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« zurückSeite 426 für den Anfangsbuchstaben P im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Programmauswertung {f} program evaluation <PE> [Am.]
Programmautomatik {f} [Belichtung] program exposure [Am.]
Programmbank {f} program bank
Programmbaustein {m}program module [Am.]
Programmbeendigung {f} program termination [Am.]
Programmbefehl {m}program command
Programmbefehl {m} program instruction
Programmbegleiterin {f} hostess
Programmbeispiel {n} sample program
Programmbereich {m} programme sector [Br.]
Programmbereich {m} program sector [Am.]
Programmbereich {m} <PB>partition
Programmbeschreibung {f} program description [Am.]
Programmbeschreibung {f} description of program [Am.]
Programmbeschreibung {f} program description
Programmbeschreibung {f} description of programme [Br.]
Programmbeschreibung {f}programme description [Br.]
Programmbesprechung {f}programme review [Br.]
Programmbezeichnung {f}program name [Am.]
Programmbibliothek {f}program library
Programmbibliothek {f} library
Programmbibliothek {f} library of programs [Am.]
Programmbibliothek {f} routine library
Programmbinder {m}linker
Programmblock {m} block of programming
Programmcode {m}program code
Programmcode {m} [ugs.] [Quelltext, Quellcode] source code
Programmdatei {f} program file
Programmdatei {f} [ausführbare Datei]executable (file)
Programmdatenbank {f} <PDB>program database <PDB>
Programmdauer {f} duration of (the) program [Am.]
Programmdauer {f}duration of (the) programme [Br.]
Programmdauer {f} length of (the) program [Am.]
Programmdauer {f}length of (the) programme [Br.]
Programmdesign {n}program design
Programmdirektor {m} program director [Am.]
Programmdirektor {m} programme director [Br.]
Programmdokumentation {f} program documentation [Am.]
Programmdurchlauf {m} (program) run
Programme {pl} programs [Am.]
Programme {pl} programmes [Br.]
Programme of Activities {n} <PoA> [CDM-Projekttyp] [Kyoto-Protokoll] programme [Br.] of activities <PoA, PoAs> [Kyoto Protocol]
Programmebene {f} level of program [Am.]
Programmebene {f}program level
Programmeigenschaften {pl}program properties [characteristics]
Programmeingabe {f}program input [Am.]
Programmeinheit {f} program unit [Am.]
Programmeinheit {f}programme unit [Br.]
Programmelement {n}program item
Programmelement {n}program element
Programmempfehlungen {pl}program recommendations [Am.]
Programmempfehlungen {pl} programme recommendations [Br.]
Programmende {n} end of program [Am.]
Programmende {n} program end [Am.]
Programmentwicklung {f} program development [Am.]
Programmentwicklung {f} programme development [Br.]
Programmentwicklungsphase {f}(software) construction phase
Programmentwicklungssystem {n} program development system <PDS>
Programmentwicklungssystem {n}software tool
Programmentwicklungswerkzeug {n} software tool
Programmerweiterung {f}program expansion [Am.]
Programmevaluation {f}program evaluation [Am.]
Programmevaluierung {f} program evaluation [Am.]
Programmevaluierung {f} programme evaluation [Br.]
Programmfehler {m} bug
Programmfehler {m}program error [Am.]
Programmfehler {m} program fault [Am.]
Programmfehler {m}program error
Programmfehler {m}software bug <SW bug>
Programmfehlerbeseitigung {f} program debugging
Programmfehlerfreiheit {f} software integrity
Programmflussdiagramm {n} programming flowchart
Programmfolge {f} program sequence [Am.]
Programmformat {n} program format [Am.]
Programmformate {pl} program formats [Am.]
Programmformate {pl} programme formats [esp. Br.]
Programmformel {f} programmatic formula
Programmfortsetzung {f} program continuation [Am.]
Programmgeber {m} control timer
programmgemäßaccording to programme [Br.]
programmgemäß as arranged
programmgemäß [nach Plan] according to plan
programmgemäß [wie geplant] as planned
Programmgenerator {m} <PG>program generator <PG>
Programmgestaltung {f}programming
programmgesteuert program-controlled
programmgesteuert programme-controlled [Br.]
Programmgröße {f}program size
Programmhaltepunkt {m} checkpoint
Programmhandel {m}program trading [Am.]
Programmheft {n}playbill [Am.]
Programmheft {n}programme [Br.]
Programmheft {n} [Theater] bill [a programme of entertainment at a theatre or cinema]
Programmhinweis {m}programme announcement [Br.]
Programmhinweis {m}program announcement [Am.]
Programmhinweis {m} programming note
Programmhinweis {m} [kurze Vorschau]teaser
Programmieradapter {m}programming adapter
Programmieranalytiker {m} [selten] programmer analyst
« ProfProfProfProfprogProgProgProgProgProgProj »
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