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Hartgips {m} stone plaster
Hartgips {m} [Typ 3 / Klasse III] dental stone [hard stone plaster]
Hartglas {n} tempered glass
Hartglas {n} hardened glass [tempered glass]
Hart-Gletscher {m}Hart Glacier
Hartgras {n} [Süßgrasgattung] hardgrass [genus Sclerochloa] [also: hard grass]
Hartgummi {m} {n} ebonite
Hartgummi {m} {n}hard rubber
Hartgummi {m} {n}vulcanite
Hartgummischeibe {f}disc made of vulcanized rubber
Hart-Hart-Paarung {f} hard-on-hard-coupling
Hartharz {n}brittle resin
Harthäuser Wald {m} Harthausen Forest
harthäutig callous
harthäutig [Sklerodermie] thick-skinned [also: thick skinned] [sclerodermatous]
hartherzig flinty
hartherzig hard hearted
hartherzig remorseless
hartherzig remorselessly
hartherzig merciless
hartherzig steel-hearted
hartherzig stonehearted
hartherzig callous
hartherzig coldhearted
hartherzig cold-hearted
hartherzig marble-breasted [poet.]
hartherzig iron-hearted
hartherzig sein to be hard-hearted
hartherziger more hard-hearted
Hartherzigkeit {f} hard-heartedness [also: hardheartedness]
Hartherzigkeit {f}remorselessness
hartherzigstemost hard-hearted
Hartheublättriger Spierstrauch {m}St John's-wort-leaved spirea [Spiraea hypericifolia, syn.: S. hypericifolia ssp. hypericifolia]
Hartheublättriger Spierstrauch {m} Iberian spiraea / spirea [Spiraea hypericifolia, syn.: S. hypericifolia ssp. hypericifolia]
Hartheugewächse {pl}St. Johnswort family {sg} [family Hypericaceae, formerly also Guttiferae]
Hartheu-Spanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] black-veined moth [Siona lineata]
Hartheu-Spierstrauch {m} Iberian spiraea / spirea [Spiraea hypericifolia, syn.: S. hypericifolia ssp. hypericifolia]
Hartheu-Spierstrauch {m} St John's-wort-leaved spirea [Spiraea hypericifolia, syn.: S. hypericifolia ssp. hypericifolia]
Hartholz- hardwood [attr.]
Hartholz {n} [ugs. fälschlich für: Laubholz] hardwood
Hartholzboden {m} [Fußboden] hardwood floor
Hartholzboden {m} [Fußboden] hardwood flooring
Harthölzer {pl}hardwoods
Hartholzfußboden {m} hardwood flooring
Hartholzfußboden {m}hardwood floor
Hartholzgestell {n}hardwood frame
Hartholzgriff {m} hardwood handle
Hartholzkeil {m} hardwood wedge
Hartholzkern {m} hardwood core
Hartholzkonstruktion {f} hardwood construction
Hartholzplatte {f}hardwood panel
Hartholzrahmen {m} hardwood frame
Hartholzrahmen {m} hardwood frame <strike>easter egg</strike>
Hartholzstäbchen {n}hard wood stick
Hartholzverbrauch {m} hardwood consumption
Hartig'sches Netz {n}Hartig net
Hartit {m} hartite [C20H34]
Hartkapsel {f} hard capsule
Hartkäse {m}hard cheese
Hartkäsemesser {n}hard cheese knife
Hartkeks {m} hardtack
Hartkeks {m} hard tack
Hartkernbombe {f}concrete-piercing bomb
Hartkiefer {f}Brutia / Brutian pine [Pinus brutia]
Hartkiefer {f} Calabrian pine [Pinus brutia]
Hartkiefer {f} Cyprus pine [Pinus brutia]
Hartkiefer {f} Turkish pine [Pinus brutia]
Hartkohle {f}hard coal
Hartkopf {m} [Rapfen] (Aral) asp [Aspius aspius, syn.: A. rapax, A. transcaucasius, A. vulgaris, Cyprinus aspius, C. rapax, Leuciscus aspius]
Hartköpfchen {pl} hardyheads [genus Craterocephalus]
Hartkopie {f}hard copy
Hartkopie {f}hard copy printout
Hartkurzwaren {pl}hard haberdashery {sg} [Br.]
Hartlaubblaurabe {m} bushy-crested jay [Cyanocorax melanocyaneus]
Hartlaubbülbül {m}simple greenbul [Chlorocichla simplex]
Hartlaubcistensänger {m} Socotra warbler [Incana incana / incanus]
Hartlaubente {f} Hartlaub's duck [Pteronetta hartlaubii, syn.: P. hartlaubi]
Hartlaubente {f} Hartlaub's goose [Pteronetta hartlaubii, syn.: P. hartlaubi]
Hartlaubente {f} Hartlaub's teal [Pteronetta hartlaubii, syn.: P. hartlaubi]
Hartlaubeule {f} Sao Thome scops owl [Otus hartlaubi]
Hartlaubeule {f} São Tomé scops owl [Otus hartlaubi]
Hartlaubfrankolin {m}Hartlaub's francolin [Pternistis hartlaubi]
Hartlaubfrankolin {m} Hartlaub's spurfowl [Francolinus hartlaubi]
Hartlaubgewächs {n}sclerophyllous plant
Hartlaubheckensänger {m}brown-backed scrub robin [Cercotrichas hartlaubi]
Hartlaubmöwe {f} Hartlaub's gull [Chroicocephalus hartlaubii, syn.: Larus hartlaubii]
Hartlaubmöwe {f} king gull [Chroicocephalus hartlaubii, syn.: Larus hartlaubii]
Hartlaubnektarvogel {m} Principe sunbird [Anabathmis / Nectarinia hartlaubii]
Hartlaubschmuckvogel {m} handsome fruiteater [Pipreola formosa]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} ashy flycatcher [Muscicapa caerulescens]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} white-eyed flycatcher [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} little blue flycatcher [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} blue-grey flycatcher [Br.] [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} blue-grey alseonax [Br.] [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m}blue-gray alseonax [Am.] [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m} blue-gray flycatcher [Am.] [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubschnäpper {m}ashy alseonax [Muscicapa caerulescens, syn.: M. cinerea, M. cinereus, M. coerulescens, Alseonax cinereus]
Hartlaubtoko {m}black dwarf hornbill [Tockus hartlaubi]
« HarnhartHartharthartHartHarthartHärtHarzHäsc »
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