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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: sobald
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: sobald

once {conj} [as soon as]
when {conj} [as soon as]
immediately {conj} [Br.]
just as {conj}
as soon as {conj}
the moment {conj} [as soon as]
as soon as ever [archaic]
sobald du kannst
as soon as you can {adv}
sobald er ankam
as soon as he arrived {adv}
sobald er heimkommt
as soon as he comes home
sobald er zurückkam
the minute he returned
as soon as he returned
sobald ich kann
as soon as I can
sobald Sie können
at your earliest convenience {adv}
sobald wie möglich [alt]
as soon as may be {adv}
sobald wir ankamen
as soon as we arrived
sofern und sobald
if and when {conj}
as far and as soon as
sobald die Saison beginnt
as soon as the season opens
sobald die Sonne untergeht
as soon as the sun sets
sobald du gegangen warst
after you (had) left
sobald er gegangen war
as soon as he had gone {adv}
sobald er sie sah
as soon as he saw her
sobald er sie sah [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as he saw them
sobald er sie sieht [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
as soon as he sees them
sobald es bekannt wurde
as soon as the word was out {adv} [idiom]
sobald es hell wird
at first light {adv}
sobald es mir passt
as soon as it suits me
sobald etwas frei wird [eine Arbeitsstelle, eine Wohnung etc.]
as soon as a vacancy occurs {adv} [a job opening, an apartment, etc.]
sobald ich es sah
as soon as I caught sight of it {adv}
sobald ich etwas höre
as soon as I hear anything {adv}
sobald ich fertig bin
as soon as I have finished {adv}
sobald ich ihn erblickte
as soon as I had set eyes on him {adv}
sobald ich ihn sah
as soon as I saw him {adv}
sobald ich sie sah
the instant I saw her
sobald ich zurück bin
as soon as I am back {adv}
as soon as I get back {adv}
sobald sie ihn sah
as soon as she saw him {adv}
sobald der Pachtvertrag ausgelaufen ist
as soon as the lease has expired {adv}
sobald die Sonne untergegangen ist
as soon as the sun has set {adv}
sobald die Umstände es erlauben
as soon as circumstances allow {adv}
as soon as circumstances permit {adv}
as soon as (the) circumstances (shall) permit
sobald du mit dem Kochen fertig bist
after you finish cooking
sobald es die Umstände zulassen
as soon as (the) circumstances (shall) allow
sobald es Ihnen möglich ist
at your earliest convenience [business]
sobald ich das auf die Seite gelegt habe
as soon as I have put this away {adv}
sobald ich das Geld habe
as soon as I get the money {adv}
sobald ich das Telegramm bekam
as soon as I got the telegram
sobald ich den Brief erhalte
as soon as I receive the letter
sobald ich mich umgedreht hatte
as soon as my back was turned
sobald ich mich wohler fühle
as soon as I feel better
Sobald ich mit der Präsentation anfing, trat der Vorführeffekt ein.
Just when I was starting the presentation, Finagle's law set in.idiom
sobald meine Zeit mir erlaubt
as soon as my time allows
sobald sich eine Gelegenheit ergibt
as soon as an opportunity arises
sobald sich eine Möglichkeit ergibt
as soon as an opportunity arises
sobald wir das Zelt aufgestellt hatten
as soon as we had the tent up
etw. tun, sobald man Zeit hat
to do sth. when time permits
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