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Plausch {m} chitchat
Plausch {m} chinwag [Br.] [coll.]
Plausch {m} [regional] [Plauderei] natter [coll.]
Plausch {m} [ugs.]confab [coll.]
Pläuschchen {n} [ugs.]cosy little chat [Br.]
Plauschecke {f}chat room
plauschen to chat
plauschen to chitchat
plauschento chinwag [Br.] [coll.]
plauschen [südd.] [österr.] [plaudern, schwatzen]to conversate [esp. Am] [coll.] [to converse]
plauschen [ugs.]to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]
plausibelreasonable [plausible]
plausibel seinto stack up [Am.] [coll.] [make sense (e.g. story)]
Plausibilisierung {f} [Plausibilitätskontrolle] plausibility check
Plausibilität {f}plausibility
Plausibilität {f}reasonableness [plausibility]
Plausibilität {f}credibility
Plausibilität {f}colorability [Am.] [plausibility]
Plausibilität {f} [Wahrscheinlichkeit]verisimilitude [of a theory]
Plausibilitätskontrolle {f}plausibility check
Plausibilitätskontrolle {f} reasonableness check
Plausibilitätsprüfung {f}validity check
Plausibilitätsprüfung {f} plausibility check
Plausibilitätsprüfung {f}reasonableness check
Plausibilitätsprüfung {f}sanity check
Plausibilitätsstrukturen {pl} plausibility structures
plausible Begründung {f} plausible reasoning
Plautdietsch {n} Plautdietsch
Plautus {m} Plautus [Titus Maccius Plautus]
Plaut-Vincent-Angina {f}Vincent's angina
Plautze {f} [ugs.] [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [regional] [bes. ostmitteld.] [Plauze] [belly, paunch, or lungs]
Plauze {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Bauch]belly [coll.]
Plauze {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Lunge] lung
Plauze {f} [ugs.] [regional] [Bauch]bread basket [sl.] [stomach]
Plauze {f} [ugs.] [regional] [(dicker) Bauch] gut [coll.] [belly, paunch]
Playa {f} [Salztonebene] playa
Playback {n} playback
Playback singen to mime to a recording
playback singend lip-syncing
Playbook {n}playbook
Playboy {m} playboy
Playboy-Bunny {n} [Person oder Logo]Playboy Bunny [also: Playboy bunny] [person or logo]
Playboy-Häschen {n} [Person oder Logo]Playboy Bunny [also: Playboy bunny] [person or logo]
Player {m}player
Playfairit {m}playfairite [Pb16Sb18S43]
Playgirl {n} playgirl
Playlist {f} playlist
Play-off {n} [auch: Playoff] playoff
Playstation ® {f} <PS> [auch: PlayStation ®, Sony PlayStation ®] playstation <PS> [coll.] [PlayStation ®, Sony PlayStation ®]
Plazebo {n} [Rsv.]placebo
Plazeboantwort {f} placebo response
Plazebos {pl}placebos
Plazenta {f} placenta
Plazenta {f}afterbirth
Plazentabarriere {f}placental barrier
Plazentabildung {f} placenta formation
Plazentadurchmesser {m}placental diameter
plazentagängig sein [z. B. Medikamente] to be able to pass the placental barrier [e.g. medications]
plazentagängig sein [z. B. Medikamente] to be able to cross the placenta [e.g. medications]
Plazentagewebe {n}placental tissue
Plazentahormon {n}placental hormone
Plazentahormone {pl}placental hormones
Plazentainfarkt {m} placental infarct
Plazentainsuffizienz {f}placental insufficiency
plazental placental
Plazentalokalisation {f}placental localization
Plazentalösung {f} placental separation
Plazentalösungsstörung {f} anomaly of placental separation
Plazentamorphologie {f}placental morphology
Plazentaphysiologie {f} placental physiology
plazentar placentary
Plazentarbündel {n} placental bundle
Plazentarestblut {n} [Nabelschnurblut] cord blood <CB>
Plazentareste {pl}placental remnants
Plazentaretention {f} placental retention
Plazentaretention {f} retained placenta [Retentio placentae]
Plazentarschranke {f} placental barrier
Plazentaschranke {f}placental barrier
Plazentatiere {pl} placentals
Plazentatiere {pl} placental mammals [Placentalia]
Plazentatiere {pl} [Unterklasse der Mammalia] Placentalia
Plazentation {f}placentation
Plazentaverkapselung {f} [auch: Plazenta-Verkapselung] placenta encapsulation
Plazentawachstum {n} placental growth
Plazenta-Wachstumsfaktor {m} <PGF, PlGF>placental growth factor <PGF, PlGF>
Plazentografie {f} placentography
Plazentogramm {n} placentogram
Plazentographie {f} placentography
plazentographisch placentographic
Plazentom {n} placentome
Plazentomegalie {f} placentomegaly
Plazentopathie {f} placentopathy
Plazentophagie {f}placentophagy
Plazet {n}placet
plazierbar [alt] placeable
« PlatPlatPlatplatPlatPlauPlazpleiPleopleuPlis »
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