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« zurückSeite 1157 für den Anfangsbuchstaben S im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Ständerschleifmaschine {f} pedestal grinder
Ständerschleifmaschine {f} pedestal grinding machine
Ständerwand {f}stud partition wall
Ständerwerk {n}frame work
Standesamt {n}registry office
Standesamt {n}civil registry office
Standesamt {n} register office
Standesamt {n} registrar's office [Br.]
Standesamt {n}bureau of vital statistics [Am.]
Standesamt {n}county clerk's office [Am.]
standesamtlich getraut married in a civil ceremony [postpos.]
standesamtlich heiraten to get married at a registry office [Br.]
standesamtlich heiraten to get married in a civil (wedding) ceremony
standesamtlich heiraten to be married by the registrar [Br.]
standesamtlich heiraten to get married in a registry office
standesamtlich heiraten to have a civil marriage
standesamtliche Bescheinigung {f} certificate from/by the registry office
standesamtliche Heirat {f} registry office wedding [Br.]
standesamtliche Heirat {f} civil wedding
standesamtliche Trauung {f} civil marriage
standesamtliche Trauung {f}register office wedding
standesamtliche Trauung {f} registry office wedding [Br.]
standesamtliche Trauung {f} civil wedding
standesamtliche Trauung {f}town hall wedding
Standesamtsbezirk {m} registration district
Standesbeamter {m}registrar
Standesbeamter {m} für Eheschließungen marriage registrar
Standesbeamtin {f}registrar [female]
standesbewusst status-conscious
Standesbewusstsein {n} pride of rank
Standesbewusstsein {n} class consciousness
Standesbewußtsein {n} [alt] pride of rank
Standesdünkel {m} [pej.]professional pride
Standesdünkel {m} [pej.] snobbery
Standesehre {f} professional honour [Br.]
Standesehre {f} honor as a nobleman [Am.]
Standeserhöhung {f} [promotion to the aristocracy or to a higher position within the arictocracy]
Standesethik {f}professional ethics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
Standesgehalt {n} maintenance [part of the salary of a civil servant in Bavaria]
standesgemäßbefitting one's social status [postpos.]
standesgemäß standardized [brought into conformity with a social standard]
standesgemäß normalized [conforming to a social norm or standard]
standesgemäß befitting one's rank
standesgemäßhaving basic rules or protocols
standesgemäß heiraten to marry within one's social class
standesgemäßes Benehmen {n} professional conduct
Standesgenosse {m} [veraltet]peer [person of the same rank or standing]
Standesgenossen {pl} professional brethren
Standesgenossin {f} [veraltet]peer [female person of the same rank or standing]
standesgerecht befittingly
Standesherr {m}mediatized prince
standesherrlich mediatized
Standesherrschaft {f} mediatized territory
Standeskontrolle {f} [österr.] [Appell, Parole] roll call
Standesorganisation {f}professional association
Standesperson {f} person of rank
Standesperson {f}person of high estate
Standesperson {f} person of quality [person of high estate]
Standespflicht {f}professional obligation
Standespflichten {pl} professional duties
Standespolitik {f}professional policies {pl}
Standesprivileg {n} class privilege
Standesrecht {n}rules of professional conduct
Standesrecht {n} der Architekten Architects Law
standesrechtliche Regeln {pl}conduct rules
standesrechtliche Richtlinien {pl} conduct rules
Standesregeln {pl} [einer Berufsgruppe]professional standards
Standesschranken {pl}class barriers
Standessprache {f} jargon [of a social group or profession]
Standessymbol {n} status symbol
Ständestaat {m}corporative state
Ständestaat {m} estatist state
ständestaatlich corporative state
Standesunterschied {m} class distinction
Standesurkunde {f} [Personenstandsurkunde] civil status certificate
Standesvertreter {m}representative of a professional association
Standesvertretung {f}professional body
Standesvertretung {f}professional association
standeswidriges Verhalten {n} unprofessional conduct
standeswidriges Verhalten {n} professional misconduct
Ständetheater {n} [Prag] Estates Theatre [Stavovské divadlo] [Prague]
Ständeversammlung {f}assembly of the estates
standfest stable
standfest firm
standfest [Essen]substantial [meal]
standfeste Eiche {f} sturdy oak
standfeste Leiter {f}stable ladder
standfestes Gebirge {n}competent rock
Standfestigkeit {f}stableness
Standfestigkeit {f} stability
Standfestigkeit {f} vertical stability
Standfestigkeit {f} [fig.] steadfastness
Standfigur {f}standing figure [statue]
Standfisch {m}resident fish
Standfisch {m} non-migratory fish
Standfläche {f} floor space
Standfläche {f} stand space
Standfläche {f} footprint
« StanStanStanStanStanStänStanstänstänStanStan »
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