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koscher licit
koscher [auch fig.]kasher [spv.] [kosher]
koscher machento kasher
koscheres Salz {n} kosher salt
koscheres Speiseeis {n} parevine [Am.]
koscheres Speiseeis {n} kosher ice cream
Koscherfleisch {n} kosher meat
Koschermachen {n}kashering
K.-o.-Schlag {m}knockout blow
K.-o.-Schlag {m}knockout punch
K.-o.-Schlag {m} KO
Kosciuszko-Nationalpark {m} Kosciuszko National Park
Kosco-Gletscher {m}Kosco Glacier
Koseform {f}familiar form
Kosekans {m} <csc, cosec> cosecant <csc, cosec>
Kosekans hyperbolicus {m} <csch> hyperbolic cosecant <csch>
Kosekansfunktion {f} cosecant function
Kosekante {f} <csc, cosec> cosecant <csc, cosec>
kosento coo
Kosen {n}cooing
kosen [dichter.] to spoon [coll.] [dated]
kosen [dichter.]to pitch (the) woo [Am.] [dated]
Kosename {m} pet name
Kosename {m} nickname
Kosename {m} term of endearment
Kosewort {n}term of endearment
Kosewort {n}term of affection
Kosher Salz {n} [koscheres Salz]kosher salt
K.-o.-Sieg {m} knockout victory
K.-o.-Sieger {m} winner on / by a knockout
Kosinus {m} <cos> cosine <cos>
Kosinus {m} versus <coversin> versed cosine <vercosin>
Kosinus hyperbolicus {m} <cosh> hyperbolic cosine <cosh>
Kosinus-Fenster {n} cosine window
Kosinusfunktion {f} cosine function
Kosinuskurve {f}cosine curve
Kosinussatz {m} law of cosine
Kosinussatz {m} cosine rule
Kosinussatz {m}law of cosines
Koski-Gletscher {m} Koski Glacier
Koslowammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] Koslow's bunting [Emberiza koslowi]
Koslowammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] Tibetan bunting [Emberiza koslowi]
Koslowbabax {m}Koslow's babax [Babax koslowi]
Koslowbabax {m} Tibetan babax [Babax koslowi]
Koslow-Pfeifhase {m} Koslov's pika [Ochotona koslowi]
Koslow-Pfeifhase {m} Kozlov's pika [Ochotona koslowi]
Koslows Zwergspringmaus {f}Kozlov's pygmy jerboa [Salpingotus kozlovi]
Kosmeterie {f} [österr.] [veraltet]cosmetics producer
Kosmeterie {f} [österr.] [veraltet] cosmetics seller
Kosmetik {f} [fig.] cosmetic effect
Kosmetik {f} [Körperpflege- oder Schönheitsmittel]cosmetics {pl}
Kosmetik {f} [nach chirurgischen Eingriffen] cosmesis [preserving or restoring physical appearance]
Kosmetik {f} [Schönheitspflege] beauty care
Kosmetik {f} [Schönheitspflege]beauty treatment
Kosmetika {pl} cosmetics
Kosmetika {pl} auf Puderbasis powder-based cosmetics
Kosmetikabteilung {f} cosmetics department
Kosmetik-Akne {f} cosmetic acne [Acne cosmetica]
Kosmetikartikel {m}cosmetic (product)
Kosmetikartikel {m}personal care product
Kosmetikbehandlungsliege {f}beauty treatment couch
Kosmetikberatung {f} advising on cosmetics
Kosmetikbeutel {m} vanity bag
Kosmetiker {m} beautician
Kosmetiker {m}cosmetician
Kosmetiker {m} cosmetologist
Kosmetiker {m} beauty specialist
Kosmetiker {m}esthetician [Am.] [rare] [beauty therapist, aesthetician]
Kosmetikerin {f}beautician [female]
Kosmetikerin {f} cosmetician [female]
Kosmetikerin {f} cosmetologist [female]
Kosmetikerin {f} beauty specialist [female]
Kosmetikerinnen {pl}beauticians
Kosmetiketui {n} cosmetic case
Kosmetikhersteller {m}cosmetics producer
Kosmetikhersteller {pl} cosmetics industry {sg}
Kosmetikhersteller {pl} cosmetics producers
Kosmetikhocker {m} cosmetic stool
Kosmetikhocker {m} [mit Lehne] cosmetic chair
Kosmetikindustrie {f} cosmetics industry
Kosmetikkoffer {m} vanity box
Kosmetikkoffer {m} vanity case
Kosmetikkoffer {m} beauty case
Kosmetikkoffer {m}cosmetic case
Kosmetikköfferchen {n} dressing case
Kosmetikladen {m} beauty shop
Kosmetikliege {f}beauty couch
Kosmetikliege {f} beauty treatment couch
Kosmetikpinsel {m}cosmetic brush
Kosmetikpraxis {f}beauty parlour [Br.]
Kosmetikpraxis {f}beauty parlor [Am.]
Kosmetikprodukt {n} cosmetic product
Kosmetiksalon {m} beauty parlour [Br.]
Kosmetiksalon {m} beauty parlor [Am.]
Kosmetiksalon {m}beauty salon
Kosmetiksalon {m} beauty shop [Am.]
Kosmetiksalons {pl} beauty parlours [Br.]
Kosmetikschwamm {m}cosmetic sponge
« KorrKorrKorrKorskortkoscKosmKosmkostkostKost »
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