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postglaziale Landhebung {f} postglacial rebound
postglaziale Landhebung {f}glacial isostatic adjustment <GIA>
postglaziale Landhebung {f} post-glacial rebound
Postglazialfauna {f} postglacial fauna [also: post-glacial fauna]
Postglazialflora {f}postglacial flora [also: post-glacial flora]
postgradual postgraduate
postgraduales Studium {n} postgraduate education [Am.]
postgraduales Studium {n}postgraduate course
Postgraduate-Dozent {m}postgraduate university teacher
Postgraduate-Dozent {m} postgraduate university lecturer
Postgraduierter {m}postgraduate
Post-Harntröpfeln {n}post-micturition dribbling <PMD>
Posthaus {n} post house [also: post-house]
Posthektomie {f} posthectomy
posthistorisch post-historical
Posthitis {f}posthitis
Post-hoc-Analyse {f} post-hoc analysis
Post-hoc-Fehlschluss {m} post hoc fallacy
Post-hoc-Mehrfachvergleichstest {m} post-hoc multiple comparison test
Post-hoc-Test {m} post-hoc test
Posthorn {n}posthorn
Posthorn {n}coach horn
Posthörnchen {n}ram's horn squid [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchen {n} little post horn squid [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchen {n} tail-light squid [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchen {n} [Tintenfisch]common spirula [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchen {n} [Tintenfisch] ram's horn [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchen {n} [Tintenfisch] ram's horn shell [Spirula spirula]
Posthörnchenwurm {m}tubeworm [Spirorbis spirorbis]
Posthornschnecke {f}ramshorn snail [Planorbarius corneus] [great ramshorn]
Posthornschnecke {f}great ramshorn [Planorbarius corneus]
Posthornschnecke {f} great ram's-horn snail [Planorbarius corneus, syn.: Planorbis corneus]
Posthornschnecke {f}trumpet shell [Planorbarius corneus]
Posthornschnecke {f} horn-colored ram's horn [Am.]
Posthotel {n} post hotel
Posthumanismus {m} posthumanism
Posthumanist {m} posthumanist
Posthumanistin {f} posthumanist [female]
Posthumanität {f} posthumanity
posthume Fortpflanzung {f}posthumous reproduction
posthypnotische Suggestion {f} posthypnotic suggestion
Postiche {f} [Haarteil] postiche [hairpiece]
Posticheur {m} wigmaker
Posticheur {m} wig maker
postierento position
postiert positioned
Postierung {f} positioning
postiktal postictal
postiktale Parese {f} postictal paresis
postikterisch posticteric
Postille {f} devotional book
Postille {f} sheet
Postille {f}rag [Am.]
Postille {f}postil [homily]
Postillen {pl} postils [homilies]
Postillion {m} postillion [spv.]
Postillion {m} stage-coachman
Postillion {m}postilion
Postillion {m} [Tagfalterart]clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillion {m} [Tagfalterart] common clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillion {m} [Tagfalterart] dark clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillon {m} [Tagfalterart]clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillon {m} [Tagfalterart] dark clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillon {m} [Tagfalterart] common clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]
Postillon d'Amour {m} [hum.] go-between
Postimpressionismus {m} postimpressionism
Post-Impressionismus {m}post-Impressionism
Postimpressionist {m}postimpressionist
Post-Impressionist {m}post-Impressionist
postimpressionistisch postimpressionist
post-impressionistisch post-Impressionistic
postindustriell postindustrial
postindustrielle Gesellschaft {f}post-industrial society
postinfektiös postinfectious
postinfektiöse Arthritis {f} postinfectious arthritis
postinflammatorische Gehörgangsstenose {f}postinflammatory stenosis of the auditory canal
postinflammatorische mediale meatale Fibrose {f} <PIMMF> postinflammatory medial meatal fibrosis <PIMMF>
Posting {n}post
postinterventionell post-interventional
Postischämiesyndrom {n}postischemic syndrome [Am.]
Postischämiesyndrom {n}postischaemic syndrome [Br.]
postischämischpost-ischaemic [Br.]
postischämischpostischemic [Am.]
Postit {m}postite [Mg(H2O)6Al2(OH)2(H2O)8(V10O28)·13H2O]
postjurassisch post-Jurassic
Post-Kala-Azar-Hautleishmaniose {f}post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis <PKDL>
postkambrisch post-Cambrian
Postkardiotomiesyndrom {n} postcardiotomy syndrome
Postkardiotomie-Syndrom {n}postcardiotomy syndrome
Postkardiotomieversagen {n}postcardiotomy failure
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