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Investitionskosten {pl} investment outlays
Investitionskosten {pl}capital costs
Investitionskosten {pl} <IK> capital expenditure {sg} <CAPEX, capex>
Investitionskostenzuschuss {m}investment grant
Investitionskostenzuschuss {m} investment subsidies
Investitionskostenzuschüsse {pl}investment subsidies
Investitionskraft {f} investment strength
Investitionskredit {m}loan for investments
Investitionskredit {m} investment loan
Investitionslenkung {f}investment control
Investitionslücke {f}investment gap
Investitionsmanagement {n} capital expenditure management
Investitionsmanagement {n} capex management
Investitionsmaßnahme {f} investment
Investitionsmodell {n} investment model
Investitionsmöglichkeit {f}investment opportunity
investitionsmüdereluctant to invest
Investitionsmüdigkeit {f}reluctance to invest
Investitionsmultiplikator {m} investment multiplier
Investitionsnachfrage {f}investment demand
Investitionsneigung {f} propensity to invest
Investitionsoption {f} investment option
Investitionsplan {m} investment plan
Investitionsplanung {f} capital budgeting
Investitionspolitik {f}investment policy
Investitionsprogramm {n} capital expenditure program [Am.]
Investitionsprogramm {n} capital expenditure programme [Br.]
Investitionsprogramm {n} investment program [Am.]
Investitionsprogramm {n}investment programme [Br.]
Investitionsprojekt {n}investment project
Investitionsquote {f} investment ratio
Investitionsrahmen {m}investment framework
Investitionsrate {f}investment rate
Investitionsrechnung {f} investment
Investitionsrechnung {f}preinvestment analysis
Investitionsrechnung {f} investment appraisal
Investitionsrechnung {f}capital budgeting
Investitionsrendite {f}rate of return on investments
Investitionsrisiko {n} investment risk
Investitionsruine {f} [ugs.] ghost estate [esp. Ireland]
Investitionsrunde {f}investment round
Investitionsrunde {f}funding round
Investitionsschub {m}investment boost
Investitionsschutz {m}investment protection
Investitionsschwerpunkt {m} investment priority
Investitionssicherheit {f}security of investment
Investitionssicherheit {f}investment security [safety]
Investitionssicherheit {f} investment safety
Investitionssicherheit {f}investment reliability
Investitionssparen {n} saving through investment
Investitionsstandort {m} investment location
Investitionsstatistiken {pl} investment statistics
Investitionsstau {m}investment bottleneck
Investitionsstoß {m} burst of investment
Investitionsstrategie {f} investment strategy
Investitionssumme {f} amount to be invested
Investitionstätigkeit {f}investment activity
Investitionstempo {n} pace of investment
Investitionsthese {f} investment thesis
Investitionsunlust {f} disinclination to invest
Investitionsverfahren {n} investment process
Investitionsverhalten {n}investment behaviour [Br.]
Investitionsverhalten {n} investment behavior [Am.]
Investitionsvolumen {n} investment volume
Investitionsvolumen {n} volume of investments
Investitionsvolumina {pl} investment volumes
Investitionsvorhaben {n}investment project
Investitionsvorranggesetz {n} [German] Investment Priority Act
Investitionswelle {f}wave of investment
Investitionszeitraum {m} investment period
Investitionsziel {n}investment objective
Investitionszulage {f}investment supplement
Investitionszulagegesetz {n}Investment Subsidy Act
Investitionszuschuss {m} investment grant
Investitionszuschüsse {pl}investment grants
Investitionszweck {m}investment purpose
Investitionszyklus {m}investment cycle
Investitur {f}investiture
Investiturstreit {m}Conflict of Investitures
Investiturstreit {m}Investiture Controversy
Investiturstreit {m} [HRR, 1076-1122] investiture dispute [HRE, 1076-1122]
Investiturverbot {n}prohibition of lay investiture
investiv investment-related
Investivlohn {m}[portion of salary invested in company investment savings scheme]
Investment-investment [attr.]
Investment {n}investment
Investmentanalyse {f} investment analysis
Investmentanteil {m} investment certificate
Investmentbank {f} investment bank
Investmentbank {f} investor's bank
Investmentbanker {m} investment banker
Investmentbankerin {f} investment banker [female]
Investmentbanking {n} investment banking
Investment-Banking {n} [Rsv.]investment banking
Investmentbarometer {n} [auch: Investment-Barometer]investment barometer
Investmentclub {m}investment club
Investmentdienstleistung {f}investment service
Investmentfirma {f} investment firm
Investmentfonds {m}investment fund
Investmentfonds {m}fund
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