratuliere! Bully for you!
gratulieren to congratulate
Gratulieren {n}congratulating
« GrapGrasGrasGrasGrasgratgratGraugrauGrauGrau »
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