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« zurückSeite 538 für den Anfangsbuchstaben M im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Mundloch {n} [Stollen]orifice
Mundloch {n} [Stollen] opening hole
Mundloch {n} [Stollen]adit opening
Mundlöcher {pl} [Stadion-Architektur] vomitories [stadium architecture; terraces / grandstands entrances]
Mundlochplatte {f} [Querflöte] lipplate [flute]
Mundlochplatte {f} [Querflöte] lip plate [flute]
Mundmaler {m}mouth painter
Mundmaske {f} [seltener für: Mund-Nasen-Schutz]mouth mask [less frequent than: face mask]
Mundmuskelbewegungen {pl} [Abdrucknahme]muscle-trimming movements
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung {f}face mask [cover of mouth and nose for disease protection]
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung {f} face covering [for disease protection]
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung {f} <MNB> [Alltagsmaske]cloth face mask
Mund-Nasen-Schutz {m} <MNS>filtering facepiece <FFP>
mundoffene und mundgeschlossene Abformverfahren {pl} open and closed-mouth impression techniques
Mundöffnung {f}mouth opening
Mundöffnungsritual {n}opening of the mouth ceremony
Mundöffnungsritual {n} opening of the mouth ritual
Mundöffnungszeremonie {f}opening of the mouth ceremony
Mundorgel {f} [asiatisches Blasinstrument] mouth organ [Asian free reed instrument]
Mundpartie {f} region of the mouth
Mundpathologie {f} oral pathology
Mundpflege {f} care of the mouth
Mundpflege {f}mouth care
Mundpflege {f} oral care
Mundpflegespray {n} [seltener {m}]oral care spray
Mundplastik {f} stomatoplasty
Mundpropaganda {f} word-of-mouth recommendation
Mundpropaganda {f} word-of-mouth advertising
Mundpropaganda {f} conversational viral marketing
Mundpropaganda {f} buzz marketing
Mundpropaganda {f} virus marketing
Mundpropaganda {f} word of mouth
Mundpropaganda {f}verbal propaganda
Mundrabillait {m} mundrabillaite [(NH4)2Ca(HPO4)2·H2O]
Mundrachen {m} [Oropharynx]oropharynx [Pars oralis pharyngis]
Mundrachenkrebs {m} [seltener für: Oropharynxkrebs]oropharyngeal cancer
Mundraub {m} petty larceny of food
Mundraum {m} buccal cavity
Mundraum {m} oral cavity
Mundregion {f} oral region
Mundregion {f}mouth region
Mundreinigung {f}oral hygiene
Mundreinigung {f} toilet of the mouth
Mundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis] perioral dermatitis <PD>
Mundrose {f} [periorale Dermatitis] periorificial dermatitis
Mundscheibe {f}oral disc
Mundschenk {m}cupbearer
Mundschenk {m}cup-bearer
Mundschenk {m}butler [cupbearer]
Mundschleimhaut {f} mucous membrane of the oral cavity
Mundschleimhaut {f}oral mucosa <OM>
Mundschleimhaut {f}buccal mucosa
Mundschleimhaut {f} mucosa of (the) mouth [Tunica mucosa oris]
Mundschleimhaut {f}lining of the mouth
Mundschleimhautentzündung {f} oral mucositis
Mundschließmuskel {m}orbicularis oris (muscle) [Musculus orbicularis oris]
Mundschutz {m} breathing protection
Mundschutz {m}mouth guard
Mundschutz {m} gum shield
Mundschutz {m} mouthpiece
Mundschutz {m} mouth piece
Mundschutz {m} mouth protector
Mundschutz {m} face mask
Mundschutz {m} gumshield
Mundschutz {m} surgical mask
Mundschutz {m}mouthguard [gumshield]
Mundschutz {m} gum guard
Mundsex {m} oral sex
Mundsex {m}mouth sex
Mundsimulator {m}mouth simulator
Mundsoor {m} oral candidiasis
Mundsoor {m}oral thrush [oral candidiasis]
Mundspalte {f} oral fissure
Mundspeichel {m} salivary juice
Mundsperre {f} [ugs.] [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten; Kieferspreizer]gag [surgical gag; here: for humans]
Mundsperrer {m} [Dental-Mundspreizer] mouth gag
Mundsperrer {m} [z. B. bei Narkose] mouth gag
Mundspiegel {m} stomatoscope
Mundspiegel {m} dental mirror
Mundspiegel {m} mouth mirror
Mundspiegel {m} dentist's mirror
Mundspiegel {m} mit Silikongriff mouth mirror with silicone grip
Mundspiegelgriff {m} mouth mirror handle
Mundspiegelgriff {m}dental mirror handle
Mundspülbecken {n}spittoon bowl
Mundspülglas {n}tumbler (for mouthwash)
Mundspüllösung {f}mouthwash solution
Mundspülmittel {n} mouth wash
Mundspülung {f} mouth wash
Mundstück {n}mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe]
Mundstück {n} nosepiece
Mundstück {n}die
Mundstück {n} für eine Munddusche mouthpiece for an oral douche
Mundstückaufnahme {f} [Trompeten] mouthpiece receiver [trumpets]
Mundstückbürste {f} [Blasinstrument] mouthpiece brush [wind instrument]
Mundstücke {pl} mouthpieces
Mundstückreiniger {m} [Blasinstrument-Pflegemittel]mouthpiece cleaner [wind instrument]
Mundstücktasche {f} mouthpiece bag
mundtot machend muzzling
Mundtrockenheit {f} dryness of the mouth
« MultMultMumuMundMundMundMundMungmünsMünzMünz »
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