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Phytopharmazie {f} phytopharmacy
phytophil phytophilic
Phytophotodermatitis {f} <PPD> phytophotodermatitis <PPD>
phytophototoxische Dermatitis {f} phytophototoxic dermatitis [Photodermatitis phytogenica]
Phytophysiologie {f} phytophysiology
Phytoplankton- phytoplanktonic
Phytoplankton {n} phytoplankton
Phytoplankton fressend phytoplanktivorous
Phytoplanktonabundanz {f}phytoplankton abundance
Phytoplanktonalgen {pl} phytoplankton algae
Phytoplanktonart {f} phytoplankton species
Phytoplanktonbiomasse {f}phytoplankton biomass
Phytoplanktonblüte {f} phytoplankton bloom
Phytoplanktonentwicklung {f} [auch: Phytoplankton-Entwicklung]phytoplankton development
Phytoplanktonfresser {m} phytoplankton eater
Phytoplanktongemeinschaft {f} phytoplankton community
Phytoplanktonkultur {f}phytoplankton culture
Phytoplanktonnetz {n} phytoplankton net
Phytoplanktonökologie {f} [auch: Phytoplankton-Ökologie]phytoplankton ecology
Phytoplanktonpopulation {f} phytoplankton population
Phytoplanktonprobe {f}phytoplankton sample
Phytoplanktonproduktion {f} phytoplankton production
Phytoplanktonsukzession {f} phytoplankton succession
Phytoplanktonwachstum {n} phytoplankton growth
Phytoplanktonzellen {pl} phytoplankton cells
Phytoplanktonzusammensetzung {f} phytoplankton composition
Phytopneumokoniose {f} phytopneumoconiosis
Phytoremediation {f}phytoremediation
Phytosanierung {f} phytoremediation
phytosanitär phytosanitary
phytosaprophag phytosaprophagous
Phytose {f}phytosis
Phytosoziologie {f} phytosociology
phytosoziologisch phytosociologically
Phytosphäre {f}phytosphere
Phytosphingosin {n}phytosphingosine
Phytostabilisierung {f} phytostabilization
Phytosterin {n} phytosterol
Phytosterol {n} phytosterol
Phytosterolämie {f}phytosterolemia [Am.]
Phytosterolämie {f} phytosterolaemia [Br.]
Phytosterole {pl}plant sterols
phytosug phytosuccivorous
Phytotechnologie {f} phytotechnology
Phytotelma {n} phytotelma
Phytotherapeutika {pl} phytotherapeutics
Phytotherapeutika {pl} phytotherapeutic agents
Phytotherapeutikum {n} phytotherapeutic (agent)
phytotherapeutisch phytotherapeutic
Phytotherapie {f}phytotherapy
Phytotomie {f} phytotomy
Phytotoxin {n} phytotoxin
Phytotoxizität {f}phytotoxicity
Phytotron {n} phytotron
Phytotrophie {f}phytotrophy
Phytovolatilisation {f} phytovolatilization
Phytozönose {f} phytocoenosis
Phytozönose {f} phytocenosis [spv.]
Phytozönosen {pl}phytocoenoses
Phytyldiphosphat {n}phytyl diphosphate
Phytylgruppe {f} [auch: Phytyl-Gruppe] phytyl group [C20H39]
Phytylpyrophosphat {n} phytyl pyrophosphate
Pi {n} <Π, π, ϖ> [griechischer Buchstabe] pi <Π, π, ϖ> [Greek letter]
Pi {n} <π> [Kreiszahl] pi <π> [the symbol π denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter / the ratio itself]
Pi entspricht ungefähr der Zahl 3,14.Pi is roughly the number 3.14.
Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung] approximately
Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung]circa <ca.>
Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [circa] about [approximately]
Pia {f}Polynesian arrowroot [Tacca leontopetaloides, syn.: Tacca pinnatifida]
Pia {f} pia [Am.] [Tacca leontopetaloides, syn.: Tacca pinnatifida]
Pia {f} [kurz für: Pia Mater, Pia mater] pia [short for: pia mater]
Pia mater {f} pia mater [Pia mater]
Pia Mater {f}pia mater [Pia mater]
Pia mater encephali {f} cranial pia mater [Pia mater encephali]
Piacenzium {n} [auch: Piacentien, Piacentium, Piacentin]Piacenzian
Piadina {f}piada [piadina] [Italian flatbread]
Piadina {f} [italienisches Fladenbrot]piadina [Italian flatbread]
Piaffe {f} piaffe
piaffieren [selten] to piaffe
pial pial
Pianino {n}cottage piano
Pianino {n} upright piano
Pianino {n} upright [upright piano]
pianische Epoche {f} Pian era [Pius IX through Pius XII]
pianissimo [sehr leise]pianissimo
Pianist {m}pianist
Pianist {m} piano player [pianist]
Pianistenlaufbahn {f} [auch: Pianisten-Laufbahn] pianist's career
Pianistenlaufbahn {f} [auch: Pianisten-Laufbahn] career as a pianist
Pianistik {f}pianistics [treated as sg. or pl.]
Pianistik {f} pianism
Pianistin {f}pianist [female]
Pianistin {f} piano player [female]
pianistisch pianistic
Piano {n}piano
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