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« zurückSeite 174 für den Anfangsbuchstaben T im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
Thymusdrüse {f}thymus gland
Thymushyperplasie {f} thymus hyperplasia
Thymushyperplasie {f} thymic hyperplasia
Thymushypoplasie {f}thymus hypoplasia
Thymustransplantation {f}transplantation of a thymus gland
Thymuszyste {f} thymus cyst
Thyratron {n}thyratron
Thyreocalcitonin {n} thyreocalcitonin
Thyreochondrotomie {f} [Thyreotomie] thyrochondrotomy [thyrotomy]
Thyreoglobulin {n} <TG> thyroglobulin <Tg>
thyreoidal thyroid
Thyreoidea {f} thyroid
thyreoideastimulierend thyroid-stimulating
Thyreoidektomie {f} thyroidectomy
Thyreoiditis {f}thyroiditis
thyreoidstimulierendes Hormon {n} <TSH> thyroid-stimulating hormone <TSH>
Thyreoperoxidase {f} <TPO> thyroperoxidase <TPO>
Thyreoperoxidase {f} <TPO>thyroid peroxidase <TPO>
Thyreoplastik {f}thyreoplasty
Thyreostatica {pl}antithyroid drugs
Thyreostatika {pl}thyreostatic drugs
Thyreostatikum {n} thyrostat
thyreostatisch thyreostatic
Thyreotomie {f}thyroidotomy [thyrotomy]
Thyreotomie {f}median laryngotomy [thyrotomy]
Thyreotomie {f}thyrofissure [thyrotomy]
Thyreotomie {f} [operative Schildknorpeldurchtrennung]thyrotomy [incision of the larynx through the thyroid cartilage]
Thyreotoxikose {f} [Schilddrüsenvergiftung] thyrotoxicosis
thyreotoxisch thyrotoxic
thyreotoxische Krise {f} thyrotoxic crisis
thyreotoxische Krise {f}thyroid storm [thyrotoxic crisis]
thyreotoxisches Koma {n} thyrotoxic coma
Thyreotropin {n}thyroidea stimulating hormone <TSH>
Thyristor {m}thyristor
Thyristor {m} [gesteuerter Silizium-Gleichrichter]silicon-controlled rectifier <SCR>
Thyristordiode {f}thyristor diode
Thyristoren {pl} thyristors
Thyristor-Hochspannungsschaltwerk {n}thyristor high voltage switch gear
Thyristorschalter {m} thyristor switch
Thyroidea-stimulierendes Hormon {n} <TSH>thyroidea stimulating hormone <TSH>
Thyroidektomie {f}thyroidectomy
Thyroiditis {f} thyroiditis
Thyroliberin {n} <TRH> thyroliberine <TRH>
Thyrostatikum {n} [selten] [Thyreostatikum]thyreostatic (agent)
Thyroxin {n} thyroxine
Thyroxin {n} thyroxin
Thyroxinbildung {f} thyroxine formation
thyroxinbindend thyroxine-binding
thyroxinbindendes Globulin {n} <TBG> thyroxine-binding globulin <TBG>
Thyroxinmolekül {n} thyroxine molecule
Thyrsosstab {m}thyrsus
Thyrsosstab {m}thyrsos
Thyrusholz {n} thyrus wood
Thysanopteren {pl}thysanopterans [order Thysanoptera]
Thysanopteren {pl}thrips
Thysanopterenart {f}thysanopteran species
Thysanopterenart {f} Thysanoptera species
Thysanopterenart {f}thrips species
Thysanopterenart {f}species of thrips
Thysanopterenfauna {f} [Fransenflüglerfauna]thysanopteran fauna
Thysanopterengattung {f} Thysanoptera genus
Thysanopterengattung {f} thysanopteran genus
Thysanopterengattung {f} genus of thrips
Tiabendazol {n} <TBZ> tiabendazole <TBZ>
Tiahuanaco {n} Tiwanaku
Tian Shan {m} Tian Shan
Tian'anmen-Platz {m} Tiananmen Square
Tianjin {n} Tianjin
Tianjin {n} Tientsin
Tianshan-Birkenmaus {f}Tien Shan birch mouse [Sicista tianshanica, syn.: Sminthus tianschanicus]
Tianshan-Rötelmaus {f} Tien Shan red-backed vole [Myodes centralis]
Tiaprid {n}tiapride [C15H24N2O4S]
Tiara {f}tiara
Tiber {m} {veraltet auch: f}Tiber
Tiberbarbe {f} Italian barbel [Barbus plebejus]
Tiberbarbe {f} Padanian barbel [Barbus plebejus]
Tibermündung {f}mouth of the Tiber
Tiberufer {n} bank of the Tiber
Tibesti {n} Tibesti
Tibestigebirge {n}Tibesti Mountains {pl}
Tibet {n}Tibet
Tibetammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] Tibetan bunting [Emberiza koslowi]
Tibetammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] Koslow's bunting [Emberiza koslowi]
Tibetan Spaniel {m} Tibetan spaniel
Tibetan Terrier {m} Tibetan terrier
Tibetaner {m} Tibetan
Tibetaner {pl}Tibetans
Tibetanerin {f} Tibetan [female]
tibetanisch Tibetan
Tibetanische Lärche {f}Tibetan larch [Larix potaninii var. potaninii, syn.: Larix potaninii var. australis, Larix thibetica]
Tibetanische Zwergmispel {f} necklace cotoneaster [Cotoneaster conspicuus]
Tibetanische Zwergmispel {f} wintergreen cotoneaster [Cotoneaster conspicuus]
Tibetanische Zwergmispel {f} Tibetan cotoneaster [Cotoneaster conspicuus]
Tibetanischer Bärenmakak {m} Tibetan macaque [Macaca thibetana, also Macaca pullus]
Tibetanischer Bärenmakak {m} Chinese stump-tailed macaque [Macaca thibetana, also Macaca pullus]
« ThorThrathroThueThürThymTibeTicktieftiefTief »
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