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prophezeiend predicting
prophezeiend boding
prophezeiend presaging
prophezeiend prophesying
prophezeiend prefiguring
prophezeiend prognosticative
Prophezeier {m}prophet
prophezeit predicted
Prophezeiung Prophecy [John Frankenheimer]
Prophezeiung {f}prediction
Prophezeiung {f}augury
Prophezeiung {f} presage
Prophezeiung {f}prophecy
Prophezeiung {f}augur
Prophezeiung {f} divination
Prophezeiungen {pl}auguries
Prophezeiungen {pl} prophecies
Prophezeiungen machen to prophesy
prophylaktisch prophylactical
prophylaktisch prophylactic
prophylaktische Antibiotika {pl} prophylactic antibiotics
prophylaktische Antibiotikabehandlung {f}prophylactic antibiotic treatment
prophylaktische Antibiotikatherapie {f} prophylactic antibiotic therapy
prophylaktische Behandlung {f} prophylactic treatment
prophylaktische Maßnahmen ergreifento take prophylactic measures
prophylaktische Mastektomie {f} <PM> prophylactic mastectomy <PM>
prophylaktische restaurative Zahnheilkunde {f} interceptive restorative dentistry
prophylaktische Therapie {f} prophylactic therapy
prophylaktisches Antibiotikum {n} prophylactic antibiotic
Prophylaxe {f} prophylaxis
Prophylaxe {f} prevention
Prophylaxe {f} der venösen Thromboembolieprophylaxis against venous thromboembolism
Prophylaxe {f} von Krankheiten prophylaxis of diseases
Prophylaxekonzept {n} prophylaxis concept
Prophyll {n}prophyll
Propidiumiodid {n} <PI>propidium iodide <PI>
Propidiumjodid {n} <PI>propidium iodide <PI>
Propilidium tasmanicum {f} [Meeresschneckenart] Tasmanian limpet [Propilidium tasmanicum, syn.: Acmaea eccentrica, A. parva tasmanica, Cocculina meridionalis]
Propin {n} propyne [C3H4]
Propiolsäure {f} propiolic acid
Propionaldehyd {m} propionaldehyde [C3H6O, C2H5CHO]
Propionat {n} propionate
Propionazidämie {f} <PA> propionic acidaemia <PA> [Br.]
Propionazidämie {f} <PA> propionic acidemia <PA> [Am.]
Propionibakterien- propionibacterial
Propionibakterien {pl} [auch: Propioni-Bakterien] [Propionsäurebakterien] propionibacteria <PB, Pb> [also: Propioni bacteria, propioni bacteria]
Propionsäure {f} propionic acid [E-280]
Propionsäurerest {m}propionic acid residue
Propionylgruppe {f} [auch: Propionyl-Gruppe] propionyl group
propionylierento propionylate
Propionylierung {f}propionylation
Propiophenon {n} propiophenone [C9H10O]
Proplasie {f} proplasia
Proplastid {m} proplastid
Propleuron {n} propleuron
Proplyd {n} [kurz für: protoplanetare Scheibe] proplyd [short for: protoplanetary disk]
Propodium {n} propodium
Propodosoma {n} propodosoma
Propofol {n} propofol
Propolis {f} propolis
Propolis {f} bee glue
Propolis {f} [Bienenharz] hive dross
Proponent {m} proponent
Proponentin {f} proponent [female]
Proportion {f} proportion
proportional proportional
proportional proportionally
proportional adequate
proportional proportionately
proportional proportionate
proportional elastische Nachfrage {f} unit elastic demand
proportional zu etw. [Dat.]proportional to sth. [postpos. or pred.]
proportional zum / zur in proportion to
Proportionaldruck {m} proportionally spaced printing
proportionale Deckung {f} proportional cover
proportionale druckunterstützte Beatmung {f} <PPS-Beatmung> proportional pressure support <PPS>
proportionale Größe {f} proportional size
proportionale Probenahme {f} proportional sampling
proportionale Schrift {f} proportional font
proportionale Verteilung {f}proportional allotment
proportionale Verteilungsregel {f}SOC rule [shared ordering costs rule]
proportionaler Anteil {m} proportionate share
proportionaler Kostensatz {m} proportional cost rate
proportionaler Optionsverkauf {m}ratio writing
proportionaler Steuersatz {m}flat rate tax
proportionaler Steuertarif {m} graduated tax
proportionaler Tarif {m} mit konstantem Steuersatzflat tax
proportionales Hazardmodell {n} nach Cox Cox proportional hazards model
proportionales Raster {n} proportional grid
Proportionalität {f}proportionality
« PromPromPromPronProppropPropProsprosProsprot »
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