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Softshell-Material {n} softshell material
Soft-Skill-Management-Training {n} soft skill management training
Software {f} software <SW>
Software {f} auf Windows-Basis Windows-based software
Software {f} basierend auf WindowsWindows-based software
Software as a Service <SaaS> [Bereitstellung von Software über das Internet]software as a service <SaaS>
Software auf dem Computer installierento install software on the computer
Software aufspielen to install software
Software Development Kit {n} <SDK>software development kit <SDK>
Software Requirements Specification {f} <SRS> [umfasst das Lastenheft wie auch das Pflichtenheft]software requirements specification <SRS>
Software- und Steuerungstechnologie {f} software and control technology
(Software-)Paketverwaltung {f} package management system <PMS>
Software-Agent {m} [auch: Softwareagent]software agent [software artificial intelligence]
Software-Anbieter {m} software provider
Software-Anforderungsspezifikation {f} <SAS> software requirements specification <SRS>
Softwareanwender {m}software user
Softwareanwendung {f} <SW-Anwendung> software application <SW application>
Software-Anwendung {f} <SW-Anwendung> software application <SW application>
Software-Anwendungen {pl}software applications <apps>
Softwarearchäologie {f} software archaeology
Software-Archäologie {f} software archaeology
Softwarearchitektur {f}software architecture
Software-Architektur {f} <SA> software architecture <SA>
Softwareauswahl {f} software selection
Softwareauswahl {f}choice of software
Software-Baustein {m} software component
Softwareberater {m} software consultant
Softwareberaterin {f} software consultant [female]
Softwarebeschreibung {f} software description
Softwarebibliothek {f} software library
Softwarebranche {f} software industry
Softwarebremse {f}slowdown software
Software-Design-Beschreibung {f} [auch engl. Abk.: SDD]software design description <SDD>
Software-Design-Spezifikation {f} <SDS> software design specification <SDS>
Softwareeinführung {f}software introduction
Software-Element {n} <SE> software element <SE>
Softwareentwickler {m} software developer
Softwareentwickler {m} software engineer
Softwareentwickler {m} software designer
Software-Entwickler {m}software developer
Softwareentwicklerin {f} software engineer [female]
Softwareentwicklerin {f} software developer [female]
Software-Entwicklung {f}software development
Softwareentwicklung {f} software development
Softwareentwicklung {f} software engineering
Softwareentwicklungsbaukasten {m}software development kit <SDK>
Software-Entwicklungsfehler {m} software development error
Software-Entwicklungskosten {pl}software development costs
Softwareentwicklungslebenszyklus {m} <SDLC> software development life cycle <SDLC>
Software-Entwicklungsmodelle {pl} models of software design
Softwareentwicklungssystem {n} software development kit <SDK>
Softwareentwicklungssystem {n} software development system
Softwareentwicklungsumgebung {f} software development environment
Software-Entwicklungswerkzeug {n} [Programmierwerkzeug]software development tool
Software-Entwurf {m} software design
Software-Entwurfstechnik {f} software design methods
Software-Ergonomie {f}software ergonomics
Software-Erkennung {f}software identification
Software-Erstellung {f} software programming
Softwareerstellungs- und -anpassungsvertrag {m} software programming and customizing agreement
Software-Erstellungsprozess {m}software build
Software-Evaluation {f} software evaluation
Softwareevaluierung {f} software evaluation
Softwarefamilie {f} software family
Softwarefehler {m} software fault
Softwarefehler {m} software bug
Softwarefehler {m}software glitch [coll.]
Softwarefirma {f}software company
Softwarefirmen {pl} software companies
Softwarefunktion {f} software function
Softwaregenerator {m} software generator
Software-Haus {n}software house
Softwarehaus {n}software company
Software-Hersteller {m} software producer
Softwarehersteller {m} software manufacturer
Softwarehersteller {m} [auch: Software-Hersteller] software producer
Softwareherstellerin {f} software manufacturer [female]
Software-Implementierung {f} [auch: Softwareimplementierung]software implementation
Softwareindustrie {f} software industry
Software-Industrie {f}software industry
Softwareingenieur {m} software engineer
Softwareingenieurin {f}software engineer [female]
Softwareinstallation {f} <SW-Installation>software installation <SW installation>
Softwareintegration {f} [auch: Software-Integration]software integration <SI>
softwareintensive Systeme {pl} software-intensive systems
Softwareinterrupt {m} <SW-Interrupt> [auch: Software-Interrupt]software interrupt <SW interrupt>
Softwarekombination {f}mixed software
Software-Kompatibilität {f}software compatibility
Software-Kompatibilitätsliste {f} <SW-Kompatibilitätsliste> software compatibility list <SW compatibility list>
Softwarekomponente {f} <SK>software component <SC>
Software-Komponente {f} <SK> software component <SC>
Software-Komponentenversion {f} software-component version
Softwarekonfiguration {f} software configuration
Softwarekonfigurationsmanagement {n} <SKM>software configuration management <SCM>
Software-Konfigurationsmanagementplan {m} [auch engl. Abk.: SCMP] software configuration management plan <SCMP>
Softwarekonzern {m} [auch: Software-Konzern] software group
Softwarekrise {f} software crisis
Softwarelebenszyklus {m} [auch: Software-Lebenszyklus]software life cycle
« SocisodasofesofosofoSoftSoftSogkSoirSokoSola »
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