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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: reden
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: reden

to talk
to speak
to argue
to discourse
to orate
Reden {pl}
Reden {n}
Mein Reden. [ugs.] [Das sage ich doch schon die ganze Zeit]
That's what I've been saying (all the time).
Mein Reden. [ugs.] [Das sage ich doch schon seit Wochen / Jahren]
I've been saying that for weeks / years. [I told you so]
Reden schwingend [pej.]
orating {adj} {pres-p}
Reden Sie! [formelle Anrede]
Pipe up! [coll.] [Speak up!]
Blabla reden [ugs.]
to talk nonsense / rubbish
Blech reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to talk drivel [idiom]
Blödsinn reden [ugs.]
to talk rot [coll.]
to talk trash [coll.]
dagegen reden
to speak to the contrary
drumherum reden [ugs.]
to beat around the bush [coll.] [idiom]
durcheinander reden
to all talk at once
to all speak at once
to all talk at the same time
to all speak at the same time
eintönig reden
to drone [speak monotonously]
frei reden
to speak without notes
frei reden [ohne abzulesen]
to speak extempore
gestelzt reden
to talk in an affected way [falsely genteel]
großspurig reden [pej.]
to talk big [coll.] [idiom]
hochgestochen reden
to talk posh [Br.] [coll.]ling.
jdn. reden lassen
to let sb. talk
Kohl reden [ugs.]
to talk rubbish
langatmig reden
to drone on
to spiel [coll.]
langsam reden
to be slow of speech
Makulatur reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to talk nonsense
mit jdm. reden
to talk to sb.
to have a word with sb.
Mumpitz reden [ugs.]
to talk rot [coll.]
oberflächlich reden
to smatter
offen reden
to speak boldly
to make a clean breast of it
pomphaft reden
to declaim
Quark reden [ugs.]
to talk rubbish
Quatsch reden [ugs.]
to talk rot [coll.]
to talk trash [coll.]
Reden schwingen [Redewendung]
to orate [give speeches]
scheinheilig reden
to cant
Schwachsinn reden [ugs.]
to talk drivel
Stuss reden [ugs.] [pej.]
to talk nonsense
Tacheles reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to do some frank talking
to do some straight talking
to talk turkey [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
to talk up [speak distinctly and openly]
Tachles reden [österr.] [jidd.]
to do some straight talking
töricht reden
to footle
Unsinn reden
to talk nonsense
to haver [Scot.]
to blether [Scot.]
to talk piffle [coll.]
to blather [Br.] [coll.]
to drivel [talk nonsense]
Unsinn reden [faseln]
to babble
vergeblich reden
to spend one's breath
to waste one's breath
vernünftig reden
to talk sense
to speak sense
to reason [talk sensibly]
viel reden
to talk a lot
von etw.Dat. reden
to talk about sth.
weinerlich reden
to bleat [coll.] [pej.] [of a person]
zweideutig reden
to equivocate
to tergiversate [equivocate]
aufrührerische Reden {pl}
incendiary speeches [mostly dated]pol.
Tacheles Reden {n} [ugs.] [jidd.]
plain talking
öffentliches Reden {n}
public speakingrhet.
Darf ich reden?
Am I allowed to speak?
Wir müssen reden.
We need to talk.
Wir reden miteinander. [Haltung]
We are on speaking terms.
Worüber reden sie?
What are they talking about?
(einen) Dünnschiss {m} reden [vulg.]
to suffer from diarrhea of the mouth [Am.] [coll.]
(einen) Dünnschiss reden [vulg.]
to have diarrhea of the mouth [Am.] [vulg.]
(mit jdm.) offen reden
to talk turkey (with sb.) [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
(mit jdm.) sachlich reden
to talk turkey (with sb.) [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
(mit jdm.) über etw.Akk. reden [über Bücher etc.]
to talk sth. (with sb.) [e.g. talked books / ideas (with her)]
aufrührerische Reden führen
to rabble-rouse
ausführlich über etw. reden
to discant on / upon sth. [literary] [spv.] [discourse on a theme]
ausführlich über jdn./etw. reden
to dilate on upon sb./sth. [formal]
belangloses Zeug reden [ugs.]
to shoot the breeze [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
dauernd über etw. reden
to go on about sth.
to be on about sth. [Br.] [coll.]
dummes Zeug reden
to twaddle [coll.]
to talk through one's hat [idiom]
dummes Zeug reden [ugs.]
to blether [Br.] [coll.]
etw.Dat. das Wort reden
to put the case for sth.
große Reden halten [pej.]
to spout [coll.] [pej.] [talk or speak at some length or in an oratorical manner]
große Reden schwingen [ugs.]
to talk big [coll.]
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