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infolgedessen consequently
infolgedessen hence
infolgedessenas a result
infolgedessen as a result of this
infolgedessenby extension
infolgedessen as a consequence
Infologie {f} infology
Infomanie {f} [ugs.]infomania [coll.]
Infomaterial {n} [ugs.]information material
Infomationsnetzwerk {n}information network
Infomercial {n} infomercial
Infopoint {m} [ugs.] [Auskunft]info point [also: Info-point]
Infoquelle {f} [ugs.]information source
informal informal
informale Gruppe {f}informal group
informale Organisation {f} informal organisation [Br.]
Informalität {f} informality
Informant {m} informant
Informant {m} whistle-blower [coll.]
Informant {m} snout [Br.] [coll.] [police informer]
Informant {m} tipster [Am.]
Informant {m} informer
Informant {m} snitch [coll.]
Informant {m} snitcher
Informant {m}canary [sl.] [informer]
Informant {m} cheese eater [Am.] [sl.] [informer]
Informant {m} [der Polizei] fink [Am.] [sl.]
Informant {m} [der Polizei] supergrass [Br.] [coll.]
Informant {m} [für die Polizei] confidential informant <C.I., CI>
Informant {m} [für Strafverfolgungsbehörden] criminal informant <CI> [Am.]
Informant {m} [über geheime illegale Aktivitäten]whistleblower
Informanten {pl}informants
Informanten {pl}snitches [coll.]
Informantennetzwerk {n} network of informants
Informantin {f} whistleblower [female]
Informantin {f} informant [female]
Informatik {f}computer science
Informatik {f}information technology <IT>
Informatik {f}informatics [treated as sg.]
Informatik {f}information science
Informatik {f} computer sciences {pl}
Informatik {f} [Computeranwendung als Schulfach]computer application
Informatik und Multimedia computer science and multimedia <CS&M>
Informatikabsolvent {m}computer science graduate
Informatikausbildung {f}computer science education
Informatikchef {m} chief information officer <CIO>
Informatiker {m}computer scientist
Informatiker {m}information scientist [esp. computer science]
Informatikerin {f} computer scientist [female]
Informatikerin {f} information scientist [female]
Informatik-Ingenieur {m}computer engineer
Informatik-Ingenieur {m} [schweiz.] software engineer
Informatik-Ingenieurin {f} computer engineer [female]
Informatik-Ingenieurin {f} [schweiz.] software engineer [female]
Informatikkauffrau {f} management assistant in informatics [female]
Informatikkauffrau {f} IT management assistant [female]
Informatikkauffrau {f}information technology officer [female]
Informatikkaufmann {m} management assistant in informatics
Informatikkaufmann {m} information technology officer
Informatikkaufmann {m}IT management assistant
Informatikkenntnisse {pl}IT skills
Informatikkenntnisse {pl}computer literacy {sg}
Informatikmittel {pl} IT resources
Informatiksicherheit {f}information security <infosec>
Informatiksicherheitsbeauftragter {m} [schweiz.]information security officer
Informatikstudent {m} [auch: Informatik-Student] computer science student
Informatikstudentin {f} [auch: Informatik-Studentin] computer science student [female]
Informatik-Studium {n}computer science studies
Informatiksystem {n} computing system
Informatikunterricht {m}computing lessons {pl}
InformationThe Information [Martin Amis]
Information {f} bit of info
Information {f}piece of information
Information {f}information
Information {f} intelligence [information]
Information {f} word
Information {f} dope [coll.] [information]
Information {f} gen [Br.] [coll.]
Information {f} [einzelne Information] datum [piece of information]
Information {f} [Schalter, Tresen]information desk
Information {f} [Schalter, Tresen] inquiry desk
Information {f} auf Anforderung information on demand
Information {f} für Notfälle help information
Information {f} über das Produkt product information
Information {f} über die Aktivaasset information
Information {f} über die Einkünfte revenue information
Information {f} über diese Firma information about this company
Information {f} über freie Stellenvacancy information
Information {f} (über)information (on / about)
Information an jdn. weitergeben to pass information on to sb.
Information aus jdm. herauspumpen to pump information out of sb.
Information weitergeben to pass on information
Information zur Wiederverwendung / Wiederverwertung beim Hersteller / Lieferanten erfragen. [Sicherheitssatz S59]Refer to manufacturer / supplier for information on recovery / recycling. [safety phrase S59]
informationell informational
informationelle Selbstbestimmung {f} informational self-determination
Informationen {pl}information {sg}
Informationen {pl} blurb {sg}
Informationen {pl} lowdown {sg} [coll.]
Informationen {pl}dope {sg} [sl.] [information]
Informationen {pl}intelligence {sg} [archaic] [news, information]
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