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« zurückSeite 353 für den Anfangsbuchstaben K im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Knochenleiste {f} crista
Knochenleitkopfhörer {m} bone conduction headphone
Knochenleitung {f} bone conduction
Knochenleitungsbrille {f}bone conduction glasses {pl}
Knochenleitungshören {n}bone conduction hearing
Knochenleitungshörgerät {n} bone conduction hearing instrument
Knochenleitungshörgerät {n}bone conduction hearing aid
Knochenleitungshörschwelle {f} bone conduction threshold
Knochenleitungskurve {f} bone conduction curve / graph [pattern]
Knochenleitungsmikrofon {n} bone-conduction microphone
Knochenlese Grave Secrets [Kathy Reichs]
Knochenmark {n} (bone) marrow [Medulla ossium]
Knochenmark {n} bone marrow
Knochenmarkabsaugung {f} [Aspiration]bone marrow aspiration <BMA>
Knochenmarkaplasie {f}bone marrow aplasia <BMA>
Knochenmarkaspirat {n} bone marrow aspirate
Knochenmarkaspiration {f}bone marrow aspiration <BMA>
Knochenmarkausstrich {m} <KMA> bone marrow smear <BMS>
Knochenmarkbiopsie {f} bone marrow biopsy
Knochenmarkblockade {f}bone marrow blockage
Knochenmarkchimäre {f} bone marrow chimera
Knochenmarkdepression {f} bone marrow depression
Knochenmarkdepression {f}bone marrow suppression <BMS>
Knochenmark-Entnahmenadel {f} bone marrow harvesting needle
Knochenmarkhemmung {f} myelosuppression
Knochenmarkhistologie {f} bone marrow histology
Knochenmarködem {n} <KMÖ>bone marrow oedema [Br.] <BMO>
Knochenmarködem {n} <KMÖ> bone marrow edema [Am.] <BME>
Knochenmarködemsyndrom {n} <KMÖS> bone marrow edema syndrome [Am.] <BMES>
Knochenmarködemsyndrom {n} <KMÖS> bone marrow oedema syndrome [Br.] <BMOS>
Knochenmarkpunktion {f} <KMP>bone-marrow puncture <BMP>
Knochenmarkpunktion {f} <KMP>bone marrow biopsy <BMP>
Knochenmarksablation {f}bone marrow ablation
Knochenmarksaplasie {f} bone marrow aplasia <BMA>
Knochenmarksausstrich {m} <KMA> [seltener] [Knochenmarkausstrich] bone marrow smear <BMS>
Knochenmarkschaden {m} bone marrow damage
Knochenmarkschädigung {f} bone marrow damage
Knochenmarkschwund {m} panmyelophthisis
Knochenmarksdepression {f} bone marrow suppression
Knochenmarksfunktion {f}bone marrow function
Knochenmarksödem {n} <KMÖ> bone marrow edema [Am.] <BME>
Knochenmarksödem {n} <KMÖ> bone marrow oedema [Br.] <BMO>
Knochenmarkspeicher {m}bone marrow reservoir
Knochenmarkspende {f}bone marrow donation
Knochenmarkspender {m} bone marrow donor
Knochenmarkspenderin {f}bone marrow donor [female]
Knochenmarksperre {f}bone marrow blockage
Knochenmarkspunktion {f} <KMP>bone-marrow puncture <BMP>
Knochenmarksschwund {m}panmyelophthisis
Knochenmarkstimulation {f} bone marrow stimulation
Knochenmarkstransplantat {n}bone marrow transplant
Knochenmarkstransplantation {f} <KMT>bone marrow transplantation <BMT>
Knochenmarksuntersuchung {f} bone marrow examination
Knochenmarkszelle {f}myeloid cell
Knochenmarkszelle {f} [auch: Knochenmarkzelle] (bone) marrow cell
Knochenmarktransplantation {f} bone marrow transplant
Knochenmarktransplantation {f} <KMT> bone marrow transplatation <BMT>
Knochenmarkzytologie {f}bone marrow cytology
Knochenmasse {f}bone mass
Knochenmasse {f}bone quantity
Knochenmaterial {n}osseous matter
Knochenmatrix {f} bone matrix
Knochenmehl {n} bone meal
Knochenmehl {n} bonemeal
Knochenmehl {n}bone dust
Knochenmehl {n} bone flour
Knochenmehl {n}bone-dust
Knochenmehldünger {m} bone manure
Knochenmetabolismus {m}bone metabolism
Knochenmetastase {f} bone metastasis
Knochenmetastase {f} osseous metastasis
Knochenmikroarchitektur {f} bone microarchitecture
Knochenmineraldichte {f} <KMD> bone mineral density <BMD>
Knochenmineraldichtemessung {f}bone mineral density <BMD> measurement
Knochenmineralgehalt {m} <KMG> bone mineral content <BMC>
knochenmorphogenetisches Protein {n} <BMP> bone morphogenetic protein <BMP>
knochenmüde [ugs.] [selten] bone weary [also: bone-weary]
Knochennadel {f}bone needle
Knochennagel {m}bone nail
Knochennagel {m} (fracture) nail
knochennahes Weichteilgewebe {n} near-to-bone soft tissue
Knochennaht {f}suture [Sutura]
Knochennekrose {f}osteonecrosis <ON>
Knochenoberfläche {f}bone surface
Knochenöl {n} bone oil
Knochenpanzer {m} bony armour [Br.]
Knochenpanzer {m} bony armor [Am.]
Knochenpathologie {f} bone pathology
Knochenperle {f}bone bead
Knochenpfriem {m} bone awl
Knochenplatte {f} [Chirurgie]bone plate [orthopedic implant]
Knochenporzellan {n} bone china
Knochenprellung {f}bone bruise
Knochenprobe {f} bone sample
Knochenputz {m} [Separatorenfleisch] mechanically separated meat <MSM>
Knochenputz {m} [Separatorenfleisch] mechanically deboned meat <MDM>
Knochenqualität {f}quality of the bone
Knochenqualität {f} bone quality
« knieKnirKnobknöcKnocKnocKnocknocKnölKnolknop »
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